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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. To say that clutch judder is normal is cobblers - mine will judder slightly if the revs are too low, but only occasionally and nothing like as bad as you describe. Under normal circumstances (without revving the b@ll@cks off it) it is very smooth.
  2. So you can lock passengers in the car without deadlocking them in. e.g. You lock your kids in the car while you pay for petrol, car catches fire - kids can't open the doors if it's deadlocked. OK, so it's a bit extreme but you get the idea.
  3. That's true, but even with the diesel surcharge it's still a lot cheaper than a petrol. Next year the difference will be even greater if you have a company fuel card because the tax on that will be CO2 based as well. Engine size and mileage don't come into it anymore - list price and CO2 are all that counts. I think there is one engine that meets the 2005 emissions and therefore escapes the surcharge, but I can't remember who makes it.
  4. Maybe, but nearly 60% of UK Merc S-class sales are now diesel so somebody wants them. All to do with the tax savings (on a company car) running to several hundred quid a month, not the mpg per se. Great car though the LS is, it's not quite in the same market as an Aston or Ferrari. I imagine there will always be a place for the big petrol motor (I have a 3.5V8 of my own :D ) but with current emphasis on CO2 emissions the tide is shifting.
  5. Snow mode reduces the throttle response - makes it easier to be subtle with the accelerator. Edited to say: Wallace already said that :duh: It's normal for the TC to allow some wheel slip before cutting in - this is a good thing because when the power cuts, the car bogs badly which can really land you in it at junctions In my experience you're better off walking if it's snowing/icy
  6. Rumours are a new diesel motor (not a current Toyota) for 2005, which I guess will be the new IS platform and therefore probably a V6 - maybe.... or not, as the case may be
  7. Where do you live? I just love the idea that 100mph is sensible and 135 is normal driving I average about 31 mpg - mostly m/way at ~80mph
  8. Leeds: 10k - £99 20k - £252 30k - £108 Anybody got any costs for the 300 (Hey, I like to plan ahead :D )
  9. Might be worth checking the pollen-filter (behind the glove box) is not bunged up - although I'd expect all your windows to mist up, not just the back. Mine is usually misted-up after a cold night but the HRW clears it no problem.
  10. Try another dealer - a guy I know had his changed even though thy were all quite badly kerbed.
  11. Very neat - although, not neat enough to make me spend £50 plus postage I'm afraid. Good idea though.
  12. Why do we HAVE to join? says who? Agree wholeheartedly with TG. Single currency is all well and good, but we don't have a single economy to go with it
  13. Hmmm, I hope that piccy is what it looks like - a photoshop creation
  14. Both should work on '98 - just that winipcfg gives a GUI instead of text output.
  15. Autocar had pictures of this car a few weeks back (again, at the 'ring) and they said it had a fantastic V8 note.
  16. Quite a few companies in the UK do wheel refinishing (some of them are mobile too). I imagine there must be some similar companies in France? Unless they're very badly damaged, that would be much, much cheaper than replacing the rims.
  17. Quite a few have experienced the "burning rubber" smell after pressing on a bit - exhaust hangers we think. There was a whole load of posts about it some time ago.
  18. Assuming (cos you didn't say otherwise ;) ) that the brakes don't "feel bad" when this happens, I'd guess that it's not a problem internal to the brakes such as the pump. Does the noise definitely come from under the bonnet or could it be something on the bulkhead/pedal-box. The only thing I've had similar to this was the clutch pedal catching on the bulkhead carpet - can't suggest why it would only happen from cold though If it is under the bonnet, it could be something in the servo perhaps.
  19. The mirrors are heated permanently and the front screen comes on with the rear screen (on pre-02 cars). I have heard of some of our foreign friends being a bit @rsey about not having a GB sticker despite having it on the plate. All Europeans together :headbang:
  20. Yeah, my dealer told me a load of old cobblers too
  21. All true :smilegrin: Don't know about fixing the squeak, apart from changing them.
  22. I had the same kind of problem (common I think). The dealer said "Aah yes, we know what that is" - when it came back they had sprayed silicone grease on the seat-belt buckle mounting bolt AND the leather where it meets the seat base (yes really). Didn't make a scrap of difference except the seat-belt stalk moves about a lot easier and I had to clean the seats I sprayed a small amount of SG in each of the stalks (where the buckle latches in to) and, although it still creaks occasionally, it seems a lot better.
  23. I don't know, I've never been to Japan :D but I thought that brakelights were brakelights and foglights were foglights they are NOT the same thing. I think (not sure) that foglights aren't a legal requirement in Japan, so they're just used as brakelights? A car not compliant with construction and use reg's is not illegal?? To be honest, it's not the legality or otherwise that bothers me - it's consideration for others. Foglights have different reflector/beam patterns - it's not all about the wattage of the bulb (they're 21W not 55 BTW). If your happy that your not dazzling anyone then fair enough - I did say it depends on the car.
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