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Everything posted by runsgrateasanut

  1. My 1993 Mk2 has a moulded Gear shift lever, so the 1994 must have the leather (look??) gear shift lever
  2. Knocking the gear lever backward seems unusual. I had a fright recently in France where I admit to a mistake on a rural crossroads, seeing both clear, left and right, but not realising it was a crossroads and not a T junction pulled to the centre and almost turned to my left at which time my wife shouted and I realised a car I thought was parked on the opposite of the road was parallel to me. Swerved to the right and avoided his left rear wing. Phew! Now my wife in her panic hit the Gear lever to hold on to it. Surely only with the button being pushed in, will the gear lever move? If she'd pushed it forward it might have gone into Reverse gear and crashed the gearbox. Either error would have put us in dire straights for the rest of the holiday.
  3. As Chasdad has left Lexus I hope he won't mind me adding a little about Malcolm Watford. I have spent the last hour reading the hundreds of threads of condolences to his family on MBOC. To those on the forum and there must be quite a few ex-Mercedes owners as well as those who have both marques, you can find an image of Malcolm if you put his name into Google and check out the Facebook name thats listed. We have some extremely helpful members on this forum and I could name them but it isn't necessary. All that is necessary is that we respect each others Postings and reserve comment that might cause offence. As Acre said, life is short and I suspect for many of us (LS olwners) we are in the late bloom phase of life where nearby Winter blasts have a habit of destroying that last bit of beauty. I said twenty thousand Posts and was corrected to one hundred and fifty thousand Posts. Remarkable and unmatchable and truly someone who always wanted to give helpful advice as soon as requested. Only glad since joining this forum that Lexus seems to require less input to maintain vehicles on the road - with the exception of the Caps that is!
  4. John, I'm so sorry to hear that Malcolm has passed away. Thank you for letting me know. Not only did he contribute greatly to the Merc forum but having had three wives he looked after one of the earlier ones when she had Dementia. A giant of a man to my mind.
  5. Where's that black ball - only joking! On the Mercedes forum there is a Man who has posted over 20,000 and a nicer man you could not wish to meet. Not only is he extremely knowledgeable but has assisted many members with their problems and even their electronic parts when something needed repair. Having owned over 100 cars and been an electronics engineer and a car trader in his lifetime his knowledge is invaluable with a marque that frankly has more electrical gremlins than any Japanese car. Despite this on occasion he gets "banned" maybe for a period of three months. Personally I've never found any of his threads offensive but the mods do sometimes feel he has overstepped the mark or perhaps trod on their toes?
  6. Talkin g of putting up photo's I see that you now have to invest annually in Photobucket if you want to get that magic image code to be able to post a photo and any previous photos posted are now deleted by advertising P'buckets services. Is there another way to get the code for a jpeg, tiff or whatever as you can't post photos in these formats?
  7. Thanks Mark. I've worked it out that the unit just pushes in to the white clips, (Guy in the video didn't mention this!!) but I hadn't undone two screws at the side so there was no movement. Doh! Took Son and I, must have been an hour, to work it out. Oh well will be easier next time.
  8. Could Lexus have made it more diffuclt to change a failed brake bulb? I doubt it. OK I've taken off six plastic tabs out and unscrewed a triagular external drain flap. There are two white clips the top one almost grippable and the lower impossible to reach. How do these clips release the unit? Can't easily squeze. Top or sides? Baffled Any ideas please?
  9. A man who owns an SC430 should surely be able to chivvy up a bit more than £300 for a classic LS400? Never seen an SC430 before but must say I wouldn't mind this one. Only fear I would have is of it being keyed as is the behaviour of the envy set. Couldn't bear that so... I'll have to wait until I move house if I want to treat myself. Lovely looking Car.
  10. I changed the "o" ring a while back but still had a leak. Put in a small amount of snake juice that I bought unopened from a yard sale for £1 and after 1200 mile recent journey the level has stayed the same. Not too concerned that this is a "bodge" if it does the trick. ps Steve can you reply to my pm please?
  11. Personally not my favourite colour scheme. A few observations. car having adjustable air shocks with High / Low / Sport settings Didn't know that they had this on the Mk1. Certainly not on the Mk2 Would this be a Japanese local Car sold to the former owner. 4,200cc and not 3,969cc as my Car being a Mk2 Reg May 1993. Unusual or not? Tyre wear mentioned - in several MOT's. Surely would be the original tyres with such low mileage. Steering Column top becoming slightly worn. Interesting. Have all owners of Mk 1's had such a problem before 20k mileage?
  12. Wildcard - Is your lpg tank (toroidal?) properly secured? Obviously not if it happens when stationary.
  13. I've not had any trouble with Mintex but I change the discs at the same time. Squeeling is either because pads are trying to get to grips with Discs that look like an LP or its because they have not been properly copper greased at the back. I have Goodrich stainless steel covered hoses and the Brakes are absolutely excellent. When I got the Car it was lethal as the brakes seemed non-existant. I don't believe it - to coin a phrase at the time, How it had passed an MOT still baffles me. Seriously deficient. Brake dust is to be expected on front brakes. It proves they are doing the job effectively. Bit of a pain however, and the front wheels are the only parts I tend to wash off the dust. Rest of the car just has to wait for its Birthday.
  14. I think the gestures are unlikely to be a pleasant wave! OK Idiots do hog the wrong lane sometimes. In France having accidently taken the Transponder of a hire Car for a swim with dire consequences, we endured a long late night trip from Marseilles to Frejus on the A8 at electryfying speeds with a Taxi Driver who looked like ex Pres Chirac and who swung the Car into the slow Lane every time after overtaking. So, from third to first Lane. In France being the in wrong lane will get you a fine if the Gendarmerie spot you. It was a nerve wracking experience at 130kph but technically he was driving to rules. Pushing people over by button press would likely become a habit and turn the Brits into Italians, especially BMW drivers, I imagine.
  15. Love the forum but am blissfully ignorant of any new technology in cars since soft close doors. Forgive my ignorance but is the "coast" somehow a system whereby like Cruise Control when you press the accelerator the car does not drop revs and slow if you lift your foot, but only if you brake? I do find with Cruise that it annoys me when "on" that the Car will go up hills fine but I don't particularly want the car to slow when going down hills, which of course happens to maintain the same speed. I always feel this must mess with fuel efficency. Thought I'd look online rather than be embarrased in asking this question but discovered the following thread which has left me speechless. That you can control a Car in front!
  16. Great photo's of the ECU. The PCB doesn't easily seem to lend itself to being held in a revolving clamp with the two ribbon connectors to a second board. How did you work on it if you don't mind me asking?
  17. Oh and may have needed a small amount of filing to the hole. I have a photo somewhere but not the IMG to hand.
  18. I bought these for my '93. Need to use the rubbers from the originals as very slightly smaller but it doesn't show. (with slight adaptation of a cut in the rubber if I recall)
  19. I have a spare Amber original form a 93 if you are only looking for replacing a damaged one?
  20. The old Backs been rather tested in the last fortnight having had to drill through a two foot granite wall with a metre long bit and two different size corers, one being eighteen inches long. It doesn't like being in a crouch position for more than a few minutes or I have a hell of a job straightening up. So, as much as examining and doing the tidy up job may once have been almost (I say almost) a pleasure, I'm past this stage of enthusiasm for motor maintenance. Poor old Codger I hear you say - and I can't but agree! Ten years ago a Consultant after looking at my X-ray said "if you can't pee or poo go straight to Hospital". Well, I've avoided it so far, how I don't really know as I've moved a few White goods at home since then. Guess I just don't think about it, until it reminds me!
  21. Just had a word with my Mechanic who took a look and said probalby not worth the effort unless you have flexible paint. As it happens I do have a tin of Beige flexible paint bought for a £1 at a yard sale. Not sure if I'll bother. This may interest members, being a fan of Maxxis. I put on four new tyres when I bought the Lexus wheels. This is the tread wear report Tyre brand Outer Middle Inner Maxxis n/s/ front 8.0 8.0 8.0 Maxxis o/s front 8.0 8.0 8.0 Nexen n/s rear 5.0 5.0 5.0 Nexen o/s rear 5.5 5.5 4.5 Its always been my intention to replace the rear with Maxxis in due course. Interesting how much the rears have worn where I would have expected the fronts to have worn?? Promise I don't do doughnuts!!
  22. Just passed the MOT with only advisory (again) the rear Springs corrosion. Somewhat hesitant when it comes to taking off wheels. Could tart them up. I do have two new springs but I fear that the current £50 springs will not necessarily last any distance. Am I wrong on this? One hears so many stories - don't yur know! I take a spring with me on our French trips just in case one should go (not to mention a host of other parts - Serpentine belt, Starter motor repair kit, 12mm tubing/ compression fitments for P/S oil cooler lines etc, etc) All under the Mat. I booked a time with my mechanic tomorrow - just in case of a fail - but doubt he'll want to tart up the springs. Don't have a level surface to work on, just bricks in sand, so reluctant to raise car despite having all the necessary Jacks and equipment (well thats my excuse!) . Ps to the handbrake issue. Car passed wiohout worry (used every time car parked) and reluctant to put on new set of shoes (even though I have a set) as grip when new is often less effective. So until a fail on this, yet another unused part.
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