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Everything posted by The-Acre

  1. Now then... heres an idea. A Madge Harvey Benidorm scooter with an LS400 motor. Happy days or what. dream on big fella. dream on. Many true words are spoken in jest!!
  2. Bearing in mind the way these cars can last so long, maybe you'll replace it one day with an electric scooter!!!
  3. Many thanks for more info Chris, it seems the £65 quoted from Lexus is right. I have looked on ebay but the only filters available seem to be for newer models which seem to be only one piece and not two. It looks like I'll be going to Lexus to get original parts.. I searched everywhere for a filter for my 93 LS but the only place I could find one was a main dealer at £67 inc VAT. Steve2006 said he cleans his and allows them to dry, a much cheaper option but one I didn't have as mine was missing! Phil
  4. Welcome to LOC your Lordship, where you been hiding?
  5. A bargain, and only 75K With my calculations (taking into account an average anual mileage of 5k) you should be able to keep yours on the raod for at least another 40 years!!
  6. To be fair, my wife has had her Vauxhall for 7 years without any problems. If you look on this forum it seems the most common posts are from IS owners, not surprising as they are the most common Lexus. I can travel 200 miles and see loads but rarely do I see an LS.
  7. I suppose that's something I've got to look forward to, what's your mileage?
  8. Likewise I'm on a Vauxhall forum, endless stuff going wrong (but a much more common car of course) However, a pollen filter for my Vauxhall was £12, I was quoted £67 this week from Lexus, guess what I won't be buying?
  9. The-Acre


    Welcome to LOC, your new car will give you something to do instead of watching the royal wedding! Phil
  10. Your BMW looks rather nice, what on earth makes you want to change it?
  11. Ooh insults, I'm not the idiot who doesn't know when brakes need changing and nor am I the one contemplating letting KwikFit work on my car. Anymore? Because I think I gota whole lot to contribute. Nice eh? You've got to make allowances for people from London, I know, I used to be one. Certainly agree with the KF thing, my wife had a puncture repaired, it went flat the next day!
  12. I think you should go to confession as soon as possible for having such a wicked thought, not even sure if such a thought is forgivable! :shutit:
  13. There are four holes, two at each end, the front ones are easy to get to but the rear are a little less visible. I used the plastic line that electricians use but I'm sure a thick strimmer line would work. Just be gentle as I seem to remember that they eventually connect to a rubber pipe that can be disconected if you poke too hard. When I did mine I opened the sunroof and poured water along the side and watched for it draining out at both ends. Prior to that the car was flooded!
  14. If the headlining around the sun roof isn't right it could be because it's been leaking and the last owner has been pulling it down. A common fault as the drainage holes at the front and rear get blocked. Worth checking but you need to do it carefully to prevent damage. Phil
  15. I'm certainly no expert on this but I thought the rubber was just to prevent dust etc from getting inside, which would suggest a leaking caliper? Phil
  16. Not that cheap (unfortunately) aas the owners son did have some grasp of values, but well, well, well under book price. This allows me some money as contingency should something be awry. No photos as car with mechanic-and I'm working away next week, so won't see it for ages! Poor excuse
  17. Not telling us how much you paid is like tearing the last page out of a gripping novel before its read :duh: !!!
  18. Well at least it's much better than an engine/trans/diff problem. I think the main thing is that you get quality bearings. I replaced some bearings in a piece of my workshop machinery with cheap Chinese ones, they didn't last long! Phil
  19. Mike If it's not a wheel bearing, but it's related to road speed it could be a differential or prop shaft bearing. John N Am I right in saying the diff oil should be changed every 20k or did I just make that up? Phil
  20. I really meant on a slight bend like on a motorway. I guess you need to get it off the ground first and check for bearing noise/play, a process of elimination really as it could be so many things. Lunch break over now, lets see what others have to say but if it's not engine speed related it does seem to point to bearings/diff/transmission etc but then...I am only a carpenter! Phil
  21. I don't think a worn wheel bearing would cause enough heat that you would notice it unless it was really worn in which case you would certainly know about it. I agree with Maurice that the bearings are the first port of call. Does the noise increase when you take a bend, and did it gradually appear or was it sudden?
  22. Hi Mike, You may have considered this already. I had exactly the same problem with my Vauxhall Vectra, a droning sound at 60-70mph which I thought was wheel bearings, I went on the Vauxhall forum and someone suggested uneven tyre wear, I changed the tyres (which were due)and the droning has completely gone. Yours may not be that simple but it's worth maybe swapping wheels around to see if it makes a difference. Phil
  23. Welcome to LOC, I'm not to great at finding my way around but hopefully someone will advise you in due course Enjoy the new car! Phil
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