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I still say 'He tripped while I was chasing him Your Honour' and 'Yes of course his friends are going to back him up what else would you expect, but that doesn't mean that they are all angels?'

Anyway the night it happened you were with the LOC and I remember buying you a pint :whistling:

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Skipton very nice, Barnoldswick, and Barrowford are decent,

Colne i wouldnt go near, Burnley some area are right, but some since the riots many years ago are a mess, the only thing i really like in this area is the countryside, you can go for long cruises in very nice settings, good to push cars to the limit.

I had some right fun on the road from Barrowford to Skipton :D

yh if you dont get stuck behind slow traffic, its one heck of a ride, i have relatives in skipton and find any excuse to go

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:tsktsk: Chris some people do need a good kicking but it's probably better you went to the Rozzers ( as James May would say) at least now he and they know if someone damages cars again it's his door they'll knock on 1st even if he wasn't involved, not worth doing time for giving some low life a kicking even if it does make you feel better.

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hopefully police will actually do something now,

my dad had his car hit whilst parked, and the driver drove off, a witness saw it all and came forward with make model and number plate, went straight to the police who went to owners address and he denied everything even though the witnesss was independant, police said there will not take it further,

there provided me the owner details to pass to the insurers, but there insurance company did not need it and i googled the address and guess what it did not exist !!!

then i rang the office to ask whether the van was insured or not and guess what she said, she did not even check, and then i asked is she could check and she said shes not allowed to now, as it shoul have been done at the intial stages???

now the witness has written a statement for directline, but missed out writing the number plate down as she wrote it on a paper and passed it to us, all she wrtoe was the make and model but no number plate and now direct line have passed it to the other insurers who continue to deny, and direct line are saying there may have to drop, which i sair to them thats not going to happen, and if it needs to go to court then my dad is willing and the witness is willing, its only at this stage there decided to waive the 400 pound excess and finally my dad can get the car repaired as we did not want to repair the car for 400 and risk losing it, specially when it probally only costs abour 200 to do it privatly

makes me angry when you have all the evidence and police and insurers do ***** all about it

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Damn that is really s**t, I can't believe he lives so close to you as well, and just went home! I would have rang the doorbell just to see what happened next........

Seriously though if he does it a regular basis, I think the idea of catching it on film is a good one, and calling the police the next best option. I really don't think it's worth risking being prosecuted yourself in this stupid upside down country......

Does he live with his parents then? If he does, I'd definitely be having a word, and if they don't give a c**p then get together with all the neighbours who were affected and litter their drive until they've had enough and have to ask for a another council house :P

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Wireless CCTV is the way these days, dont cost that much, and linke up to your laptop or computer,

I was thinking of doing something similiar but with owning the astra cant be bothered, but when i get my hands on my next lexus,

I will be going for a wireless CCTV linked up to a Hard Drive which would be connected to a wireless router making the HD wireless.

In this set up, you would not need a computer constantly on, as normally if the camera detects movement it would need to record to a HD.

porbally cost 150 max for this setup, and very effective

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Damn that is really s**t, I can't believe he lives so close to you as well, and just went home! I would have rang the doorbell just to see what happened next........

Seriously though if he does it a regular basis, I think the idea of catching it on film is a good one, and calling the police the next best option. I really don't think it's worth risking being prosecuted yourself in this stupid upside down country......

Does he live with his parents then? If he does, I'd definitely be having a word, and if they don't give a c**p then get together with all the neighbours who were affected and litter their drive until they've had enough and have to ask for a another council house :P

The lad is about 20-25 at a quess? and lives with his parents in quite a nice house, i popped up earlier to have a word but nobody was in so i'll be making it known that we all know its him doing it :whistling:

All the people in my street now have his address and know where he lives, and a few were ready for blood when i told them so you never know, he might just get what he deserves at some point? :whistling:

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Like ladies_loves_lexus says, police are powerless to do anything about these "pikeys". They get a slap on the wrist and they do it again and get given another slap on the wrist and it goes on. The problem is their parents, who live the lifestyle of the dole with every intention to stay doing so. They find every way to skank the system for their benefit and anyone unfortunate to cross them also gets skanked. Spot them a mile away pushing their prams with 2 other kids holding on crying, smoking and swearing in front of them. WHY are they allow to have kids?!? That's their way of life, only way to end the cycle is to terminate their way of life, but as we all know that means politics. If we don't give them dole money a place to live they will go round robbing people and up the ante in doing so.

My sister who lives in a really nice newly built penthouse/flat with ensuit bathroom etc out looking a river and park etc has to put up with these pikeys because out of the 6 blocks of these flats (each with 7 stories), the council has to give one of these blocks to the unemployed people (pikeys). Shes only been living there for 6 months and already where these pikeys live, theres graffiti, empty cans, toys laying about on the grass areas etc and this is even when they have staff that clean every week! They just don't give a damn, even when they are given a nice place they still trash it. So what makes them think twice when they see your properties?

Eveyone who has jobs (or are out of job due to unforseen circumstance), has a house, properties or car to protect are in danger of running into these people wether they like it or not. Unless the goverment does something about it, it will never change and infact get worse.

Sorry if i go on a bit, but it gets my blood boiling, but at the same time understand why the goverment has to do what they do. I just wish they change the rules a bit and actually benefit us working class instead of giving all the advantages to them.

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How's about we start a Lexus Vigilanty group. We could ask for a group discount on baseball bats, then go visit any chav that needs sortin out....????

Col... :winky: :lol:

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Man, sorry to hear the :tsktsk: news! I think you did the right thing for what it's worth, but I unfotunately doubt the police will do anything!

I despair at the youth of today, what is lacking in thier lives to have to resort to such stupid behaviour?!

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Why is it im only 20 and yet i wouldnt dream of dis respecting people like kids do now, it makes me sick.

I blame the ban on smacking kids for the way they are these days. I`m only 25 but can`t believe the things I hear from kids as young as 8 or 9 even. There`s just no respect for anything these days and its worrying what the next generation of kids will turn out like!

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Sorry to hear about that, it must be so fustrating!

How old is the boy?? Police are a waste of time! I wouldnt call them now unless my life depended on it!

My partner owns a fish and chip shop and back in July 2008, 3 youths came in, they was putting the tomato sauces off the counter in their pocket so he asked if they were going to pay for them, then they started to get abusive so he asked them to leave, one stood outside and put his foot in the automatic doors to stop them closing, still shouting abuse, so James (my partner) walked around the counter up to him and told him to go, i was stood next to him aswell, the boy carried on with the abuse etc, calling me a slag and every thing, not that we had ever seen them before!!

So any ways, the other 2 boys come out of the shop and stood next to their friend who was still blocking the door, he then punches James 3 or 4 times (knowing they are underage James just keeps walking towards them) another one of the friends join in and start bouncing around like Mike Tyson! and joins in, by this point James brother in law has seen what was happening, runs down from upstairs with some wood and chases one of them away from James, James pushes the other one on the floor, kicks him a few time :whistling: Although i think he has kept his cool pretty well by this point! the 3 lads run off down the road, theres a bit more of a scuffle down in a nearby road... by this point loads of people had stopped and the police had been called by more than 30 people!

Every police car in weston was there, and the police heli copter looking for them, one was found hiding in the chemist bin :sick: by a police dog, the other one was under a car and the other one got away to his nearby flat...

Cut a really long story short it all went to court in December 2008, We had CCTV of everything that had happend, the boy that started it was 16, the other one was 16 and the other one was 18.

In court we had to stand up on a stand infront of the skanky chavy lads with their skanky mothers and give evidence of what had happend. well i would never ever do it again. they twisted every word i said, their solicitors (because there was 3, one each) all would call you a liar, say it was James fault that it happend, they were just local lads that came to buy some chips and they were assaulted by James. THEY TWIST EVERYTHING!!!! its sickening.

I was on the stand being questioned for 3 hours and james was up there for about 6 hours. They tried to make out that butter wouldnt melt in their mouths and even said that we should be the ones in the dock for attacking these innocent youths :o :tsktsk: :megaangry: ,

After a 4 day trial, one lad got found NOT GUILTY and his skanky mother had cheak to stand up and claim costs of £10 a day lunch money although mc donalds was further to walk than their house!!!!!!!!! :huh: :tsktsk:


The other one (18 year old) Got found not guilty of assault and guilty of a public order offence and got a ridiculous fine!

And the ONE who originally started it got found GUILTY of public order offence and of assault

AND got a stupid thing of about a week on TAG

Well I had a phone 3 days ago, the lad who got found guilty of assault is apealing it and now we have to go to crown court and give all our evidence again infront of a judge in stead of magistrates..... :ohmy:

WHAT A :tsktsk: :tsktsk: :tsktsk: JOKE!!!

Sorry about the long post it just makes my blood boil thinking about youths today!!!

So..... if he is under 18 (or over!!) he would go to court, you would get treated like the you were the one that had commited a crime and he will walk away smiling because u cant proove it was him!

So its up to you, either deal with him your self, or record him doing it on camera and hope for the best....

BUT my opinion is the police and court systems are a waste of time!!!!! The police officer working our case even told us that the prisons are full so unless its a really serious offence they will get a smack on the wrist and told not to do it again!!!!!

Bearing this in mind, one of the lads that got found not guilty of assault on James, 2 weeks previous to everything happening, he put a 6 inch knife to James' Niece's throat (she had CCTV evidence and the police found the knife) and he went to court and got put on TAG for 3 months.

SO HOW seriuos has the offence got to be before something is actually done about it???... No wonder society is the way it is now!

please tell me where the police are at fault here?..they found the offenders took them to court and got them convicted..its the judge/magistrates who decides the sentence not the police.

Reading this its clear the police did a brilliant job...every car in weston turned up, dogs and a helicopter and you still say they are a waste of time...what more did you want.. :angry:

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please tell me where the police are at fault here?..they found the offenders took them to court and got them convicted..its the judge/magistrates who decides the sentence not the police.

Reading this its clear the police did a brilliant job...every car in weston turned up, dogs and a helicopter and you still say they are a waste of time...what more did you want.. :angry:

Yes to be fair it is the Magistrates/Judge that decides and i think the whole court system is a load of S :tsktsk: T

The only reason all the police and helicopter was there was beacuse so many people had phoned the police and they were saying it was a riot with hammers and baseball bats which is aload of crap. There was only the 3 youths and 3 of us there, all the other people were passers by and customers that were stood doing nothing.

BUT the police are just as bad because we seen the lad that got away in the village a few days later and when we contacted the police so they could come and arrest him and they said they had already made AN APPOINTMENT to go and see him! what a joke, he had commited assault surely he shud of been arrested as soon as they knew of his where abouts but i suppose that would of inconvienienced the police!

We have to go through it again when it goes to crown court because other wise they can put a summons on us and have us arrested then giving us a criminal record, but after that... never again as i now know how crap the court system is.

It just worrys me that we have to bring up our kids in this society, give it some time (not much) and you will not be able to walk out your door without being attacked, mugged or stabbed by some gang of chavs... and its the police, courts and parents fault that it has ended up this way...

Im sorry if i have offended any one but this society is turning into a complete JOKE and it makes my blood boil.

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I hope to God the little ***** gets what is coming to him. It's just not right.

I by no means want to de-rail this thread, but not all teenagers are like this as I'm sure you know. I'm 17 and I don't drink or smoke at all. Neither do most of my friends. However, I get the blame for things sometimes, or people will cross the road to avoid me. I do not look intimidating or anything. Yes, I do wear hoody's but that's because they're warm and comfy, not because I'm a member of the local 'so-solid crew'.

I agree with the comments about the social networking sites. I myself use Bebo, but unlike most I'm capable of using full words when presented with a keyboard. Some of the crap that gets posted on other users' pages goes beyond belief, but that is down to the person posting it. Most of it to be fair, is utter crap.

I wish the law would back off, they can get away with pretty much everything. They know that if you retaliate (sp?) towards them they can quite easily get you in the *****. That is why they will not give in.

Why can't we just smack the ********.

Sorry, rant over. Just sick of getting other people's *****.

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Again guys and girls thankyou for your input on this topic, just been past the lads house and no ones home, so i expect to see him again tonight, but this time the camera's are set up for a bit of proof if needed? and i'll be keeping my trainers on untill i go to bed ;)

The thing with this lad is, he's not a teenager he's in his mid 20's, so its not always the teens doing it, a lot of the younger lads and girls around here give me and my cars a lot of respect, and i know quite a few by name as i've helped with there bikes etc in the past, which is the type of thing i dont mind doing and as i said they give me a bit of respect and most always say hello in passing, there is the odd one that doesnt live in our street that thinks like a muppet but those are quite rare at the moment?

Will see what happens tonight? hopefully he'll use his brain for a change (but i doubt it) and if he doesnt he'll be getting a visit in the morning from a few people in the street ;)

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Yes to be fair it is the Magistrates/Judge that decides and i think the whole court system is a load of S :tsktsk: T

The only reason all the police and helicopter was there was beacuse so many people had phoned the police and they were saying it was a riot with hammers and baseball bats which is aload of crap. There was only the 3 youths and 3 of us there, all the other people were passers by and customers that were stood doing nothing.

BUT the police are just as bad because we seen the lad that got away in the village a few days later and when we contacted the police so they could come and arrest him and they said they had already made AN APPOINTMENT to go and see him! what a joke, he had commited assault surely he shud of been arrested as soon as they knew of his where abouts but i suppose that would of inconvienienced the police!

We have to go through it again when it goes to crown court because other wise they can put a summons on us and have us arrested then giving us a criminal record, but after that... never again as i now know how crap the court system is.

It just worrys me that we have to bring up our kids in this society, give it some time (not much) and you will not be able to walk out your door without being attacked, mugged or stabbed by some gang of chavs... and its the police, courts and parents fault that it has ended up this way...

Im sorry if i have offended any one but this society is turning into a complete JOKE and it makes my blood boil.

so your REAL problem is that you have to go to court again to give evidence. :whistling:

Clearly you wanted the instant hit of the police turning up and resolving the situation when it happened but you really cant be arsed to see the case the case the bitter end...

Perhaps there wouldnt be so many people being attacked, mugged or stabbed by chavs as you put it, if people like you had the resolve to persist with the court process.

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so your REAL problem is that you have to go to court again to give evidence. :whistling:

Clearly you wanted the instant hit of the police turning up and resolving the situation when it happened but you really cant be arsed to see the case the case the bitter end...

Perhaps there wouldnt be so many people being attacked, mugged or stabbed by chavs as you put it, if people like you had the resolve to persist with the court process.

Actually i had no problem going to court the first time round, i understood that by giving my statement thats what i would have to do..... The thing that F****D me off was going to court for 4 days, standing on a stand for hours being called a liar and thick and then they got F**K all for it any way and now we have to go and do it all again,,,, and for what?????




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