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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2024 in Posts

  1. Worst decision I ever made: buying an RZ. Best decision I ever made: Buying on a 2 year PCP so they can have the overpriced piece of junk back next May
    6 points
  2. Hello everyone. Became an LBX driver at the end of March. Fortunate enough to have a Dealer prepared to sell a showroom car which exactly met spec and colour we were looking for and therefore avoided the 3 month wait of a factory order. Early days yet and haven’t driven many miles but so far delighted with the car.
    3 points
  3. Dichotomy? I had that in a restaurant in Paris with pommes frites many years ago. My wife preferred the Andouillettes. Now they are a really horrible thing. A bit like the Tories but smellier..
    3 points
  4. Personally for the most part, I’d say as far as world governments go, we’ve got a pretty good / reliable / charitable one (in fact, maybe being too charitable at the wrong times is part of one of its major flaws!). Not a perfect government at all, but objectively one of the “best”. That’s not excusing their ***** ups! look at Venezuela… Russia … China. The electric car stuff, sadly, is bowing to pressure from eco activist groups and an idiotic (my) generation and below making outrageous demands, crying about this horrible world they’ve forcibly been born into, blaming the old generation for climate change, and then making stupid statements like ‘just stop oil’ and expecting that if we all are forced to drive EVs, the problem will go away. I fear it’s governments trying to appeal to said groups and ideas that leads to these silly laws and rules, not just here but in the EU as well since we’re fairly in sync with the whole .. 2050..2035..2030..2035 dates on it 😞 At least we’ve realised it this far before any of those dates have come, that’s a positive at least. as for voting day, I dare say the long spell of Tories probably comes down to someone with the initials of ‘JC’ being so god awful, that even their mishaps are a drop in the ocean compared to what that jack@ss would have done…. Getting his photo taken with terrorists and promising to decommission our deterrents…. Can you really blame any one for voting Tory?! 🤣 (I hope you get my point, not defending their mistakes but just trying to poke some fun at the other choice we had). I wish we had more credible choices at the polling stations. still, if you ever feel bad about the Labour vs Tory situation, have a Quick Look over at Northern Ireland, we’ve got a real **** show going on here with politics 🤦‍♂️
    3 points
  5. Since the Israel/Iran fracas looked like kicking off there was a spike in Crude Oil prices. The profiteering b@stards at all of the petrol refineries and stations IMMEDIATELY raised their prices, even though it takes weeks for the oil itself to filter through the system. Then the "crisis" evaporated fairly quickly but of course the profiteering b@stards have yet to reduce the prices at the pump. Since we have an ineffective, spineless, pro-profiteering government I don't see any of that changing any time soon either.
    3 points
  6. Speaking solely for myself, I'm 28 and have just been given a fairly high spec new 'Vauxhall Grandland' crossover thing as a courtesy car. This only reaffirms to me that unless it's a proper, stable, large 4x4 like car - I don't want it. I drove a relatives old Vauxhall Zafira and later, Peugeot 2008 (before they got ultra stylish) and this is every bit the same car underneath, a big, empty space, van with more stylishly rounded edges, and it handles that way too. I have no interested in these 'crossovers', they are just modernised people carriers to me. Perhaps Lexus and some of the more premium / more expensive brands drive better? (Scored out more expensive, because this Vauxhall monstrosity cost the same as a Lexus UX!) Toyota going for the 'crossover styling' makes sense to me even with the Aygo 'X' and the Yaris 'Cross' / Lexus LBX. The closer they can keep it to a hatchback / lower and better handling, the happier I'll be. Cars can be 'normal cars' and still easy to get into, look at city cars with tall profiles like the Fiat Panda etc, those are very easy to get into and favoured by older people. Equally (more so in mainland Europe) young people don't see the stigma of them being old people cars as much, they're used / appreciated as flexible young family cars too on a shoestring budget. All of this SUV styling and 'crossover' stuff other than for the Motability scheme buyers who probably genuinely do appreciate the space and the ride height, I think is more the mainstream car makers forcing it on us all, because there's simply no other way to hide the batteries in the EV powertrain configurations elegantly. Now that the CT is gone and not being replaced, the LBX is probably the next model for me to graduate to down the line. If it's closer to a hatchback than a crossover / MPV, I'm happy with that. I hope it sells. Although I know a couple of people I know who drove and loved various regular Yaris models over the last 20 years test drove the Yaris Cross, only to go for a Corolla in the end up as it drove noticeably better / more refined. I wonder if the Lexus refinement solves that (albeit, at a cost)
    3 points
  7. The answer for you GMB may well be to not spend £ 70k on a ‘silly thing like a car’ and drive a 12 year old car, but if I can afford it - which I can and did, then who are you to sit in judgement. The point of the post was about EV values
    2 points
  8. It sounds like a 'head or heart' thing. Just going by the figures, especially the difference in the insurance group, head says Yaris Cross. BUT the Lexus name and quality, I expect the heart and LBX will win. Best of luck, whatever your choice.
    2 points
  9. I have previously owned a Golf 7.5. The rear seat space in the LBX and access as you mention is tight, not as spacious as a Golf. However I did not have a good experience with VW service plus I wanted a full hybrid so for me VW were not an option. Less than a month of ownership to date so early days but so far very pleased with the purchase. With regard to insurance I got acceptable quotes from both Admiral and NFU; I expect other insurers will add the LBX to their databases in due course.
    2 points
  10. What I don't understand is how we ( the trampled workers - 45 yrs full NI contributions "comrades"😁 ) all have less buying power and are generally quite a bit poorer ( think 14 yrs tory *incompetent* gov't, wars and badly managed disease control ) and yet restaurants seem busy and people buy stupidly priced cars that lose money in a titanic style. I just don't get it either. The answer for me is don't buy silly priced things like £70K+ new cars or go to rip-off restaurants or UK holidays. We have a lovely petrol burning Lexus that should last a long long time and intend to enjoy it. Might splash out on a week in Italy or Spain though😏??🤔 **I was being generous and polite by saying incompetent. I really meant crooked fit for nothing B********s. Phew that's better off my chest.
    2 points
  11. It's truly become shocking. I bought a two year old Fiat Panda in 2019 for £5.5k, that would have been just under 12k new in 2017.. NOW, to buy a two year old one, would cost more than double what I paid for the SAME car. The new price went from like around 10k to 14k in just a few years. The decent used first cars I looked at a decade ago, like Corsas, Fiestas.. you'd have got a decent one for around 2k. That's closer to 5k now for an equivalent aged newer design model. I don't understand it personally. I understand inflation as a concept. But the last 5 years has been well above even a bad dose of inflation. Mind blowing
    2 points
  12. The future price of EV's will be determined by supply & demand, if there is strong supply and minimal demand then yes the prices will tank. Currently helping my son who has recently passed his test to buy a car, the price of 10-year+ old ICE cars amazes me (not in a good way).
    2 points
  13. I'm at 20/14 but the ride is not for most people, it does however make my car so planted its phenomenal on the road handling wise, you just have to have a strong stomach 😂
    2 points
  14. Unfortunately a lot of people actually do believe the gov't lies. The big issue is that we do nothing about it apart from wait until the gov't allow a general election and the next lot get in. Don't expect any favours from them either.
    2 points
  15. I remember in 2022 the price of fuel also spiked to all time highs, I remember reading something like 0.5% or less of the UKs oil / fuel comes from anywhere near Russia! They raised the prices just because the headlines looked like they justified it... b@stards indeed. Although I must say, even a change of government here in the UK won't make much difference. Unless they drastically cut the high taxes they put on fuel sales. But then again, if Labour got in tomorrow, they'd need to up said taxes to build all those miracle schools, hospitals and George Floyd statues they promise. So either way, the tax payer loses. The green advocates are also pressuring the governments into increased taxes and charges on oil products, which, annoyingly, the government is all too keen to do. Although the rich will still pay the obscene prices to fill up their Lambo's and pay the ULEZ charges without knowing how much it costs... and us poor will still have to take the kids to school and drive to work, sacrificing other life expenses just to be able to do it... and yet, the planet still suffers, right? ... Money is a weird one. In my local area... I'm one pending cycle lane (probably never to be built) away from scrapping car ownership altogether. Fuel prices... insurance rises... forced EV adoption around the corner. Part of me wonders, is that what the elite want us normies to do?
    2 points
  16. I'm not surprised, people were saying this 1, 2, 3 years ago and all they got back on Facebook or forums was smart comments from owners or excited EV fans making sly remarks. And I get that there are some annoying snarky folks who are overly anti-EV too, arguably deserving said remarks. I can't afford one, nor can anyone in my immediate circles. Those who do have the nicer cars are spending their money on 3 year old BMWs and Mercs, not an electric Corsa for the same money... Some of the people I've spoken to at work (usually managers / older folks more advanced in their careers) got them through work and initially, had a honeymoon period of 'this is the best car I've ever owned, I'll never drive an engine car again'. And have also all since been caught short, had issues and a hard time resolving them via the dealer and the final straw for most, work recently had to start charging a cost for EV charging which for years, was a niche, free thing - demand for spaces and electricity is too high even with a modest uptake of EV ownership. Now, most of the same people say: never again. I only had a short test drive in a Tesla, for an hour, with some friends. It's one hell of a fun car. I don't see them going away or getting worse. I think the government, and car companies, are learning a very hard lesson about reality, in the only way they ever learn anything, with great expense and wasted resources. EVs are only a small fraction of the solution, for a small fraction of the population, in a small fraction of the most congested town and city centres across the country. If you're going to legislate them, legislate them THERE. Offer your big government grants only to those who otherwise can't afford anything than an old banger.... what? You can't do that? But wait, you said it was a climate 'emergency', so why not pull out all the stops? ... This isn't China or any other regime. People aren't stupid enough to believe the governments lies. We are able to look at the facts for ourselves and see the bigger picture. We can ask questions and the tiptoeing around them or outright 'laugh in your face for not understanding EVs' had led to this. And I'm not ripping on people from China, it's not their fault they are denied access to freedom of information, thought or choice. Frankly, any statistic from the CCP should be taken with a grain of salt, and even if it is true, it's only because they're decided for millions of people it to be true, cars are no exception. It's a sad factor that us, in the UK and beyond, are contributing towards its parasitic EV influx by buying lousy 'MG' motors and their other TikTok-esque brands flooding the market, shame on us for that.
    2 points
  17. This is a long story, bear with it as it will make sense in the end. As many may already know I rebuilt the front and rear suspension on my 98 LS400 a 18 months - 2 years ago, fitted KYB shocks not Lexus OE 'made by KYB' shocks and the rears caused a weird bouncy ride. Replaced the rear KYB shocks with Lexus OE 'made by KYB' shocks and this solved weird bouncy ride so I decided to replace the front KYB shocks with Lexus OE 'made by KYB' shocks so they all matched, original smooth softer ride restored. However, after driving the car I noticed a noise from the front right which was not there before Lexus fitted the new OE 'made by KYB' shocks. Sort of a suspension bush noise but I couldn't figure it out. It was more apparent going over speed bumps, where I live I can't go anywhere without going over at least 6, and I drove the car for a while to make sure I wasn't hearing things. I also checked all the suspension work I did and couldn't find anything wrong. I needed to have the alignment/tracking checked because I replaced the steering rack boots and had to remove the outer tie rods so I booked it into Lexus for the tracking and for them to check 'the noise' on the front right. The Lexus mechanic and I went for a drive somewhere with speed bumps so I could illustrate the noise and left the car for them to check. At this point the noise was there over speed bumps, was more very annoying rather than 'there is something very wrong' and I couldn't replicate the noise by bouncing the front of the car as far as I remember. Lexus checked all the suspension, all arms, bushes, top mount etc. which are pretty new and everything is tight as nut. Outcome was that it could be the new Lexus OE shock absorber as everything else is tickety boo and the noise wasn't there before. New front Lexus OE shock absorber ordered under warranty, this was a few months ago and the shock was on back order. Fast forward to Thursday last week, car went in for the replacement Lexus OE shock absorber and tracking. This is where it gets 'interesting'. Call from Lexus to say the new replacement Lexus OE shock absorber hasn't solved the issue, it wasn't the same mechanic who was shown the issue last time but a different mechanic that did the job. It didn't cost me anything but we, Lexus/myself, are back to square one. Could be the steering rack I'm told, couldn't see how but nothing surprises me any especially on an old car. Picked up the car and drove home, the 'noise' was a lot worse and I could hear it a heck of a lot more and this time it did sound like 'there is something very wrong'. I needed to get to the bottom of this so plan made to have a look on Saturday, maybe one of the new shock top mounts is causing the issue or a bushing or something. Saturday: Early sat morning, I bounced the right front of the car to see if I could hear anything. I couldn't hear anything a few months ago but the noise is a lot worse now. And guess what.................I could clearly hear 'the noise' and it didn't take much bouncing to hear it either. At least I can replicate the noise without driving the car so it gives me a chance to find it. Car on the Rhino ramps and I'm going to spend as much time as needed to get to the bottom of this issue. I then thought about the new top mount, it's been off the car for the new shock but dismissed this as it was on the car with the KYB shocks and it didn't make any noise at all plus they were brand new Lexus OE mounts. Next I checked all the suspension, top mount and bushes again, sprayed some WD on each bush and top mount then bounced the front of the car after each 'spray' to see if I could pin it down. Absolutely no change whatsoever so I got under the car and pushed the suspension up and down while listening. I could make the noise 'happen' while doing this. The more I did this and the more I listened I was pretty sure the noise was from the shock absorber but we are on the second new shock absorber, surely it can't be that!! So how do I prove it one way or the other? It's a strut so I can't just remove the shock and bounce the car. This is what I did, I removed the top nut from the shock absorber and this 'disconnects' the shock from the top mount - bounced the car as before and there was no noise. Put the top nut back on, tightened and bounced the car - noise came back Repeated this a few times just to be 100% sure and I noticed once the shock had been pushed down it didn't come back up. Another clue that the shock is faulty like there is no gas and/or fluid. There was fluid around the top of the shock which I wiped off thinking it was the WD I had liberally sprayed around and on the top mount. Maybe this was the fluid that had leaked out. This morning I called into Lexus and showed the Service guy what I'd found, bounce the front - noise there - remove top mount nut - bounce - noise disappears - put the top nut back on - tightened and bounced the car - noise came back. One of the mechanics came out and I showed him 'the noise', straightaway he said shock is knackered. Question now is, what to do about this - keep replacing the shock with a new one until a 'good' one is found? Lexus are unsure on what to do about it at the moment, not their fault at all that new parts supplied are faulty. I'm on holiday next week in Scotland/Borders and will be taking the IS250 so I've arranged to drop off the LS400 on Friday and leave it with them all next week to 'confirm' my findings 100% and decide what to do. I suspect the front passenger side shock is going the same way. Is there a shelf life on shocks and the gas/fluid leaks out over time or the 2 x new shocks from a faulty batch? 2 x new Lexus OE shock absorbers faulty and one worse than the other? Who knows and I'll keep this post updated with the outcome.
    1 point
  18. Today’s article in the Times foretells of a massive problem for EV manufacturers and owners. I really do wish I got my car on a PCP rather than pay £ 73k for it !
    1 point
  19. I thought i'd start a thread based around the CANbus fix through Lexus. Personally, i'm very disappointed in Lexus. I know they are not the only manufacture to be troubled by this, however, over the years, I have avoided getting an RX due to CAT thefts, and this is something else which is just tainting the brand. I fully acknowledge that they cannot contact every owner as DVSA do not consider it to be a safety issue, however, they could easily have sent a letter to anyone who has had their vehicle serviced in the last few years with them. Annoyingly, this fix is going to be chargeable. If anyone has had it, could they state how much it has cost them? My nearest dealership is an hour away, which means that if this fix is completed, it will take most of the day to complete. My concern is, however, that this is still going to have an impact on these cars. Once this fix is put in place, how will an opportunist know it's not worth their time without dismantling your bumper as a fix has been completed? Maybe a window sticker is needed 😉
    1 point
  20. I intend to test drive both Yaris Cross Premiere (when available in Cheshire ), and LBX Premium Plus Design. Yaris Cross Premiere (YCP) has 130 HP instead of the LBX 136 . 0-60 mph YCP 10.7 secs , 9.2s for the LBX YCP has spare space saver wheel , LBX none . Both have similar size info screens and binnacle Both have HUD Both appear to have a lot of high spec imitation leather Both appear have similar additional sound control measures YCP spec appears to be similar to LBX Premium Plus Design, YCP £32500 LBX non yellow , £36500 Insurance Group YCP 13/14 LBX 24 I suspect I will go with the LBX in the end and ignore the numbers , that was so nice to sit in
    1 point
  21. We passed a tipping point a few years ago - the majority of the UK population now get more from the government in public expenditure and tax credits / benefits than they put in. A smaller and smaller top slice of the population are paying for nearly everything. The top 10% of earners pay more than 50% of all income tax. The top 1% pay 28%. And 40p? Top rate of tax is 45p plus 2p national insurance - meaning 47% of every £1 earned disappears. And if you’re lucky / unlucky enough to earn between £100k and £125k, your marginal tax rate is *60%*. It’s a small miracle anyone still works hard and pays taxes. I am however very grateful for anyone who buys a new car - as without those purchases, there’d never be any used cars for everyone else to benefit from…
    1 point
  22. Update: Of course since I started monitoring the engine, the sound never happened again, even today that the temperature were very cold, so I asked the mechanic chief when he was servicing my car and he told me that it could be something related to the injection in the heating phase because I told him that it's a temporary sound and not always present especially when the engine is under load, however there are no errors per ECU scan and he told me to monitor the car regardless even though everything should be ok.
    1 point
  23. The only thing I took away from Paris was the desire never again to drive a RHD car on the peripherique ! 4 and even 5 lanes of traffic and if you need to change lanes quickly when you see your turnoff coming up then good luck with that. Having said which the Italians on their 2 wheeled death machines can create even more havoc with just one lane.
    1 point
  24. Got acceptable quotes from Admiral and NFU. Went with the latter.
    1 point
  25. Well, in hindsight the government can always have done a better job. They definitely screwed up at times, certainly. But it’s better than the alternative we could have had… I wish we had more choice in the votes. If it’s any consolation, the same sad state of affairs seems to be true in most of the developed world 😕 I think people are too happy to go into debt these days. That’s definitely true of my generation, sink into debt and blame the <older generation> or <the tories>. I’m just glad they’ve retired blaming the recession.. brexit… Trump… Covid.. Putin… The latest fad is Hamas/Israel 🤦‍♂️ companies and consumers are both getting too greedy for their own good is my view
    1 point
  26. Yep - one motor gives an odd click but does nothing and when you hold the button in the other one is simply dead (fuses etc all checked) I won't be buying 2nd hand ones and as to date there does not seem to be anyone doing refurbs it looks like it will be new motors if I ever get the cash. My next issue would be to find somebody that could fit them and by the looks of it over here in Northern Ireland my only bet is the dealers. I will ask for a price as sometimes they are not as bad as people might think but being as they never answered my last query about a replacement seat cushion I won't be holding my breath. to be fair, for a car built in December 2005 those motors are the only parts not working, everything else still works (soft close doors, seatbelt height, seats themselves, soft close boot, air con, ML stereo, air vents etc.
    1 point
  27. Which I have done, now Tesco have become the best price in my area, they get my business and I get club card points as well, bonus! The Asda station was always busy, now usually empty.
    1 point
  28. The brothers that purchased Asda, raised the price of fuel at the forecourts to collect cash to pay for the purchase of the company. Asda went from being competitive on fuel to being a high cost provider. Excess profit made at the cost of society developing and causing damage is wrong and should be controlled. Fair profit okay, but as we know many organisations seem unable to control themselves and act in a civic minded manner.
    1 point
  29. Supermarkets don’t have a very big margin on most of their products to keep prices low and compete with the other supermarkets all trying to undercut each other. Supermarket fuel is just the same, if not way more competitive. I’ve read that at times they’ll even sell it at a slight loss to maintain the cheapest price in the area. Most of the fuel pricing in the UK is so high because of government taxes. apart from all that though, why should Tesco give any money to any of us? Shareholders and investors took a gamble with putting their cash into it - and it equally could have backfired on them. Profit isn’t a bad thing, it’s the incentive that drives our society. If someone’s making a lot of it, more power to them. We aren’t really entitled to it by default. I understand your sentiment, if they’re being unfair or harming people to make said profit, then sure, it’s wrong and they should seek to make profit fairly / respectfully. But just because Tesco is as financially successful as it is, and fuel is (as always) a rip off, doesn’t correlate to being entitled to its profit. Or expecting it to sell fuel at a loss for us (although I’d be quite sure they do / have done so a lot at times). Hope it makes sense. It’s just what I think.
    1 point
  30. My current and previous NXs have both been insured with Lexus Motor Insurance. I have found them to be quite competitive on price, i.e. matching, or in some cases, being lower than the quotes I received from the usual suspects or the comparison websites (for similar cover; excess; etc.). Thankfully I haven't had the chance to see how well they respond to a claim yet (famous last words!) but am hopeful that it will be a trouble-free experience. Their promise of authorising repairs at Lexus approved body-shops using genuine Lexus parts is a major plus for me. Also, being associated with the Lexus "brand" must help surely - or am I being naive? Having said that - if their prices were well over what other insurers were quoting, would I still go with them? Probably not. I would say however that their customer service when renewing or changing cars in the past has been a little underwhelming. For example my recent renewal quote had my marital status wrong (when it was correct in the previous year) plus they only record you as having 10 years NCB even if you have actually accumulated more (so not sure how that will work if I choose to go somewhere else and need to provide proof of NCB). Hopefully their claims process is a little better. Like you, I'd be interested to hear what others have to say in that regard.
    1 point
  31. well I for one would wish for Tesco to " give back " some of it's enormous profits this last season ( £ 2.5bn ? is it ) give some more of it back to it's customers rather than simply to its shareholders / investors these obscene profits have been made off the backs of us customers who in some measure have been ripped off by Tesco excessive fuel pricing I'm sure My Tesco is still some of the best value fuel around BUT that doesn't mean to say that they are being at all FAIR to us customers with their excessive pricing Malc
    1 point
  32. There are plenty of reasons why an accurate time frame cannot be given for product delivery. Delays in R&D, testing, manufacture, international shipping, local distribution, availability of tech to train/instruct on how to install, just to name a few. Even with all that sorted you still have the challenge of customer availability too!
    1 point
  33. In my experience, the Lexus Portal & Lexus Link+ are not informative . Lexus Derby & Lexus Twitter have excelled. The 2026/7 UX will be larger to move it away from the LBX & allow larger UXE Batteries to address the Range Issue. Tel
    1 point
  34. Yes, I remember the Granada was notorious for the inertia switch in the wheel arch being triggered. Apparently naughty boys would give the switch a thump and disable the car just for a laugh when the poor driver could not start it.😏
    1 point
  35. Have you tried freeing them up with a hammer and pin punch ? Here are some 2008 ISF spring rates that I dredged up from the internet a while ago when I was looking to change coilovers....
    1 point
  36. The standard SC430 wheels are 18 x 8J, avoid the RX wheels as they are only 7.5J 👍🏻
    1 point
  37. GS300 wheels fit …same dimensions.
    1 point
  38. I presume the Polo is the same as what I'm about to say, but one of my friends mum's has one of the latest shaped Fiesta's. A 3-door, sunroof, heated seats, CarPlay and the ambient lighting etc, high spec. Shutting the door, even gently, gives a massive metal twanging sound! Apparently, it's no mistake. Ford have consciously removed some of the unseen sound deadening and 'quality of drive' factors to cut the production cost down and try to compete with the wave of high-spec, modern looking alternatives from the South Korean's that dominated the last decade of UK car sales. I can only guess VW have done the same to stay competitive. Coincidentally, the inspector guy for the claims company had a Polo GTI, latest shape. Although much more 'modern' and better spec than my CT, my eyes were drawn to all the rough plastics everywhere surrounding the little fancy inserts of the GTI. It had a similar all screen instrument cluster, very similar to this Vauxhall Grandland actually. But sitting back in the CT is an infinitely nicer place to be. It's funny because, for years, I looked at ads online for used CTs and never was fussed on the interior layout or anything, but the first time I sat in one - right after testing a modern Corolla - I was smitten with the comfort and the relaxing aspect of it. The red glow of the instrument cluster in 'Sport' mode, is as much 'sport' as I want in my car. The fake stick on plastic body mouldings, fake carbon fibre pattern and 'flappy paddles' can go to hell! lol
    1 point
  39. eCVT on RC/IS is less dealbreaker to be fair, yes it still drones at 4000RPM or so when you on middle of accelerator, but it revs up if you push it to the floor, or if you go in FSport+ mode fake "upshifts and downshifts" are both instantaneous and satisfying in the bends. I guess if I would improve anything on it, that would be that in Fsport+ manual mode I would make it to keep the "ratio" that you have chosen for longer, or even forever. Currently, it keeps the ratio I don't know... maybe for 30s or for 60s, so sometimes what happens is that by the time you go from one turn to another it goes back to D and drops the ratio. So for example you playing around with paddles on eCVT before the bend you change to "3rd", then "4th" in the bend and you already see another bend, so in such case if you would be in real manual car you stay in 4th, rev it to the limit and before next bend maybe change back to 3rd again... what happens on eCVT is that when you rev out the 4th and let's before the bend with intention with braking a little bit and changing to 3rd the gearbox simply goes to D and sets probably ratio equivalent to 6th, so now you start braking and instead of expected 1 click to go to third, you have to change ratio 3 times. I mean it works like poorly optimised automatic gearbox in this sense, but all that is software and when it works it actually mimics DTC quite well, the only problem is that short memory where after 30s it goes "WTF is going here - I am economy car and 4th gear at 60MPH is not economical, let me fix this". So really the fix would be simple software update where FSport+ and Manual would mean no auto upshifts and it would be in manual mode as long as you keep it there, not just for some arbitrary time. Well the second problem is what engine that eCTV is matched to. GS450h for example is still great car to drive despite eCVT, because drone from nice V6 is not so horrible, drone from pesky 4 cylinder in 300h is much more annoying. But apart of that eCVT in Lexus is one of the best systems where I would go as far as saying I almost like it. In summary - mate it to V6 and make manual mode real manual and the rest is good already.
    1 point
  40. Nice drive home in the Honda yesterday, off to buy wild flower seeds today.
    1 point
  41. My Car is off Singapore on the Opel Ace Container Ship. Chuffed. Tel
    1 point
  42. LOL, thats exactly how I do it before. I though I am the only one.
    1 point
  43. Honda offered 5 years warranty and 5 years free servicing. I compared it to the packet of wild flower seeds from Lexus. It was a difficult choice.
    1 point
  44. Think you’re “ missing that trick “ …….. Lexus don’t make glass Pilkington makes glass ….. and windscreens …… never made cars …… Aftermarket non-Lexus glass is quite ok for Lexus cars imho I’ve had a few over the decades and always been absolutely fine …… and accepted by insurers too of course Just have that chip repaired if it can be Malc
    1 point
  45. We take the issue of Toyota and Lexus vehicle theft very seriously. We are continuously developing technical solutions to make our vehicles more secure, to help reduce the risk of theft. An enhanced security hardware system was introduced in October 2021 on the latest models targeted by criminals. Since which, we have seen a significant drop in thefts of those models. For older models, we endeavour to create solutions that can offer enhanced protection to our customers. Following significant investments by Toyota GB, in line with that of other vehicle manufacturers, newly developed official Toyota and Lexus security hardware components will very soon be available to fit to those targeted models registered before October 2021. Following communication from Lexus in the coming weeks, owners should contact their local dealer to arrange free of charge fitment. Customers can already speak to their local dealer about the fitment of a protective plate to block access to the vehicle’s electronics. This is a nationwide customer care offering. As a vehicle manufacturer, we can never completely eliminate the risk of vehicle theft. This is an industry-wide issue, concerning all vehicle manufacturers and affecting the most popular models first. In order to further reduce the theft risk, we regularly collaborate and share information with insurance associations, police and law enforcement authorities, theft prevention experts and other key stakeholders around the world. This enables us to understand new threats and techniques used by thieves and develop more secured systems. Alongside our efforts, we urge those authorities to focus on reducing the number of thefts. We would also like to see action taken that leads to the end to the online sale of devices used by criminals to steal cars without using the car keys, as these devices serve no purpose other than a criminal one. How do thieves manage to steal cars this way? The thieves disconnect part of the headlamp and use a malicious device to send signals to the control CAN bus (the communication ‘backbone’ within a car) that allow the doors to open and the car to start without the key or remote control. Thieves need to: Purchase a relatively expensive rogue device (third-party ‘emergency start’ device which costs around £2,500 – £4,000 each) Gain physical access to the vehicle’s CAN bus communication wires for an uninterrupted period. The third-party ‘emergency start’ device has the capability to initiate an exploit in the following manner: Once connected to the vehicle’s CAN bus communication wires, the third-party ‘emergency start’ device can send a prioritised series of CAN signals to bypass the vehicle’s security and immobiliser systems, which could allow a thief to unlock the doors and turn the vehicle’s ignition ON. The third-party ‘emergency start’ device is then disconnected. At this point a thief can enter the vehicle and start the car without the key What is Lexus doing to prevent these types of attacks? Lexus takes the issue of car theft very seriously. We are continuously developing technical solutions to make our vehicles more secure to help reduce the risk of theft. In the UK market, an enhanced security hardware was introduced in October 2021 on the latest versions of the models that had previously been targeted by criminals. Since then, we have seen a significant drop-off in terms of successful thefts of those models. For older models we endeavour to create solutions that can offer enhanced protection to our customers. We cannot divulge the precise nature of the imminent security enhancement; should we do so we risk offering information into the public domain that could be of interest to criminal parties. The intention is to make the security enhancement available to all vehicles where a countermeasure is available. In October 2021 (introduction of NG NX), a new security platform started to be rolled out. There are no reports of theft using the CAN bus injection method on any model with the new platform. What models are known to be targeted by this issue and are newer models affected? The model primarily targeted is the Lexus RX Gen 4. Other models have also been targeted. Which Lexus models can be fitted with the enhanced security feature? It can be fitted to previous generation RX, NX, plus ES, LC, LS, RC, GS, UX and UXe Which models are affected by year? Lexus models Affected years/months Lexus LC / LC-C 2017/03 – 2024/03 Lexus RC 2017/03 – 2024/03 Lexus RX / RX L 450h 2015/10 – 2022/10 Lexus ES 2018/10 – 2024/02 Lexus GS / GS-F 2015/11 – 2020/11 Lexus NX 2017/09 – 2021/10 Lexus LS 2017/10 – 2022/09 Lexus UX / UXe 2018/10 – 2023/12 When did Lexus first become aware of the vulnerability in the security system? It is not so much vulnerability of the security systems but more so the growing rise in criminal gangs targeting vehicles for ‘cannibalisation’ and / or complete theft. Instances appear to have been rising significantly from 2019-2020. There are many factors involved and at a global level. This includes parts of the world experiencing parts shortage which results in targeted thefts to supply vehicles and/or parts sent to countries experiencing trade restrictions. When is the enhanced security upgrade going to be available and will it be free of charge? Exact timings are still to be confirmed. We anticipate being able to advise the Lexus Centre network with full details before the end of April 2024. The required enhancement needs to be carried out at a Lexus Centre. Costs are under review and customers may incur a nominal charge. Are new models such as the LBX targeted by thieves? While no car can be considered 100% immune to criminal intent, more recent models are equipped with enhanced security systems aimed at deterring CAN bus type thefts. Given that the rise in this type or car theft has been known for several years in other countries and is growing in the UK why wasn’t I told about this? Lexus takes the issue of car crime very seriously. To protect customers’ vehicles our approach is not to disclose our vehicle theft analysis data. The sharing of information could enable thieves to find ways to circumvent anti–theft technologies or make some models particularly attractive to some thieves and unnecessarily vulnerable to attack. Why are Lexus owners not being invited to install protective plates to their vehicles and why were they only supplied to London Centres? Lexus offers a free of charge VPP (Vehicle Protection Plate) to any RX450h customer. Every Lexus Centre across the UK has access to this part. Parts were issued to London Centres in the first instance in line with where the demand has occurred, but all Centres can order the VPP. The strategy is however, to focus attention not to the roll-out of the VPP but to a sophisticated vehicle enhancement. What is the countermeasure and the plan moving forwards? We are continuously developing technical solutions to make our vehicles more secure and reduce the risk of theft. An enhanced security hardware was introduced in October 2021 on the latest versions of the models that had previously been targeted by criminals. Since then, we have seen a significant drop-off in terms of successful thefts of those models. Also we are able to supply and fit a VPP (Vehicle Protection Plate) to targeted RX models We endeavour to make available another solution that can offer enhanced protection. Details will follow in the coming weeks. This will be communicated to the Lexus Centre network, which will also be responsible for fitting the enhanced security solution. Why is there no recall for vehicles susceptible to the CAN bus attack? Recall announcements in the UK are guided by very specific guidelines as drawn up by Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). To qualify as a recall, the issue must relate to a safety or thermal type issue where there is potential for injury as a result of vehicle manufacture or component failure. Only in these such circumstances can a recall be announced. In recall circumstances, the DVSA will provide manufacturers access to ownership records for purpose of communication. Instances of theft do not trigger a recall. Will Lexus pay for damage caused by an attempted theft? No. This will need to be addressed by the customer and the vehicle insurers. While we understand theft or attempted theft can be highly upsetting and, in some cases, a costly experience, in such instances customers are first and foremost victims of crime. Lexus does not cover costs associated with criminal activity either under the terms of the warranty or as goodwill. What is the position with insuring affected models? As a manufacturer, we stay close to Lexus Insurance colleagues and indeed all motor insurers. We are aware that in many cases, insurance premiums might have increased as a direct result of vehicle crime. We need to refer you to your insurer for further comment.
    1 point
  46. I really think there is a market for the LBX and it will sell, for Lexus standards that is. Proven drivetrain, conservative in architecture and especially inside, Lexus premium. If you want a small car, premium brand, reliability, looks ,where can you go? Audi kills the Q2, Mercedes the A class, Bmw 1 series and Mini are more for the younger generation. Lexus is aiming the car at younger buyers but i see a different demographic. Affluent pensioners and 2nd or 3rd car in the household. The initial reviews have been positive and the car seems a big step above the Toyota. I havent seen or driven it yet but it seems much more developed than the RZ electric for instance.
    1 point
  47. The same was said when the CT launched but that went on to be a good seller, and was a stepping stone vehicle to get a new demographic into more expensive models in the future.
    1 point
  48. Local test drives are now being offered throughout the coming weeks. Check with your dealer as to when they will have the car on site.
    1 point
  49. A lot of these journalists are incompetent. That lass off Auto Social reckons the steering wheel is too masculine - wtf? Stick to “Wind blows mans hat off”. Of course our own little forum will be quick to criticise before they are out on the road.
    1 point
  50. Small correction to this. I fitted the aero bars back to front, the narrow end is supposed to be rear facing with the thicker bit towards the front of the car. Noticed last night and this morning when driving at 50mph there was a annoying whistle/howling sound so when I googled it then I realised I messed up the aero dynamics. So corrected the direction now hopefully should be quiet again at 50mph+
    1 point
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