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Hello!? Have I come to the Saxo forum by mistake?! :unsure:

I thought for one moment I was on the Lexus forum - you know - for more discerning, choosy individuals who like the best.

Geoffers: If you haven't got the balls to climb off the fence then why bother contributing? I am still waiting for you to say anything of any merit.

Ragsy: That is one of the funniest comments I have ever heard! Pray tell the world where you discovered your "facts" about apple. Or dare I say it are you just repeating what you have heard?

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face - that is the best example I have EVER heard. Thanks! :)

If you people for one second stopped to think and research rather than trying to justify your messed up Windoze purchases, then most people on this board would benefit HUGELY from switching to apple Macs, just like people are doing switching to Iphone.

You people make me laugh. The only person you are doing down is yourself with all this anti-Apple stuff. You are stopping yourself from joining the Lexus forum of computers and sticking with the Saxo boys outside Burger King. Well done!!

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Hello!? Have I come to the Saxo forum by mistake?! :unsure:

I thought for one moment I was on the Lexus forum - you know - for more discerning, choosy individuals who like the best.

Geoffers: If you haven't got the balls to climb off the fence then why bother contributing? I am still waiting for you to say anything of any merit.

Ragsy: That is one of the funniest comments I have ever heard! Pray tell the world where you discovered your "facts" about Apple. Or dare I say it are you just repeating what you have heard?

Hi Tyger, don't believe we've met - but nice to meet you!

My gripes with apple started with the fact that I was paying 7 quid or so for an MP3 album (sorry - it wasn't actually an MP3 album - the tracks were coded!) which wouldn't play on anything other than an apple product! (Well it would, but I had to spend half an hour dicking round with it! )

This ran onto me despising the fact that any apple product will do what you want it to do so long as it's using Steve Jobs' software.

I could go on, but I won't. I don't want to get involved see. I don't love Microsoft - it's just that their products are far far far better in terms of software, flexibility and versatility for the layman than apple products are. Oh and they are usually cheaper! Mr jobs' innovation doesn't half come at a cost!

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Hi. *waves*

OK so you bought an album (AAC(MP4) not MP3 - apple use AAC which is a far more efficient codec and gives far better sound / bit than MP3) from iTunes which was not from the iTunes Plus selection (which is DRM FREE and double the bitrate for the same price) after reading the T&Cs of course and you are not happy with what you bought. And this is Apple's fault?

The ONLY reason DRM is present at ALL on iTunes is thanks to the music cartels and not apple. Steve Jobs has been championing DRM Free music for years.

ANY songs bought from iTunes can be burnt onto a CD and are then DRM free. It's not THAT hard to circumvent the music (*****) companies DRM...

The AAC files can be downconverted to MP3 within iTunes and can be played on any player you wish. Although what on Earth anyone is doing playing tunes on anything but an iPod is anyone's guess.

Microsoft products are "better"? And "cheaper"?

Would you care to break down the price of Windows for me? Or M$ Office? And explain to me how these are cheap compared to apple software? You will be suprised. It is a complete myth about apple prices. You need to look at Value For Money rather than the price on the box.

Flexible and versatile? *scratches head*

I can run far more software on my Mac than anyone can on a Windoze box.

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This is turning into a farce post - and could continue on indefinately because there are Mac lovers and Mac haters.

In the interests of keeping this forum dignified - Can I suggest we possibly close this argument? Its now not benefitting anyone.

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I will admit to not reading this whole thread, its got quite long!

Dont mean to hijack Gords topic here, but i think its a bit late for that now, and not worth starting another.

Can any of you phone bofins comment on which phone is best for TV output, mainly for in car use? (Bit optimistic to expect it to interface with my touch screen i suppose!)

Will need a phone soon and the shortlist so far is: X1, Optima, Iphone, N96.

I know the Nokia has 3.5mm jack for easy connection, i've always had Nokias, but i'm a bit put off now by the many, many problems i've had with my N95, and N73 before that.

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perhaps so but you do get free unlimited access to bt openzone and the cloud wireless hotspots

Don't think you get that with other networks although I stand to be corrected on that

Only on the Iphone packages. I have an £30/month O2 contract (BTW, it's excellent on both 3G and EDGE in the areas I need it to be - sharply better than the Orange coverage on my girlfriend's phone) and it certainly doesn't come with any hotspot deals. So I think it's the Iphone tariff that has that, because they are focussed on the data side in addition to telephone calls/text messages.

EDIT: O2 better than Orange *where we need it*. Some nets are better in some places than others, always has been and always will be.

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You only have to google iPhone and o2 3g and it brings up tons of complaints about shoddy sub standard network coverage....think you need to come back down from what ever Mac cloud you're sitting on....

It probably will bring up loads of complaints, but that doesn't make them right. There are 3 people sat within 5 yards of me right now with 3G iPhones. All are on O2 (obviously), as am I with my SE K850i. I have a solid 5-bar signal strength on both 3G and 2G EDGE, none of them have more than 2 bars. I am well aware that the number of bars shown on screen is simply a software function, but something must be stopping them from seeing that signal as a full strength. The office has glass walls (as opposed to windows) and the nearest O2 mast according to the Ofcom sitefinder site is on top of the building opposite (on St. Thomas hospital in London, for reference).

There is something causing those iPhones to receive poor signals, and it's not JUST the network. I think that when they are more widely available, we'll see just as many complaints from users on other networks too.

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This is turning into a farce post - and could continue on indefinately because there are Mac lovers and Mac haters.

In the interests of keeping this forum dignified - Can I suggest we possibly close this argument? Its now not benefitting anyone.

I don't think there are any of us that are desperate mac haters, but "some" of us who may be a little too enthusiastic about apple products can irritate the others who fully evaluate a product before purchasing.

If apple made a car, I'm sure "some" of us would make a quick switch over and preach over and over about how the apple car is the best car in the world for this that and the other. In actual fact it would probably be flawed in several ways - only run on fuel that is specifically made by apple, be far more expensive to service, and be completely sealed up so the only people who can work on it are apple guys............I would still stick with my Lexus though :P

At the end of the day, the Iphone IS flawed, as is my N95, or the SE W950i I had before it, and the SE X1 to come. No device is 100% perfect, and no one expects them to be. I am certainly no apple hater, I like the Iphone but it has a few problems that stop me from buying one. However, it is the attitude of some apple owners that really make me NOT want to own one, just so I don't need to be associated with them.

No one except "certain" apple owners totally believe that their product is the best thing ever and if there is something wrong with it then that's how it should be. I love my Lexus, but I know there are things that are wrong with it, and I will openly accept them instead of arguing that it's the most perfect car in the world..................

I don't think it's fair to close this, but perhaps we get back on to helping Gord finding the handset and deal combo that best suits his needs :)

I can't wait for the google phone to come along and kick some apple be-hind! :winky:

P.S. @Tyger: I like a good argument, but your comment of "Don't be a Geoffers" is not really on mate, if there were more Geoffers' in the world it would be a better place :)

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Geoffers: If you haven't got the balls to climb off the fence then why bother contributing? I am still waiting for you to say anything of any merit.

This is what forums EXIST for.

Climb off the fence Mark and dive in.

Don't be a Geoffers. ;)

Grow up.

Forums aren't just about arguing. Its about discussion, etc. If I am on the fence, it is exactly that - you know I have apple products. I like apple. The Iphone so far hasn't been for me. If they do a few changes then maybe it will. I'll rate it then. I won't go around trying to belittle people because they disagree with me and haven't seen the apple light.

I'm not obsessive either. If something has flaws enough not for me to like it then I'll say so - I won't have it because it was made by apple!

I added a bit of humour earlier on - has that upset you because it was negative towards apple? Someone asked about Bluetooth and I answered honestly. I really don't know why you made that comment, its not going to make me stop posting and just shows your immaturity in these situations. It was clearly an angered remark - a bit silly don't you think? Perhaps you are getting more upset because an apple fan actually doesn't like something made by apple?

You need to understand that your opinion is just that and nothing else. Don't bother getting annoyed when people discuss negatives or have a joke - it ruins your credibility and makes you look silly. People will still dislike things and have their reasons. You are just going to have to live with that. Is this why you don't like people on the fence? You don't seem understand if people don't have firm set opinions and can go either way?

Calm yourself down and let things be what they are. You like apple because their flaws quite obviously don't affect you. Others like other things either through choice or apple flaws do affect them (as in my case with the Iphone). By flaws I don't mean faults - all sorts of reasons such as cosmetic, usage, cost - anything really. Things that make us individual.

You know, I wish I had so little going on in my life to be so pathologically obsessive about a particular manufacturer. Its kind of sad really. You do realise how foolish you make yourself look don't you?

Its only stuff. Cheap stuff compared with the car and home. Nothing compared with family or our health and time on this earth.

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The Geoffers comment was clearly made in jest.

As for your dream of the Google phone making an impact on the Iphone - NO it won't - for so many reasons that I don't have time right now to go in to. Just use Google (hah!) and you will see what people think of this flawed idea. This is for another thread.

I have never once said the Iphone is perfect BUT it's a hell of a lot more perfect than any phone I can think of for MOST (NOT ALL!) people.

There is a reason people that have opened their minds and actually bought apple products generally praise them above everything else they have experienced.

To avoid apple products for the reason of not wanting to be someone who could not be happier with the best available product is not very well thought through...

If everyone was a "Geoffers" the world would be a very mediocre and dull place and this forum wouldn't be worth visiting, let alone the planet.

Stand up and say what you think!!! --->

The apple product line offers a significantly better user experience than what is generally available and would benefit most naysayers here far beyond what they would ever think possible - if only they would set aside urban myth and hearsay, open their minds and RESEARCH!!

This my friends is a fact that I can PROVE time and time again and have done regularly to IT industry titans who have the ability to assimilate information.

If you are not buying iPhones and Macs now, a great many of you WILL be in the next few years. Remember these threads. :)

I just read Geoffers funny post. You really don't get me do you? You are so far off base I won't bother commenting other than - whatever. Oh and don't try patronising me - there is nothing I can learn from you. You clearly need to get out more and stop taking a forum so seriously. Think about it...

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This is turning into a farce post - and could continue on indefinately because there are Mac lovers and Mac haters.

In the interests of keeping this forum dignified - Can I suggest we possibly close this argument? Its now not benefitting anyone.

I don't think there are any of us that are desperate mac haters, but "some" of us who may be a little too enthusiastic about apple products can irritate the others who fully evaluate a product before purchasing.

If apple made a car, I'm sure "some" of us would make a quick switch over and preach over and over about how the apple car is the best car in the world for this that and the other. In actual fact it would probably be flawed in several ways - only run on fuel that is specifically made by apple, be far more expensive to service, and be completely sealed up so the only people who can work on it are apple guys............I would still stick with my Lexus though :P

At the end of the day, the Iphone IS flawed, as is my N95, or the SE W950i I had before it, and the SE X1 to come. No device is 100% perfect, and no one expects them to be. I am certainly no apple hater, I like the Iphone but it has a few problems that stop me from buying one. However, it is the attitude of some apple owners that really make me NOT want to own one, just so I don't need to be associated with them.

No one except "certain" apple owners totally believe that their product is the best thing ever and if there is something wrong with it then that's how it should be. I love my Lexus, but I know there are things that are wrong with it, and I will openly accept them instead of arguing that it's the most perfect car in the world..................

I don't think it's fair to close this, but perhaps we get back on to helping Gord finding the handset and deal combo that best suits his needs :)

I can't wait for the google phone to come along and kick some apple be-hind! :winky:

P.S. @Tyger: I like a good argument, but your comment of "Don't be a Geoffers" is not really on mate, if there were more Geoffers' in the world it would be a better place :)

Yes...Perhaps haters was incorrect word to use - and there are obviously all the people inbetween the 2 extremes.....

I just dont like to see posts get a little personal or descend into a slanging match - What I actually meant is summed up pretty well by yourself and Geoffers...."some people will like, some wont" type of thing......

I regret ever mentioning the Iphone in the first place :winky:

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I regret ever mentioning the iPhone in the first place :winky:

Don't worry about it mate, I think it's fair to mention the Iphone as for some people it is the perfect solution, plus you do get a fair amount of minutes and data to make it a little more reasonable price wise...........

Still a little too expensive for me though as I get bored of phones too quick! For example, I'm on Vodafone, pay £30 for 500 minutes, 100 texts and unlimited data on a 12 month contract with a free N95. The equivalent Iphone would have cost be £99 for the phone, and I'd pay £30 for 75 minutes, 125 texts and unlimited data on an 18 month contract.

The only salvation is how much you can potentially sell it for once the contract is up............

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I regret ever mentioning the iPhone in the first place :winky:

Not at all Mark, its another option Gord should take a look at.

Tyger always jumps in at the mention of anything apple, gets silly then usually turns round at the end saying he was joking and no-one can teach him anything. Its normal. No-one is upset really.

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I have never once said the iPhone is perfect BUT it's a hell of a lot more perfect than any phone I can think of for MOST (NOT ALL!) people.

Thanks for your opinion, however member should still be able to suggest other non apple products without you trying to ram some kind of

"apple products are the greatest thing since sliced bread and anyone who even suspects otherwise is clearly an idiot and shouldn't be allowed out in public"”

statement down members throats. That may well be slightly exaggerated, but that is how it is coming across.

To avoid Apple products for the reason of not wanting to be someone who could not be happier with the best available product is not very well thought through...

Patronising and condescending all in one sentence. Voice your opinons by all means, that is what a public forum is for, but then you have to let people make up their own minds, wether you believe their choice to right or wrong.

If you are not buying iPhones and Macs now, a great many of you WILL be in the next few years. Remember these threads. :)

It is quite possible, but I doubt it. However well put your opinions are, I reserve the right to wait & see rather than just take your word for it.

If everyone was a "Geoffers" the world would be a very mediocre and dull place and this forum wouldn't be worth visiting, let alone the planet.

That is out of order as you truly obviously don't know the guy. Hundreds of LOC members over the years have been helped massively by Geoffers, not only through his passing on of technical information and insight, but also of the time given selflessly going out of his way to find solutions to problems LOC members have had in achieving personal modifications to their cars, or modifications that have been used by many members on a much larger scale.

The Geoffers comment was clearly made in jest.

.... don't try patronising me - there is nothing I can learn from you. You clearly need to get out more and stop taking a forum so seriously.

Quite obviously you like contradicting yourself. As for patronising, some of your comments on this thread have been exactly that.

As regards to

there is nothing I can learn from you.

the word humility immediately springs to mind as it is something Geoffers posseses in bucketloads.

I like a good argument, but your comment of "Don't be a Geoffers" is not really on mate, if there were more Geoffers' in the world it would be a better place :)

This says it all really Tyger. Many other LOC members who have actually met/had any real experience of the Geoffers would also agree with Parthiban.

No more personal snipes on people who disagree with you/sit on the fence please.

In the interests of keeping this forum dignified - Can I suggest we possibly close this argument? Its now not benefitting anyone.


From this point on, can members please bear in mind this thread is about a member who wants a good deal on a mobile phone suitable for him.

It is NOT about apple vs Microsoft products, if you want that debate Tyger, go and open a new thread in the club lounge and have fun with it.

Let's get this thread back on track, it's about phones and the best airtime packages/deals available for Gord. Please keep posts on topic.

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Both the N96 and i900 are great handsets..

the one thing that i think will be the deciding factor is the 'touchpad' on the i900.. all i can say is try it and see what you think. wasnt too keen on it, seemed sensitive one minute and not the next.. although this was a prototype and may have been changed now..

N96 seemed a little 'plasticky'..

i think either will be a great handset but you definatley need to use one beforehand.. pop into a store and try one out mate..

either way let us know what you go for..

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Sorry Janey. Don't know why I'm even getting involved anyway.

GORD: I'd go for the Samsung. (and probably will, X1 maybe?). My experience with multiple Nokia N-Series phones has not been good. Windows is not perfect, but the Nokia software is totally rubbish in my opinion. They really slow down and crash after a while.

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Yes Gord, whatever you do take Redz advice.

Try before you buy.

If you do this I suspect you will end up with neither of those handsets.

What you see on the spec sheet and the demos on the websites is VERY different from what you get in reality.

In most cases. :)

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Hello!? Have I come to the Saxo forum by mistake?! :unsure:

I thought for one moment I was on the Lexus forum - you know - for more discerning, choosy individuals who like the best.

Geoffers: If you haven't got the balls to climb off the fence then why bother contributing? I am still waiting for you to say anything of any merit.

Ragsy: That is one of the funniest comments I have ever heard! Pray tell the world where you discovered your "facts" about Apple. Or dare I say it are you just repeating what you have heard?

Hi Tyger, don't believe we've met - but nice to meet you!

My gripes with apple started with the fact that I was paying 7 quid or so for an MP3 album (sorry - it wasn't actually an MP3 album - the tracks were coded!) which wouldn't play on anything other than an apple product! (Well it would, but I had to spend half an hour dicking round with it! )

This ran onto me despising the fact that any apple product will do what you want it to do so long as it's using Steve Jobs' software.

I could go on, but I won't. I don't want to get involved see. I don't love Microsoft - it's just that their products are far far far better in terms of software, flexibility and versatility for the layman than apple products are. Oh and they are usually cheaper! Mr jobs' innovation doesn't half come at a cost!

Have to disagree with some comments here. Microsoft software usually costs more. Vista OS vs Mac OS X.....Vista costs alot more. Yeah its flexible....theirs about 7 versions! Vista doesnt even work with other MS Software/Hardware.

Gord. The N96 handset iw very well equipped. My early reports on it are mixed. Good spec, let down by poor Battery life and software issues. Problem is, most handsets have faults and niggles just gotta take the plunge and hope for the best sometimes. Remember you get 12 months warranty so its only a minor problem if your phone develops faults.

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O god not tyger again, does he post on anything bar the Iphone thread LoL ?

Gord even though i have the N95 and like it and wanted to upgrade to the N96 i dont know if i will be. Its got some good bits about it, but one of the ways they have resolved the Battery issue they have used a slower processor (and still used the same battery) so its a little on the slow side. I havent tried one personally yet but just letting you know. Theres a review on the gadget shows website.

Have you looked at the Nokia E71, its alittle on the large size but i think i'll be looking into one of these or alike in feb when my contracts up as the qwery keyboard will be good. Unfortunatly 1 mate has got an Iphone was playing on it today, i couldnt type a txt due to fingers being on the long and large size, again it looks pretty and the menus are great to flick between but i see it as all show.

Again go and try the phones theres no other way of getting one you really like otherwise.

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