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Phones In Cars


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On the way home from work Tuesday (or was it Weds?) (about 16:45 so loads of kids around) this week going past Penenden Heath (Kent), an LS400 dark green went the other way with the driver (not old or middleaged!) on the phone - handheld.

Grrrr I thought, but we all do it from time to time (or DO we these days?).

5/10 minutes later going through Bredhurst, an IS200 in Black (or very dark) went past ALSO with the (young) driver using a handheld!!

Now I'm old and had to train myself to use a handsfree, but these 2 and probably a lot of you have been brought up with mobiles so it should be second nature.

How many of you actually own a decent handsfree (in a car that doesnt have one built in) and use it?

There are so many drivers around that use mobiles handheld, obviously the law doesnt have the time/energy to persue most of them

Scarface - how many (if any!!) get nicked - any idea??


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A complete waste of time this law. Don't get me wrong Ive profitted from it but its just another Law against motorists.

As the study showed, its the talking on the phone that was the disctraction not holding the handset itself.

Thats fine, but that should mean complete silence in the car, or no smoking etc etc.

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A complete waste of time this law. Don't get me wrong Ive profitted from it but its just another Law against motorists.

As the study showed, its the talking on the phone that was the disctraction not holding the handset itself.

I disagree with you here. I've seen a lot of people doing dodgy things trying to steer, change gear and hold onto a handset at the same time. It's just not safe.

Most of the studies I've seen that show that talking is the distraction seem to be done in the US where most people drive Autos. In that case, yeah I can see that talking on a hand-held is about as distracting as smoking or talking in the car. But in the UK/Europe where most people "drive stick" then I think the distraction of a hand-held is far far worse.

Incidentally, have you seen this?


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I used to talk on my phone whilst driving and if you take notice of yourself you will realise just how much concentration you actually lose and how unaware you become of whats goin on around you, its dangerous i agree but its the same as smoking and drinking or anything else you do at the wheel, but at the same time so is sneezing so there has to be a line drawn somewhere, i haven't got a handsfree but i do usr loudspeaker, don't even know if thats legal but i'm not holding the phone so i assume its the same as using a hands free kit.

And it does annoy me when i see people holdong there mobiles while driving especially when there driving like knobs, when you give em a dirty look they give you the V sign as if your in the wrong! Huh!

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There are two sides to this, I drive an auto, and up until the law came across, I did use my phone handheld while driving. However, the actual holding of the phone made no difference to me at all, as I tend to always drive with one hand on the wheel. So in this case, it could be argued that the law is a waste of time. But on the other hand there are a lot of people who IMO do not have enough driving skill to be on the road, let alone drive while holding a phone, so this law is great as it supposedly protects other motorists from these imcompetents.....

Its not hard though, as soon as the law came out, I got myself a Bluetooth headset and problem solved - there really is no excuse for it :angry:

The thing that really drives me up the wall is when you see someone holding a phone who clearly has a manual gearbox - not sure who these guys think they are but I for one do not know anyone who has three hands, it is impossible to hold a phone, steering wheel and change gear all at the same time while still maintaining proper control of a car.

I also agree that smoking while driving should be banned, in many cases its worse cos which would you rather drop in an emergency? A phone or a piece of fire?

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Yes, in theory, it's safest to have two hands on the wheel whilst driving except when gear changing. If you had to swerve in an emergency or you had a blowout, then having one hand on the wheel would add more danger to the situation, since you'd have less control of the wheel. It could be holding a phone, eating, smoking, drinking or holding a map that is the reason you've only got one hand on the wheel.

What's really dangerous, is when someone is on the phone (whether it's hands free/handheld/bluetooth headset), and they get so involved in the phone conversation, they stop paying attention to the hazards around them. You see, the person on the other end of the phone, has no idea of the HAZARDS around the driver. Compared to talking to a passenger in your own car, the passenger knows when to shut up, or can warn the driver, watch out, kid coming out in front of you. Hence, talking on the phone is NOT the same as talking to a passenger or listening to the radio.

Research indicates accidents are 4 more times likely if driver is talking on a phone, regardless of whether it's handsfree or not.

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The subject of this forum was about using handheld phones while driving. The reason they were banned was due to the number of acidents caused and people injured or killed by a driver using a handheld while driving. So why bring Smoking into the equasion?

There is already more than enough bull printed about smoking and its effects on everyone. :duh:

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I don't have a car kit, nowadays I'll just let it ring out and check out the messages when I get home!

Bought one of the first Ericsson Bluetooth kits back in the days of the Nokia 6310's and never got on with it, I looked like a prat so that went in the gadget dustbin!

I like to screen my calls so that was one of my biggest irk's with the BT headsets as you still needed to handle the phone to look at who was calling!

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The subject of this forum was about using handheld phones while driving. The reason they were banned was due to the number of acidents caused and people injured or killed by a driver using a handheld while driving. So why bring Smoking into the equasion?

There is already more than enough bull printed about smoking and its effects on everyone. :duh:

No offence but thats a typical selfish smokers response!

Using a phone whilst in your hand is against the law, so Id imagine that holding a fag or striking a match up etc etc whilst in motion is very relevant to what I said.

Eating and drinking is also against the law.....and I don't hear people moaning about that!

I have no problems with people who want to smoke, I was merely throwing in my 2 pence worth on the topic, so get over your hard done to self!

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its an easy way of getting more money thats what its really about.....

the problems with using a phone while driving, is as has been stated, the actual, in depth conversation.......

hand held makes no difference, some people, especially women, get engrossed in conversation...thats the issue, not the actual holding the phone

ive made, and still do quick "im on the way" calls

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There is already more than enough bull printed about smoking and its effects on everyone. :duh:

If you are trying to suggest that the multitude of information regarding smoking and the negative effect it has on both smokers and non-smokers both physically and financially is made up or factually incorrect then you are deluded.

Back on topic - people using mobiles while driving makes me mad and I agree that even using a handsfree phones is a distraction at the wheel. Holding something in your hand, a cigarette, apple, electric shaver, mobile etc. while driving should be banned and that way there would be no confusion.

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Firstly, my point was that this discussion started out as being about using handheld mobile phones while driving. It was not about all the potentially dangerous things some people get up to whilst driving, including their driving attitude.

There is no scientific evidence that passive smoking causes cancer. Maybe it does and maybe it doesn't. The fact is it is not proven. Because the majority of people believe it does not make it fact. If this was the case then the world would be flat.

If non-smokers do not wish to mix with smokers, then why did we not see thousands of bars, restaurants etc. open to non-smokers only? If the demand was already there the rule of supply and demand would have guaranteed their existance without the need for new laws to be introduced surely.

Just my two pennies worth. :shutit:

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And that has what to do with the post? :blink:

Again, your ignorrance shows. Nobodies disputing "Smokers Rights"

Even if it did, as I said smokers dont bother me, but should they chose to take my freedom of choice away from me, I will complain. Roll on the day smoking is banned in pubs!

Sorry davepruce for going way off topic.

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There is no scientific evidence that passive smoking causes cancer.

Do you work for the tobacco industry?

Passive smoking is a cause of lung cancer and, in those with long term exposure, the increased risk is in the order of 20-30%. This means that several hundred lung cancer deaths per year in the UK can be attributed to passive smoking. (source: Report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health. Department of Health, 1998)

Non-smokers living in a household with a smoker have an overall 23% increased risk of heart disease (source: Law, M R et al. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and ischaemic heart disease: an evaluation of the evidence. BMJ 1997: 315: 973-80)

I can quote many more reports from around the world, but don't want to bore people.

No UK government will ban smoking completely, since the UK gets about 8bn a year in cigarette duty, but only spends around 1.5bn a year in the NHS treating smoking related illnesses. It's all about money! :offtopic:

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There is no scientific evidence that passive smoking causes cancer.

Do you work for the tobacco industry?

Passive smoking is a cause of lung cancer and, in those with long term exposure, the increased risk is in the order of 20-30%. This means that several hundred lung cancer deaths per year in the UK can be attributed to passive smoking. (source: Report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health. Department of Health, 1998)

Non-smokers living in a household with a smoker have an overall 23% increased risk of heart disease (source: Law, M R et al. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and ischaemic heart disease: an evaluation of the evidence. BMJ 1997: 315: 973-80)

I can quote many more reports from around the world, but don't want to bore people.

No UK government will ban smoking completely, since the UK gets about 8bn a year in cigarette duty, but only spends around 1.5bn a year in the NHS treating smoking related illnesses. It's all about money! :offtopic:

Amen brother!

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I don't think there's any point in arguing that smoking does not increase your risk or ill-health or even death as that's just silly....... :blink: And on the point of there being market for bars for non-smokers, I think you're kidding aren't you? Do you know a single person who's entire circle of friends does not contain smokers???

But going back on topic the point I was making along with Kazi, is that holding anything while driving is going to mean that you can't react as quickly - even if you're driving with one hand, its easy to put the other hand back on the wheel if you need to take evasive measures, if you're holding something else, its that little bit harder. Even if you're holding a pen, its not going to let you get a good grip of the wheel.

However, I do also agree that the main problem is people getting engrossed in conversations. For me, its generally the opposite, and I don't really pay much attention to the conversation and end up having to get things repeated over and over :lol:

But I'm still going to stick with the fact that people with manual gearboxes should not be using hand held phones - I've seen cab drivers who change gear while holding the steering wheel with their knees, and others who lean over desperately trying to hold the phone between their head and shoulder, while their engine is bouncing off the rev limiter as they struggle to engage the next gear......

Come on, regardless of whether its illegal or not, you look like a fool so just get a carkit :duh: :angry: :D

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And that has what to do with the post? :blink:

Again, your ignorrance shows. Nobodies disputing "Smokers Rights"

Even if it did, as I said smokers dont bother me, but should they chose to take my freedom of choice away from me, I will complain. Roll on the day smoking is banned in pubs!

Sorry davepruce for going way off topic.

Hehehe - I didnt think it would raise this much of a discussion - but its all good. It shows that we all have majorly differing opinions, and are not too 'scared' to voice them!

I was a smoker for 25 years (gave up 17 years ago) and had a few near misses due to various things that happened while smoking in a car!!

I agree with the comment above that ANYTHING not directly to do with the control of the car that reduces your concentration should be banned - but how on earth could it be policed?

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And that has what to do with the post? :blink:

Again, your ignorrance shows. Nobodies disputing "Smokers Rights"

Even if it did, as I said smokers dont bother me, but should they chose to take my freedom of choice away from me, I will complain. Roll on the day smoking is banned in pubs!

Sorry davepruce for going way off topic.

Hehehe - I didnt think it would raise this much of a discussion - but its all good. It shows that we all have majorly differing opinions, and are not too 'scared' to voice them!

I was a smoker for 25 years (gave up 17 years ago) and had a few near misses due to various things that happened while smoking in a car!!

I agree with the comment above that ANYTHING not directly to do with the control of the car that reduces your concentration should be banned - but how on earth could it be policed?

To be honest I don't think it can be policed but in the event of an accident or query it would remove the avoidance of doubt. Someone couldn't say I knew I couldn't use a phone but I thought I was alright holding a map/cigarette/pen etc. The same applies to drinking and driving. If the government said that you can't have any alcohol and drive it would stop people guessing as to whether they are over the limit or not. But I expect that comment is going to get me into a whole load of trouble now too!

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To be honest I don't think it can be policed but in the event of an accident or query it would remove the avoidance of doubt. Someone couldn't say I knew I couldn't use a phone but I thought I was alright holding a map/cigarette/pen etc. The same applies to drinking and driving. If the government said that you can't have any alcohol and drive it would stop people guessing as to whether they are over the limit or not. But I expect that comment is going to get me into a whole load of trouble now too!

Agree completely with zero tolerance, thats how it is in some other countries (not sure which ones) - at least everyone knows where they are and cannot winge if they get 'done' for doing what they shoudnt.

Its a great responsibility piloting a huge lump of metal with (mostly) only air between it and people, and we should take that responsibility seriously and not do anything that jeopardises anyones safety - including our own!

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I think that using a mobile in your hand, smoking, eating and drinking should be banned when cars are in motion.

On a number of occasions i've had people especially young females and mothers driving estates or 4x4 vehicles and they don't stop talking on the phone even when they get to a round about or junction! they nearly crash into me as i come over round abouts as they are distracted by their phone or a ciggy and nearly take the front or the side off my car! (this has happened quite a few times).

People also write a txt whilst they are driving thinking this is not as bad as talking on the phone, causing them to drive eratically randomly braking and not moving on when the lights go green etc it just anoys the hell out of me.

My mother had a Ford Orion (back in the old days :P ) written off as some silly woman was messing about trying to light a ciggy whilst driving, she took the whole front end off!

I have a "Parrott" hands free kit which just uses the ciggy lighter and i can use it in any vehicle so there is no excuse about not having handsfree in a particular vehicle either.

I usually find that people using a mobile phone whilst driving are young females, what's the most common driver that does this round your area? (out of intrest)

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And that has what to do with the post? :blink:

Again, your ignorrance shows. Nobodies disputing "Smokers Rights"

Even if it did, as I said smokers dont bother me, but should they chose to take my freedom of choice away from me, I will complain. Roll on the day smoking is banned in pubs!

Sorry davepruce for going way off topic.

If people want to smoke that's their own choice and they can take on the affects of it. People who think that non smokers should just have to put up with smokers damaging their health through passive smoking because THEY want to smoke is just plain selfish.

Would someone who takes drugs expect the person sitting next to them in a bar to passively (if this was possible) take on the drugs that THEY are taking?!

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