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Omg! Whats With Ppl That Tailgate! Grrrr!


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i just dont get it. why do ppl do it. what are you going to gain by following me through town all the way to Asda up my *****! It really stresses me out and take the relaxed and calm Lexus driving experience out of the window.

Maybe in 10 years all cars will have that to close too the car in front alarm like the new S class and a few others

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I think its just the cobination of me thinking ive ****** someone off and if I needed to brake quickly and they go up my back side

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If someone tailgates me I slow down and move towards the middle to ***** them off, I hate them and would happily confront anyone who then took offence to my reaction :-)

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Had one on Friday night. Got onto a country road (one that I know very well and have been driving on for over ten years) and noticed as soon as we pulled onto it from the round about, the car behind me was getting very close - close enough to not be able to see his headlights. Had a passenger here with me, and even he noticed it himself. The road is 50mph, single lane, not straight, and mostly downhill. So I just started to slow down, letting the cars in front of me create a long gap. This seemed to ***** the guy off behind me who began flashing me (and also getting closer, braking, getting closer, braking, getting closer, etc) I gave him a couple of fake brake taps (just enough to get the brake lights on) which gave the result of his front end nearly hitting the floor, because he braked so hard sh!tting himself. But to no avail, he still kept getting right up to me - must have been only a foot or so between us at one point. I'd slowed right down to 25/30mph by now, and he decided to pull out and try to overtake - downhill, single lane, with a blind bend at the bottom. Naturally, I booted it and matched his speed, which really ****** him off. But realising as the bottom blind bend was approaching fast, and I knew the road and obviously he didn't (if he had, he'd not be in the opposite lane by this point, I decided for the safety of other road users to yield, back off, and let him come in. Which was lucky because about 5 seconds after he got back into the right lane, a car came round the bottom bend.

We then watched him do the same thing to the car in front, which we'd caught up by now. Now I'm not one to tailgate, so I maintained a couple car length,s but when it got to the roundabouts (two roundabouts connected by a short two lane (per side) carriage way, under a motorway bridge) and the car in front was using the first exit, I nailed it round the first roundabout, closing my gap to the tailgater, went up his inside into the second round about. He was in the left lane coming onto it, and clearly wanted to go right - I in fact wanted to go left, but also wanted to ***** him off. So I just matched his speed round the round about, and then edged in front stopping him exiting the roundabout. Full circle, and he's mad by now, I then cut his nose off and took my exit, making him slam on the anchors.

Lesson of the events; tailgating is stupid, but so is trying to teach them a lesson. It's not big, it's not clever, it doesn't make me a hero. But it's fun ;)

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I figured slowing down when being tailgated is the safe option. As if the tailgater does hit me its at a slower speed. Never gone to lengths Matt did to p*#s them off (brilliant btw :) ) but I do love doing 25mph on a 60mph road winding them up, they deserve it for driving reckless imo. Also when I attended a speed awareness course this is how they tell you to deal with tailgaters, slow right down and leave a big gap between you and the car in front.

I had a mate who drove a battered Vauxhall Calibra a few years ago. I mean there were more dents and dings in it than straight lines. :lol: he used to deal with tailgaters in his own way, he would wait till he pulled up at a red light with the tailgater behind him. Then when the lights turned green he would select reverse and bump straight into them, denting his car (but he couldn't care less) and sometimes doing quite a bit of damage to the car behind but he would then just race off leaving the tailgater stunned and with a damaged car. Now I'm not condoning this but I have to admit it made me chuckle :lol:

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I normally just slow them down and p!ss them off, but since I knew those roads like the back of my hand (cos I lived there for 26 years!) I thought why not have a bit of fun? It was late, and the roundabouts weren't busy (I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of doing what I did had they been).

Thing with tailgaters is that so long as you don't do anything stupid, it's ALWAYS going to be their fault if you and the tailgater collide. The blame will ALWAYS lie with them, based on the fact they did not leave adequate room between them and you. Even if you hammer the brakes on emergency stop style and they run into you, it's still their fault. You just say you panicked and broke too hard. Or a fox/cat/dog ran across the road. No one behind you will be able to say it didn't, and it's highly unlikely any oncoming traffic will stop anyway.

Getting hit up the @rse is nearly always the fault of the guy behind; even if you caused it!

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wow nice story Matt and Chris just what i needed haha. Heard the fog light trick too, but i sometimes think if they think i care and want them to back off they'll just do it more? cuz isnt that how d**kheads think?

I also once had someone efing and blinding, flashing the lot, for no apparent reason. I was going the speed limit, signaling, there was knowwhere to go with a line of traffic ahead also. He eventually got past me and then i watched him cut someone up and then tailgate again. He also shouted something as he drove past and because i littereally thought he must be drunk did a chugging a pint hand motion. Really dont get some people, but for some reason it stresses me out and dont think i could come to do anything like matt did, even though it sounds like alot of fun :)

There are times when i might be the culprit i have to say, if someones doing 20 in a 30, or 40 in a 60 or coming onto the motorway and doesnt go past 50 expecting them to keep speeding up to at least 60 annoys me, but ill back off after realizing they aint going any faster if i cant get past even if it is peeing me off slightly! cuz at the end of the day i aint gonna gain anything by doing it

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Hello guys,

when people tailgate me I tend to slow down a bit to hack them off and also, because I seem to spend more time looking behind me, it's safer for me to be driving slower.

The thing that seems to work best for me to get them to drop back is keep washing the windscreen every few seconds, the spray will also get on their windscreen but it will be so fine when they try and wipe it off they will find they have to wash their screen too to get rid of the smears.


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Some ****** tried doing it to me the other day in a Q7 he came off the roundabout went to the inside lane of the roundabout then wanted to push me across so he could come over to the lane i was in, we were both nearly at a standstill as i wasn't letting him over then he desides to be up my arse down a duel carrageway flashing lights and horn, now the story gets better

I came to a red light with him up my arse still then he gets out of the car starts storming over to my car, he bashes on my window so by this time thats enough im getting my trusty softball bat out the rear seat he sees me reaching around to get it and starts going back to his car, which is right behind mine and other traffic to the side of him so he carnt go anywhere TRAPED, This when he starts to apoligise out his car window, i start laughing and say come on then you want to be a big man now, the look on his wifes face was awesome.

the moral of the story dont try to be as big as your car ---- unless you really are lol

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The thing that seems to work best for me to get them to drop back is keep washing the windscreen every few seconds, the spray will also get on their windscreen but it will be so fine when they try and wipe it off they will find they have to wash their screen too to get rid of the smears.

genius! :lol:
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Blimey...don't go driving in France or Spain matey...they'll drive you bonkers!!

Especially as most important part of their driving is to press that horn like their lives depended on it. Mike

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My mate had a number plate with "If you can read this YOU'RE TOO F**KING CLOSE!!!" along the bottom of it (where we now have dealer/motor factors credentials)

I was gonna have "If you are close enough to read this, then you're a aunt" (except the last word begins with a C, not and A ;) )

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Fantastic. My opinion is simply, if you want to be a ****** and tailgate and overtake and drive at a speed that is above the MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT OF THAT PARTICULAR ROAD, Then go ahead. I'll happily move to the left and let you get on with your day (I'm also campaigning for more speed cameras - yes they are a cash revenue, but only from the people who are caught breaking the speed limit)

The issue I have, is that despite this, there are still some ****ers out there. On my way to work last Thursday, we had come out of a 30MPH zone, into a 40MPH zone and were soon to go into a 60MPH zone, this idiot in a Red 60'plate C Class Merc pulls out from about 5 cars back flies up to me, who's at the head of the queue, slows down, does the ****** gesture and roars off . . . . .

Why was there a need for that? I'm driving at the MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT OF THAT PARTICULAR ROAD? Yes I have the power and ability to do 120MPH, but that's not the MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT OF THE ROAD!!!!!!

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Totally agree with you Stu. The speed limit is there for a reason and should be stuck too. More so in a urban environment. What i mean by more so is there are times when it is safe to speed when safe to do so. Maybe on a motorway when the traffic flow is 80 - 90. Maybe in the dead of night on a quiet country road.

And if you think that merc was bad. I was driving down the A49 on a busy day plodding along at 50 in a long line of cars and all of a sudden theres two Audis racing. and i mean racing. They were going nearly double the speed of the flow and in and out of cars like nothing ive seen before. Nearly forced me off the road. I called it in but dont think they were caught because the cop i saw a few miles up the road waiting was still there when i drove past

Oh and letting them over take is a funny one, because most cars on the road dont have to power to over take doing 60 here :lol:

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I agree with everything you said Stuart except the need for more speed cameras. I'm sorry but I hate them. I stick to the speed limits, but I have 6 points for speeding. (would be 9 if I didn't get lucky and get to go on a speed awareness course for the 1st offence)

Now I'm not making excuses but the 3 times I've been caught speeding I have been no danger to anybody. 1st time was 37mph in a 30mph zone at 1am on a dual carriageway and the only car on the road.

2nd time was 71mph in a 50mph. Late Sunday evening and on a dual carriageway sitting at what I thought was the speed limit of 70. The signs were not very clear and I did challenge it but lost.

3rd time a police van was heading towards me, he span around came up behind and pulled me over. Apparently I was speeding. I looked at my speedo when I saw the police and I was doing between 35mph and 40mph in what I believed to be a 40mph zone. Police informed me that it had recently changed to 30mph so as I had admitted to doing between 35 and 40 and there were 2 coppers they issued me with a fixed penalty notice and 3 points!

So I would not welcome more speed cameras and I think speed limits need to be changed after a certain time of night in rural areas. Why can't I do 90mph down the M4 at 3am? Or 70 on a 50 dual carriageway at midnight?I'm only going to be endangering myself.

I always watch my speed when driving at busy periods and when in traffic etc but after a 15 hour day in a hot sweaty kitchen all I want to do is get home and I don't see how I'm a danger to anybody if I drive at 70mph down a 50mph dual carriageway in the middle of Wiltshire with no pedestrian routes at midnight/1am!!

I don't condone speeding, especially at peak times (schools starting and finishing) and if you speed and drive recklessly endangering other motorists and pedestrians then you deserve to be punished but I feel a little hard done by with my speeding offences.

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Totally agree with Chris. There are times when its safe to go faster than the limit like i already mentioned. These times are when your own life is the only one at risk as well which isnt always the case anyway depending what your up to!

I mean driving faster is fine but i still see ppl been idiots crashing into headges and what not because they took a corner to fast thinking there in the grand prix.

And its stupid how often they change the limits too. I live in a small town and there are 2 roads i drive on regularly in one year that have changed. Get it right the first time.

My mates a special. Even he got a ticket for doing 36 in a 30 and he swears he was doing the limit and i believe him because he drive like a grandad! he told me that the police get bored and have to meet quotas and you'll never win in a argument with them anyway. I think a car cam would be a good idea for this reason also if they show the speed

I will add i have no points, no claims and not even a parking ticket. Driving 7 years. No your roads, keep your distance and stick to the speed limits unless safe to do otherwise and you'll be fine. And know where the camera's and speed check points are!

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And this is why I think that there should be more cameras . . . . lol.

I do agree with you. There should speed restricted times as well as roads.

There is a flyover in Cardiff at the Gabalfa Interchange. This piece of road is 30MPH, as are all the other roads around it until you hit the dual carriage way.

This flyover, EVERYBODY speeds up to around 50 and then slows for the speed camera at the bottom. EVEN THE **** BUSES!!!!!

I want a Speed camera at the top of the flyover. Because I think it is dangerous that everyone speeds up when there is not a change in the speed limit. Yes, I am a nuisance for remaining at the speed limit and I'd be the unlucky ******* when some idiot has driven into the back of me simply because everyone else has sped up and they think that there must've been a change in the speed limit that they've missed . . . . . .

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And this is why I think that there should be more cameras . . . . lol.

I do agree with you. There should speed restricted times as well as roads.

There is a flyover in Cardiff at the Gabalfa Interchange. This piece of road is 30MPH, as are all the other roads around it until you hit the dual carriage way.

This flyover, EVERYBODY speeds up to around 50 and then slows for the speed camera at the bottom. EVEN THE **** BUSES!!!!!

I want a Speed camera at the top of the flyover. Because I think it is dangerous that everyone speeds up when there is not a change in the speed limit. Yes, I am a nuisance for remaining at the speed limit and I'd be the unlucky ******* when some idiot has driven into the back of me simply because everyone else has sped up and they think that there must've been a change in the speed limit that they've missed . . . . . .

No Stu your not a nuisance. Even taking what i said in mind its rare I feel I have the opportunity to go faster than the limit and at the end of the day its my judgement whether its safe or not which might not be the same as someone elses such as Chris who has the same views (just an example ;) ). I go faster than the limit maybe 10% of the time, so rarely feel i have the opportunity. And im been honest. In fact i remember the last time. It was 2 months ago at 6am going to my parents house who live deep in south shropshire on the A49 if you know it. I was doing 70mph on the straights because i didnt see one car in 21 miles and know the road extremely well

Some drivers this percentage is higher i feel and many drive faster when not safe. Speed cameras are good and save lives. My parents live on a busy B road in a 30 zone. I cant even count the amount of accidents and they still wont put a camera there. Its times and areas like this cameras can be beneficial. I cant think of a time when ive seen a speed camera in a bad place tbh

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Yes. Thank you. I do believe that Motorways should increase the speed limit (In the outside lane) to 80, maybe even 85 MPH. Cars are so much safer now and capable of doing these speeds safely.

But around towns, B roads and even country lanes, there should be more speed cameras. People drive too dangerously around some of these roads.

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