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Everything posted by Barry14UK

  1. The little dry powder extinguisher in my car likely not to be of much help then!
  2. You could ask Lexus. I would have thought reference numbers might show.
  3. What strides the Kia/Hyundai Group have made and now in the throes of establishing their Genesis arm to compete with more upmarket marques. I remember a passing glance when I visited a motor show a long time ago and quickly moved on, considering them more comparable with the Lada. That Stinger looks beautiful, particularly in the blue. Anybody wanting that sort of sports car and performance would surely be pleased to have it. Enjoy!
  4. Thank you John. I provided AXA with with comprehensive details, plans and photographs relating to the accident, FOR INFORMATION ONLY. The Accident Management Company deal with all aspects of the claim with AXA (Insurers for the other party and for me, so in the circumstances, the presumption is that the other driver was at fault. Now that I have concluded my out of pocket expenses, I will forward these to the Accident Management company so they can present these to AXA, along with their fee. So as far as I am aware, who was at fault is still in abeyance. However, in the unlikely case that AXA do not completely exonerate me, they will contest this with AXA on my behalf. I will want this in writing but don't expect to receive confirmation until the claim has been finally settled. Fortunately, nobody suffered injury due to very slow speed of both cars, as I had only just passed over speed humps some 25 or so yards prior to the accident. In cases where there are injuries and treatment to take into consideration settlement can be delayed but not here.
  5. Collected my armchair on wheels yesterday, repaired with genuine Lexus parts. The panel gaps are very good and the paint has been matched well, particularly as car is now 6+ years old. The paint finish is not quite as smooth as the original but not far off and certainly much better than on many a new car. The accident management company will only take a case if they consider you are not at fault and it did mean they bore all upfront cost so I did not have to pay my excess and then claim it back. I could have had a loan car but decided against it. On the few occasions I really needed a car I got a cab which was much less costly for the insurers and meant I was not paying for petrol as the cab costs, duly receipted, will be refunded. The major repairers I used also hold several sale franchises for cars. This did include one for Mitsubishi but with their withdrawal from the UK, they have replaced it with a Hyundai one. I took the opportunity to sit in the Ionic 5, which is a practical and spacious car with charging that leaves most of the competition behind. However, getting back into the RX afterwards, felt like moving out of Ikea into a VIP lounge, not that there there is anything wrong with Ikea but like it, the Ionic 5 feels budget, but is selling well. Having been hit twice in two years when I was not at fault, has caused some apprehension about it happening again but this will no doubt reduce over time.
  6. I might have changed filter(s) on my 2.5 V6 Camry I had for about 10 years but it was never re gassed in my ownership yet was still blowing nice and cold (as required), when sold. I only noticed after my RX was hit that regardless of settings it would not blow out cool yet alone cold, so I asked those undertaking repairs to check whether a break or leak could have resulted from the hit the car received. I was told nothing was near enough to account for this, so I contacted the Lexus franchise where I bought the car and where it had been serviced from new. They said it would be covered by the extended warranty I took out through them. So hopefully, if it is anything other than dirty filters, for which I would expect to pay the cost of replacements, it will be covered under the warranty.
  7. So Lexus expect you to place an order without giving a price and spec list. You would have thought by now they could have provided this. Let's hope Lexus have got the reliability right because if you read about the problems on various forums for other makes, far too many people are experiencing these and one of the main problems is the 12v battery not activating even when well charged. Temperature can play a part in this. On a slightly different tack, I believe some of the 'ready made' BEV's use a motor that just spins faster in the same gear as it were. However, some of the folks that have done home conversions have retained the existing gearbox with a low spinning motor so that you get to change up and down gears like you would with an ICE motor (something those who like changing gear would prefer.) Here is an example. or if you want done professionally this outfit is converting some interesting cars as seen in this video. Electric conversion of a Lexus anyone?
  8. Apologies to OP, I was going from memory. I have just checked the seat underside of a 2001 E39 BMW 530i, that I broke for spares last year and a quick check shows that it has at least 4 motors that are immediately visible. There is no lumber support but it does have an extending seat squab. At least two of these motors have an intermediate rather than direct drive, so would work rather like the drive to the powered sun roof on that car, although there is only the one motor for moving the drive each way to the roof. So if the seat slightly flexible drive is similar on the Lexus, it could be this is the problem along with operating arms (as was problem with the sun roof on that BMW, the motor being OK), or the motor could could be faulty.
  9. Strange thing is I am insured with AXA through a broker and got a much lower figure than going to AXA through a comparison site. Broker spoke with me and even gave a discount as I was a member of a car club. Quotations vary so much it's hard to know how this can be so. At varying points Insurers increase premiums for older drivers regardless of past history but they do place importance on a number of factors. You can get the figure down if you increase your voluntary excess. I would check a bit wider as your figure seems rather high.
  10. There is one motor for each seat, at least on my BMW but it does not have lumber adjustment so could make a difference with RX). The one motor operates the different actions on my Beemer, just as one motor does in a washing machine. This video may give you some idea of what's under the seat and how to access it, although it's for the purpose of replacing seat covers. The fact that yours clicks suggest the movements is obstructed, even though you have checked this as well as you can. Sorry can't help further.
  11. Fortunately not had to check on my RX yet but seats I removed from a BMW each had a motor and as I recall it was necessary to unbolt seat to access it, bit of a pain! You don't say if the other seat is affected which could give a clue.
  12. Kitchen foil should work but it tears easily so you have to be very careful. Until I got a second purpose made aluminium box as I mentioned in another thread for my spare key/fob, I wrapped it in the thicker aluminium dish that a 'ready meal' had come in as a temporary measure.
  13. Made at a time when Lexus were at their best. Front offside wing looks a little lighter than remainder of that side but could be a trick of light. Nevertheless you would still be happy to be seen in it. Mechanics and potential rust would need careful examination as could be expensive to remedy.
  14. Insurers are quick to write cars off nowadays. The 2012 Audi that hit me looked like it needed a new bumper, offside wing and headlight as far as I could see from visual inspection. There was no dripping fluids and the car drove. Yet insurers have written it off. If it had been mine I would have got second hand replacements. Meanwhile, my car is being repaired with new parts and back to as new for just under 6K. (Accident down to other Audi driver AGAIN. The previous Audi that ran into the rear of my car was also written off!)
  15. That's worth noting Herbie. I have used a mixture of ATF and acetone on seized nuts and bolts with some success since reading about it on an American forum some years ago. Interesting it came second to liquid wrench in this test and watched a lot of videoed tests this quick talking no bull guy has done. As he showed, heat is usually best but not always practical to use. Maybe ice would help but not tested.
  16. That's interesting. I think Lexus just noted my driving licence but definitely said charge was for Insurance as was not covered by mine for another vehicle at the time. It's a long way from Devon to Cheltenham but I did not mind the journey as I could visit my sister at Stroud on the way home. However, my service does not necessarily coincide with when it is convenient to meet my sister who with her husband travel abroad quite a lot. So I may get my next service at Lexus Exeter which is 'only' a round trip of 100 miles or so. This ends the 2 year extended warranty I took out. Of course it makes sense to get Lexus to check the traction battery annually but for a 2015 car the service charge, with Relax is high and the cover is not very comprehensive with lots of 'get outs'. Furthermore, Lexus Cheltenham, and I believe other franchises, no longer do the 'Essential Service' for older cars. I may in future use recommended Toyotec in Redhill, Surrey, which is reasonably near my daughter and family with whom I stay a few days 2 or 3 times a year. I might take out a policy to cover major items, something to consider next year after the Relax cover ends.
  17. My car is the previous generation RX being one of the last 3 generation. I find it suits me well and although I contemplated going to the 4th Generation, I find this unnecessarily large. I have driven the sort of NX you would be looking at which is not as comfortable as the RX, has only a 4 cylinder engine but is more manoeuvrable and economical but made my RX feel a bit barge like. Last night I was looking at a road test of the new NX about to be unleashed and that was judged to be a great improvement over the model you are cosidering and there could be quite a wait for it. Also, it is likely it would be more than your budget. In your shoes, I would test drive the models you listed but also the slightly smaller RX450h 3rd Generation. If you can find a good one like I did, you would have a bit of spare cash for servicing etc. Let us know what you go for.
  18. Care to say why? My experience was that they were very helpful, prompt and gave a discount. On the other hand a Birmingham Lexus dealer I was referred to at the time didn't even return my calls.
  19. It largely depends on how old 12v battery is and whether and state of charge before taking out of use. Herbie has given reasoning and a smart charger has been referenced by another member. I use the same model charger although there are others. If your battery is an AGM one, the smart charger should be set to that mode. Buy one that does not charge at a rate of more than 5amps. It will do this as required and then reduce amperage as battery becomes more charged. It will then trickle as necessary to keep battery charged - smart isn't it? Good idea to have the traction battery well charged when it should last several months without use. If this does happen it can need a Lexus dealer to fix.
  20. EBC green are not racing pads they are just replacement pads for standard. Yellow and red are for more hard use. They are OK and I had them on my two BMW's. Manufacturers tend to use more than one make of pads to help diversify risk for one or more reasons. If availability ceased for a time from one, there are other options. I bought manufacturers recommended spark plugs for my BMW several years ago and these were identical to the ones BMW sell as originals except the boxes were different and lacked the Propeller logo for which you pay handsomely. Similarly, in the part I bought replacement headlight bulbs for my first Mercedes from Mercedes. They came in nice Mercedes boxes with logo. I later found that I could get the same bulbs from the same manufacturer without the Merc box for half the price. I am sure that if tyres came in boxes car manufacturers would be happy to uplift the cost to have their logo on the box. However, if you do go to an official dealer, you should expect brake pads or whatever to be supplied in a manufacturer's box. This at least obviates the possibility of cheaper ones being fake, even though you are paying more than you might for genuine ones from another seller. I have ordered items from from Parts Direct who are a Lexus main dealer at Swindon. Some months back they reduced discount to members as I believe there were complaints from other Lexus franchises and others that we were getting items priced too cheaply.
  21. Agree. The lightweight ones incorporating usually some aluminum foil like material tend to fall apart after a time. I have my fobs in this well made German manufactured aluminium box (one box for each of my two RX standard sized fobs) as only one fob can be accomodated in a box. Had them for several years now and paid more at the time. This is a good price here but I think there may be a later more curved model avaiable now. Not sure if you got complete reg of other car but if so you could use free Gov/Dvla info sheet and if suspicious have a quick word with local Police.
  22. Well, every factor which insurers consider when arriving at your premium must have been very favourable for you. Quotes for my RX ranged from just above the low six hundreds to over a thousand. I suspect I am being 'loaded' now as an older driver. However, a broker said they thought they could do better including getting a discount for being a member of a motoring club. The policy came out at around five twenty ish with AXA, with legal cover and protected NCB but without loan car. This is less than what AXA quoted on a comparison site. Sometimes it pays to get an assessment on a more personal basis than a computed basis.
  23. Ha ha! Like it. I guess there is going to be a speed related performance race for battery operated vehicles but it is already beyond sensible in most places, certainly in the UK. However, many people have range anxiety, particularly as electrical top up places are not adequate at the moment with some not working and lack of universal cable link up. What has been shown is that it is possible to increase range and decrease charging time and this is a much more important aspect than shaving a few tenths of a second or so. This is where development needs to take place. I was reading an account of a guy with an E-tron Audi which he loved but was selling as range was reducing and though trying to maximise it. He was struggling to get !60 miles out of a fully charged battery. Perhaps a worse than average case but one why many selling.
  24. Perhaps 1111bhp a bit OTT in UK but 500+ mile range would be welcome! Interesting video this with battery cars pushing the envelope. and more here.
  25. I was in the same situation with my RX450h. I also got very similar answer when having my car serviced which had only done just over 40K miles and I didn't want sparkers changed until nearer 60K miles but Lexus said you can't pick and choose what to leave out of the prescribed service. Of course they have you over a barrel with this 'Relax Warranty' which ups the price. The next will be my last service with Lexus. I might take out some cover on major parts elsewhere and have the car serviced as I require at a good garage.
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