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Parking sensor issue


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At 4500 miles usage so far.

Last week when it started raining heavily I was driving back from London to Manchester. 3/4 of the way home the message "Clean parking sensors - parking assist inoperative" came up - with annoying beeps. I stopped and wiped all the sensors - made no difference. Did it all day Thursday and Friday. When turning the engine off it would re-set and then appear again. Visual inspection - all sensors look ok. Took it through the car wash at the weekend and it seemed to cure it - but it came back again yesterday. This morning set off and within 10 feet the same message appeared then disappeared a couple of minutes later.

Anyone else had any issues like this? On my IS300h which I had for 4 years this only happened a handful of times in total and it was always a leaf or some such stuck on the sensor.

Anyway I have phoned the Local Lexus dealer and they will look at it tomorrow - will let you all know.

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On 6/13/2019 at 4:11 PM, Gediredi said:

At 4500 miles usage so far.

Last week when it started raining heavily I was driving back from London to Manchester. 3/4 of the way home the message "Clean parking sensors - parking assist inoperative" came up - with annoying beeps. I stopped and wiped all the sensors - made no difference. Did it all day Thursday and Friday. When turning the engine off it would re-set and then appear again. Visual inspection - all sensors look ok. Took it through the car wash at the weekend and it seemed to cure it - but it came back again yesterday. This morning set off and within 10 feet the same message appeared then disappeared a couple of minutes later.

Anyone else had any issues like this? On my IS300h which I had for 4 years this only happened a handful of times in total and it was always a leaf or some such stuck on the sensor.

Anyway I have phoned the Local Lexus dealer and they will look at it tomorrow - will let you all know.

Sounds like there might be a faulty sensor which usually throws up these kind of messages. 

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Or a spider?

Web obscures sensor, web is removed when washed/car wash, ok for a bit until spider re-spins its web?

It's amazing how resilient spiders can be even through car washes and jet washes etc.

More likely a faulty sensor I suppose but it's worth bearing in mind.

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I have exactly the same problem with a new UX250h. It first occurred one day last month and cleared itself after about 30 minutes driving. Then it started again one morning last as I left home and continued for two days during which it rained more or less continuously. I dried/cleaned all the sensors several times but it never cleared the fault. The dealer (Chester) kindly took it straight in and investigated when I called in to ask about it. All they were able to do was narrow it down to the front sensors and are reporting it to Lexus as a possible new model type fault. It definitely seems related to heavy rain but this week's episode started after it had just been standing out in the rain all night. I have searched on Google and there seem to be a few other examples on various models with this latest system. Some suggest that it might be due to the application of Supaguard or clear coat (mine does have Supaguard) to the sensors. It's fine at the moment but waiting for the next rainstorm to see what happens.

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1 hour ago, johnno said:

I have exactly the same problem with a new UX250h. It first occurred one day last month and cleared itself after about 30 minutes driving. Then it started again one morning last as I left home and continued for two days during which it rained more or less continuously. I dried/cleaned all the sensors several times but it never cleared the fault. The dealer (Chester) kindly took it straight in and investigated when I called in to ask about it. All they were able to do was narrow it down to the front sensors and are reporting it to Lexus as a possible new model type fault. It definitely seems related to heavy rain but this week's episode started after it had just been standing out in the rain all night. I have searched on Google and there seem to be a few other examples on various models with this latest system. Some suggest that it might be due to the application of Supaguard or clear coat (mine does have Supaguard) to the sensors. It's fine at the moment but waiting for the next rainstorm to see what happens.

Unlikely to be due to supaguard as even waxing your vehicle would then cause a similiar issue. 

Most likely to be faulty sensors. I remember a few reports of the same thing happening on some early 3RXs

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48 minutes ago, rayaans said:

Unlikely to be due to supaguard as even waxing your vehicle would then cause a similiar issue. 

Most likely to be faulty sensors. I remember a few reports of the same thing happening on some early 3RXs

Hi Rayanns, you may be correct. For your info, one of the reports said that the card coatings had taken some flexibility out of the rubber sensor seals and this causes the ultrasonic sensor to not operate correctly. No idea if this is right or not!!

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Just an update.. got an unexpected call from head office so couldn't make the appointment with the dealer. It wasn't raining anyway and the sensors weren't playing up. However I noticed today I was parking up with the front end against some bushes and sensor three (i.e. sat in the drivers seat and looking at the display  you see 4 sensor zones on the front number 3 counting from left to right) was showing red when the others where yellow. This was the one that showed totally red briefly when it was raining heavily.  It also briefly flicked on and off whilst driving yesterday. Pretty sure that sensor three is faulty / over sensitive.

However I'm off down south again tomorrow, will try to take it in again towards the end of the week 

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I had a similar problem with an RX back in 2015.

This is the feedback I got from the dealer at the time, which may be of interest:

The sensors are made of three main parts. An outer ring, a small disc (the sensor), and in between a rubber ring. The sensor works in a way that similar to a sonar, sending and receiving sound waves. The rubber ring around it allows the sensor to register the tiny vibrations from incoming sound waves. When the 3G glass coat (clear coat protection) was applied to my car, it was also applied over the sensors and surrounding rubber ring. Over time, the 3G glass coat hardened to such an extent that the rubber ring became completely rigid, thus preventing any kind of movement., hence confusing the system.

The sensors were removed, dismantled and thoroughly cleaned so as to remove all trace of the clear coat, and then re-installed.

No problem was experienced after this.


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Hi all.

Its not really rained heavily since so not been too much of a problem.

However attached is a photo showing the effect I described - when parking and for example a bush or wall is in front I get this effect. Sensor 3 shows red and the others yellow. This is the one that when it was raining randomly turned completely red like I was touching a brick wall with the front bumper while I was driving down the road! and all the other sensors were unaffected.

Must be a faulty sensor in my eyes!

Brings me to another point - service at the Lexus dealer. I go to Lexus Stockport - part of RRG group. I took my IS300h there for 4 years previous so I can speak from some experience.

Despite Lexus winning awards and being proud of their service I feel the service at Stockport is poor and really I had a better experience at Volkswagen dealers previously.

With this latest episode I phoned them and they said they were too busy to look at it this week and maybe they could next week! I offered to send them the photo - not interested.

I've had previous with them before and they certainly know my name lets put it that way.

My IS had a permanent noise like a bearing was going in the front wheel - everyone (and I mean everyone!) who got in it would ask me if a bearing was going - they flat out told me several times they couldn't hear it and it was normal - implied I was hearing things.

So -maybe- next week if they can be bothered - I will take it in and they will investigate - fully expecting to be fobbed off to be honest.


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Yes sensor sounds faulty. Picture doesn't really prove anything so no use to anyone other than being a visual aid.

Ive used Lexus Stockport for servicing and sales multiple times, never had any issues. They are actually the 2nd best rated Lexus dealer in the UK according to customers after Lexus Stoke I believe

However. I know they do get extremely busy - I used to book services atleast a month in advance just to get the date and courtesy car that I wanted.

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  • 2 months later...

Just an update.. it's never happened again. Sensor 3 does seem a tad more sensitive than the others but not had a problem since that time reported here and it's for sure rained a lot since then.

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same issues with my 2018 NX 300H F Sport. Lexus are aware of this fault on various models. I have been told by Lexus the have a remedy kit for the sensors, but it does not fit the F Sport grill and they do not know when they will have a resolution to this issue. I have contacted trading standards and they tell me this sort of issue is covered by the Consumer Rights Act 2015. I have given Lexus another 7days on top of the 6 months they have had to resolve this.


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I posted the following on another area of this website before I discovered this post. I'm in the West of Ireland where rain is just a fact of life so having this problem is a real pain. Looks like it's a new technology problem but not getting the support I would expect from a luxury car supplier. No resolution yet but it seems we are not alone with this problem. You have my sympathies. I note you posted in June. Hope it's been sorted by now.


New Es300h bought Feb. 19. Been driving Toyota since 1981 without a problem.

Parking sensors kick off in rain. Galway dealership tells me this is normal. Told them I didn't  pay in excess of €50,000 for a car that keeps flashing yellow lights at me every time I hit a shower of rain IN THE WEST OF IRELAND! Didn't  swear at her but was sorely tempted. In fairness, they took it back to check it out but it still kicks off in rain when in close proximity to other cars/objects but is not close enough to start up a warning.

Not going to let this go quietly. Would appreciate hearing from anyone else with similar problem.

Again, I am seriously peed off with having lights flashing at me in a shower of rain and more so peed off with a dealer telling me, in effect, grin and bear it!

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No its still not fixed but to be honest I haven't been back to the dealer yet. Mostly in the summer it wasn't a problem. Just happened occasionally and I found out if you stop and "reboot" I.e. turn ignition on and off it often cures it. ( note: This tactic is not appropriate on the motorway!)

On November 7th it rained a lot and I was driving back from London and stuck in traffic and it really started again. See attached video. Note again sensor 3 seems to be overreacting and its flicking on and off on it's own. I am completely stationary and so is the car in front.

The next day it was completely dry and the same thing happened on my drive. See second video. After a while it stopped. Now can you imagine how annoying and distracting that is if you are on the M1 just outside London driving to Manchester?

I will take it and show it to the dealer when I get some time/ it needs a service but to be honest I expect to be fobbed off.

I had an IS300h for 4 years and it happened once when a leaf was stuck on the sensor and before that a VW Passat for 4 years that never had the problem.


Good luck!


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Hello again

Your 2nd video is exactly what I was getting initially... yellow triangle on the left and two flashing yellow symbols on the right. Thankfully, no sound as I couldn't  figure out how to turn them off. As with you they would die when I stopped and switched off but sometimes they would come back to haunt without any apparent reason. The only constant was rain but sometimes with a delayed reaction which LED me to think that moisture was getting in somewhere. After the dealer took it back to re-do the protective coat on the radar in the L badge in front (they told me that was the problem) I got the same as your 1st video.... 3rd sensor kicking off when I stop behind another vehicle or turning a corner close to a traffic light or some other object near the right side of the car. Again, after or during rain.  I've  sent emails to my dealer over the weekend with attachments of your post and another post relating to consumer legislation. Waiting for the phone call on Monday. What are the chances.

I'm  retired so I have the time and inclination to pursue this rubbish.

By the way, I cannot imagine what it must be like being on the M1 on a rainy night in heavy traffic with this sh.., sorry, stuff coming at you from the dash.


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I had the very same issue, intermittently for three or four weeks, almost a year ago. It was one particular rear sensor and also happened after heavy rainfall.

I read a solution online to put the smallest bit of vaseline on a cloth, rub it well onto the particular sensor and then rub off any excess vaseline.

I applied it like this and it cured it, and I haven't had a problem since!

It is clearly caused by a build-up of moisture in the sensor after heavy rain and the tiniest bit of vaseline stops it.

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Absolutely not. That particular sensor has been working as intended since.

My  initial thought before I tried it was, should I dry out the sensor with a hair-dryer first, but luckily I didn't (I wasn't brave enough to turn a hair-dryer onto it), as obviously there is enough free air circulation at the back of the sensor to let it dry out.

Again, all that was needed was the smallest amount of vaseline, around the edge of the circle of the sensor & genuinely rub off any vaseline you can see - there is no need to smear or cover the whole sensor.

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Hi all

Took delivery of my ES in August this year. I have the same issue with my parking sensors and yes it only happens in the rain. Cleaning them doesn’t work and you have to live with the flashing orange lights! All was fine up to about 5-6k and then it started playing up.

The car is in for it’s first 10k service next week and I’ve highlighted the problem to the dealer. Let’s see if they manage to fix it!!

It appears that this may be an inherent fault with the car.


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Drove for about 100 miles today in rain with flashing lights on the dash followed by sensors kicking off while looking for a parking space out of the rain. Drove later in dry weather but still flashing lights and over sensitive front sensors. I'm taking notes at this stage for future action. Not good enough. I've emailed dealer and Irish main supplier but no response.

Thank you for responding. I am getting more determined to follow this up with every response. Spread the word if possible.  I've asked people to check with their friends with cars with sensors if they have this problem. A Nissan dealer told me they have some problems with frost on the sensor which I can understand


Iam seriously not happy with spending a large portion of my retirement payout on what I thought would be a car I could leave in my will!! (Joking. I'm going to live to 100 just to see this through.) 

To Gediredi

I think I'll wait until I exhaust all warranty possibilities. Don't want to kill my legal avenues just yet.


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Funnily enough when i started the car this morning the sensor issue appeared again. I only had to drive a short distance but park the car in a car park. Because the sensors weren't working I very  nearly reversed into another car!

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