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Both the N96 and i900 are great handsets..

the one thing that i think will be the deciding factor is the 'touchpad' on the i900.. all i can say is try it and see what you think. wasnt too keen on it, seemed sensitive one minute and not the next.. although this was a prototype and may have been changed now..

N96 seemed a little 'plasticky'..

i think either will be a great handset but you definatley need to use one beforehand.. pop into a store and try one out mate..

either way let us know what you go for..

Sort of spot on mate..............i got the Samsung i900 last weds, touchscreen not for me, on this phone anyway, took it back today and got the N96, only time will tell now :D Thanks for all the help chaps :D

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How difficult was it to guess you would have a negative comment to make,

when someone has the audacity to pick an non Iphone ?

I can see it now being read out on Sky News Headlines

"Tyger from LOC in negative comment towards a non-Apple product.......... Oh my what a shock !!!" exclaimed Dermot Murnaghan

I'm off now for a lie down, I'm having trouble taking it in.

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How difficult was it to guess you would have a negative comment to make,

when someone has the audacity to pick an non iPhone ?

I can see it now being read out on Sky News Headlines

"Tyger from LOC in negative comment towards a non-Apple product.......... Oh my what a shock !!!" exclaimed Dermot Murnaghan

I'm off now for a lie down, I'm having trouble taking it in.

:lol: :lol:

Tyger your not on commission are you? :P

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Let's hope they let you take the N96 back too.

Let's not for get the difference between a Touch Screen and a Multitouch screen shall we?

*Pulling teeth*

You really don't give up do you?

I put my two pence worth in earlier, and had a long post completely edited out, so not gonna start ranting again!

Gord - I hope you're happy with your phone. Though from experience of various Nokia N-Series phones, they are very capable, but Battery life is not great and software has it's issues from time to time. Be sure to plug it into your PC and keep the firmware on it updated, this will help reliability, also, if you use it online much, get some security software of some kind. Phones these days are like computers and need to be treated as such!

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Must admit I have never found a touchscreen that is as good as a proper keypad; including the Iphone 3G! Some people I know (like gord!) do text alot and a touchscreen just isn't suitable. Both have there advantages and disadvantages and there is no "best", just got to find what is most suitable for the individuals needs.

Good luck with the N96 mate - I'm jealous now! :lol: Good phone and LOTS of features.

Like 84Stony said however try and keep the software upto date due to bug fixes. Saying that however, from the reviews I have seen the N96 is supposed to be pretty stable and has been described as a polished version of the N95 8Gb with most bug fixes sorted.

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Must admit I have never found a touchscreen that is as good as a proper keypad; including the iphone 3G! Some people I know (like gord!) do text alot and a touchscreen just isn't suitable. Both have there advantages and disadvantages and there is no "best", just got to find what is most suitable for the individuals needs.

Same thing for me, that's why i'm leaning toward the X1 with touchscreen AND qwerty keyboard.

Like 84Stony said however try and keep the software upto date due to bug fixes. Saying that however, from the reviews I have seen the N96 is supposed to be pretty stable and has been described as a polished version of the N95 8Gb with most bug fixes sorted.

If that is true, if it is a polished version of the N95, with a bigger screen and a couple of new features, and all bugs fixed, then yes - it will be a very nice phone.

Let us know how you find it after a couple weeks use Gord.

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Yep don't think any heavy texter would be happy with a touchscreen and no keypad, and sometimes even with a qwerty keypad (as some people can type ridiculously fast with the phone keypad!)

I've got an N95 8GB and it's been great, so if the N96 is an improvement on it I'm sure you'll be happy :)

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Let's hope they let you take the N96 back too.

Let's not for get the difference between a Touch Screen and a Multitouch screen shall we?

*Pulling teeth*

My only wish right now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,is that you was into engine modifications and you was taking your car to my favourite garage, you two would get on very well together :winky:

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Hehe well I used to drive a Skyline so I am not new to engine mods!

I feel my 430 may reel back in horror if I was to even hint at modding it...!

I was just pointing out that after all the investigating that of the phones eventually chosen was a dud. Bang. Great.

1 down, 1 to go.

The N96, as far as I am concerned is a classic case of a box with high specs without the software to deliver as it should.

It is just a N95 with go-faster stripes. The N95 is absolutley hideous, unwieldy and the software is as good as unusable.

I hope the N96 keeps Gord happy. It would frustrate the hell ot of me in minutes. It is SO inelegant.

You guys REALLY drive a Lexus????


Anees: Unfortunately not on commission, however if I was I could probably retire. When I get the opportunity to actually sit down with people IRL and show them what Macs and iPhones etc can actually do in the real world, I have an extremely high upgrade rate... :)

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I was just pointing out that after all the investigating that of the phones eventually chosen was a dud. Bang. Great.

1 down, 1 to go.

The N96, as far as I am concerned is a classic case of a box with high specs without the software to deliver as it should.

It is just a N95 with go-faster stripes. The N95 is absolutley hideous, unwieldy and the software is as good as unusable.

I hope the N96 keeps Gord happy. It would frustrate the hell out of me in minutes. It is SO inelegant.

You guys REALLY drive a Lexus????

Absolutely your opinion is is perfectly valid and I expect you use your Iphone for internet useage, ipod, multimedia features and really like the touchscreen interface and all the bells and whistles? In that case the N96 would not really be suitable for you because it is based more on a traditional phone design with the keypad and lack of touchscreen. However some people do prefer more tradional phones so for them the N95/N96 is a better phone for their needs.

The N95 8Gb (and I assume the N96) software is much improved from when it was first released and I have been running it for the past months without issue.

Personally I think the Iphone 3G is a lovely multmedia device, but just not great as a phone and I don't find it comfortable to hold to my ear for long periods - its too thin and wide, thats just me but I wouldn't force my opinion on others that have different requirements from a phone.

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Spec wise the N96 wipes the floor with the Iphone. Its a no brainer really. No good defending the apple Iphone yet, as its still just not good enough. Like 99% of other handsets out their, they can send files via Bluetooth, take decent pictures even take videos. They can expect their phone to also last more than a day on a single charge...

Long list of problems with the Iphone.

Hope you're happy with the phone Gord. Good how you got 14 days return as most networks don't offer such policy anymore.

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Kazi: that is exactly the point. You are dazzled by the specs and forgetting everything else. Nokia love people who don't actually think beyond the specs. Nokia revenue fodder. Try giving some thought to how those specs hang together in a useable device.

Long list of "problems" with the Iphone? lol You didn't think that through very well. What you are moaning about is what YOU expect from a phone. apple doesn't owe you anything. Iphone is selling just fine without trying to be all things to all people. What is DOES do it does better than anything else - that's the point.

Geoffers: speak for yourself. I choose to spend my money after I have researched enough to know I am getting the best for what I want to do. Nice to see you climb of the fence though and actually say something not dripping in middle-of-the-road. Just a shame your perceptions are so misplaced.

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give it up Tyger.

nobody is interested in your pro apple drivel anymore. In fact most of your posts are infact apple propaganda.. go visit an apple forum.

all you do is insult people and criticise.

whenever you are challenged with anything factual you dissapear.

@mods can you please close this thread so that there is no more nonsense, i am getting tired of reading the same drivel over and over again!

@Gord - glad to help and that you like your new phone..

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I'm sorry but you're slightly off the mark there, while the N95 (and hopefully the N96) are not the most aesthetically pleasing devices, they do a lot of stuff and they do it reasonably well.

The Iphone does what it does very well (as you say) but then doesn't actually do a lot.

At the end of the day, you only have to look at the customer base to see what the iPhone's all about - I still haven't come across a single person with an Iphone who knows much about tech, or thinks much about tech purchases other than "how cool it looks" and "how cool is it going to make me look".........

It's improving, but at the moment it's a fashion device. Plain and simple. Enough said.

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I'm sorry but you're slightly off the mark there, while the N95 (and hopefully the N96) are not the most aesthetically pleasing devices, they do a lot of stuff and they do it reasonably well.

The iPhone does what it does very well (as you say) but then doesn't actually do a lot.

At the end of the day, you only have to look at the customer base to see what the iPhone's all about - I still haven't come across a single person with an iPhone who knows much about tech, or thinks much about tech purchases other than "how cool it looks" and "how cool is it going to make me look".........

It's improving, but at the moment it's a fashion device. Plain and simple. Enough said.

I have one, I have my own computer business and I didnt buy it for its looks but for its functionality :tomato:

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nobody is interested in your pro apple drivel anymore. In fact most of your posts are infact apple propaganda.. go visit an apple forum.

all you do is insult people and criticise.

Well said mate! :)

At the end of the day, you only have to look at the customer base to see what the iPhone's all about - I still haven't come across a single person with an iPhone who knows much about tech, or thinks much about tech purchases other than "how cool it looks" and "how cool is it going to make me look".........

It's improving, but at the moment it's a fashion device. Plain and simple. Enough said.

True, but you got to say the apple marketing dept must be amongst the best in the world with the way they are able to market their products and get them to appeal. On the gadget show a few weeks ago they actually tried to compare the HTC Touch Diamond with the Iphone 3G. They took the phones to Canary Wharf to show business people during thier lunch breaks and everyone chose the Iphone even before they had seen the HTC Touch Diamond just because they had heard of it!

Anyway, sorry say but this has gone totally off topic!

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@mods can you please close this thread so that there is no more nonsense, i am getting tired of reading the same drivel over and over again!

I'm tyring not to, however it is becoming counter productive fast........

Tyger we all know your opinions on apple vs Non apple randed products, please allow members the right to choose,

or form their own opinions without you enforcing your opinions upon them, or riduculing them for their choices.

This thread is staying open however, but I would ask members standing on their soapboxes to ease off a bit please,

otherwise this thread will be edited/closed. Please keep posts on topic, and Tyger please stop non apple products bashing

just for the sake of it at every given opportunity.

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I have one, I have my own computer business and I didnt buy it for its looks but for its functionality :tomato:

Actually you did mention that earlier, if I do ever give in and buy one I'll be in touch to figure out how to make it work at it's best :winky:

True, but you got to say the Apple marketing dept must be amongst the best in the world with the way they are able to market their products and get them to appeal. On the gadget show a few weeks ago they actually tried to compare the HTC Touch Diamond with the iphone 3G. They took the phones to Canary Wharf to show business people during thier lunch breaks and everyone chose the iphone even before they had seen the HTC Touch Diamond just because they had heard of it!

Yep, totally true, even I want's so cool I can forgive most of it's problems, but the two things I can't work around are the lack of A2DP and I still think it costs too much..........

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Kazi: that is exactly the point. You are dazzled by the specs and forgetting everything else. Nokia love people who don't actually think beyond the specs. Nokia revenue fodder. Try giving some thought to how those specs hang together in a useable device.

Long list of "problems" with the iPhone? lol You didn't think that through very well. What you are moaning about is what YOU expect from a phone. Apple doesn't owe you anything. iPhone is selling just fine without trying to be all things to all people. What is DOES do it does better than anything else - that's the point.

Geoffers: speak for yourself. I choose to spend my money after I have researched enough to know I am getting the best for what I want to do. Nice to see you climb of the fence though and actually say something not dripping in middle-of-the-road. Just a shame your perceptions are so misplaced.

Im rarely dazzled by anything, other than maybe an Aston Martin every now and certainly not dazzled by any mobile phone having sold them for the last 7 years or so. Once again, my honest opinion on the Iphone, to which may I add I own and use, is brushed off as easily as you taking offense over the spec of a handset which happens to be greater than the iPhones.

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Geoffers: speak for yourself. I choose to spend my money after I have researched enough to know I am getting the best for what I want to do. Nice to see you climb of the fence though and actually say something not dripping in middle-of-the-road. Just a shame your perceptions are so misplaced.

Where did that come from? No idea what you mean. Just out for a dig again? If you are trying to get me to rise to it then it isn't going to work.

Some people may become reluctant to post in fear of feeling stupid - is that what you want? We take you for the insecure person you are having to re-assert yourself, tell us how good you are, be condescending to others, pick on a single good product and use that as your foundation of stature, hiding behind a screen, wanting an argument for attention, etc. all the usual traits of someone wanting to be someone they aren't - its all quite a classic personality really. We accept that now as it has become plainly obvious. (Is it you who really owns a Lexus? Do you even have a job?)

I know some others on here though that will hold back asking questions. As a forum its not very good and can damage it. Why not join in a bit more in a friendly way? You say forums are for arguing ["that's what they are here for"] and maybe the ones you frequent are, but here we like to discuss and be a bit more friendly.

Wind up and banter is good and healthy but this is boring now. Join in and have sensible conversations we'll still accept you.

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redz: whatever.

Geoffers: I think you need to learn to differentiate between real life and an online forum. You think you can assess someone's entire life by posts on a forum? hehe

Yes I have a job, and if you have one too then you most likely work for me. Yes I have a Lexus alright. In fact my family have 3.

You are not going to rise to it? Look at your post! I was just replying to your sour little dig in the form of a "joke". That incredibly on-topic post was just SO useful and informative.

I am enjoying your use of the "we" as you seem unable to stand on your own. You seem to have a need to feel part of a group and are desperate to gather your troops. "Good ole Geoffers" sticking up for us! hehe I am sure people on this forum are quite capable and do not need you as some kind of self-appointed daddy. Think for yourself.

I said forums are for arguing? Maybe in your head. I implied it is one of the facets of a forum. Of course arguments happen of forums but that is no reason to be closing threads. I am glad the mods have the sense to leave this thread open. What a dull restrictive place it would be otherwise. Freedom of speech and all that. A forum is a place for healthy discussion, debate, arguments and EDUCATION.

This post was primarily to show that it isn't difficult to patronise and be an *****, just like your post.

Right shall we now continue discussing phones and stop wasting time on this pointless drivel?

DJ Wozza: It was not my intention to ridicule anyone, just to assist them so as not to waste their money on dying platforms. It is just baffling to me that the same people who go to the trouble of choosing such an elegant fantastically engineered car are prepared to slum it when it comes to a mobile. I will do my best to provide more useful information in my replies, but it has to be said I was not the only one padding out my posts with snide comments. Thank you.

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