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Everything posted by Illogan

  1. Well, maybe you've done a great many low speed miles? But, I've heard good things about the member whom posted immediately above you in this thread - so you may do well to get a quote from them (as well as others)
  2. Thanks for this thread, chaps. It's good to get an insight on how 'the rest of the world' may live. My pension forbars me from indulging in such luxuries, but it's strangely comforting to learn that Lexus are still achieving improvements, although I'm happy anticipating that my current steed will likely serve me well for the foreseeable future.
  3. Would it appear rude if you suggested to your National Tyres shed that they should change their business to weeding Council allotments, and leave fitting vehicle tyres to professionals?
  4. I agree with your synopsis, Bill. The dealer certainly handled it badly, and arguably deserved some criticism for that, but the driver's publicity of the situation, via the meedja, (a common enough trend these days) deserves a similar criticism, for the simple reason that batteries are not a warrantable item, (subject to manufacturing faults (etc)).
  5. Ah, well, we bought our first RX450h three n a bit years ago, and had asked similar questions to yours. A mate had an RX300, which had quite impressed me, (until one of his suspension struts went down!) and it was that cost that convinced me to go for an 'F-Sport' (2014 with proper springs!). The ride IS firm, (I'd previously had an air-suspension Merc S500), so I noticed the difference immediately. However - the seats are gloriously comfortable, the mechanics of it are faultless, the sound system sublime. The HUD quickly became integrated into my driving, and I do drive this differently from previous cars - gone are the grand prix starts, handbrake turns and doughnuts in empty resonating car parks - my progression now suits the car [and my age] - sedate, gradual acceleration, and very little braking - - and a reasonable mph for a 21/2 tonne lump. (33 all year average in town). As an aside - I took it to an (exceptionally good) local garage with Hunter Elite kit for wheel alignment last week, (our roads have a terminal rash of the compulsory potholes and speed lumps) - and no adjustments were necessary - all were still within the factory settings - and have not needed adjustment in at least four years - that's another indication of Lexus quality. And yes, I'd decided that I'd prefer a car with a full Lexus service history, not a 100% perfect guarantee of honesty - but about as good as one can get. And a simple check on if a vehicle's been clocked? - I'd check on the MOT history of the car,,
  6. Welcome to the Forum Bill, there is an excellent level of skills, knowledge and resources on here.
  7. They're already leaders in the very high (65k ft +) International balloon race!
  8. Welcome Tish, Obviously I cannot give an authoritative opinion, but I share your concern. To buy a quality car, and then not bother to have it serviced regularly, suggests that it hasn't been 'loved' or shown the care that a piece of well-engineered machinery deserves. There's probably been some 'penny-pinching' going on, and that doesn't auger well. If you've not yet seen the vehicle, and are easily able to do so - I'd go and have a look just to see the general state of the body and interior - but I can't help thinking that will only confirm your concerns.
  9. Ah! Cars are becoming more complicated! I can remember if the Mini driver's door didn't open from inside, it was most likely that the string had broken!
  10. As with so many others, I ALWAYS research insurance costs about 28 days before the end of the current policy, it is amazing how differently insurance providers can quote from one year to the next (without any tangible changes in my parameters save for age of my wife and me, my car's accruing mileage, and yet another year on my NCB) I'm certain their quotes are affected by their own block quota requirements, and any changes in the crime / claim rates in a neighbourhood. I also inevitably use a cashback operator like Quidco or TopCashBack - - that often provides a further £30<>£50 rebate. There are some extremely poor insurance companies out there, (over the 50 years+ I've experienced a few!) and no matter how cheap they may appear, if they don't provide a good service when you need them, it's money wasted! A recent Which? Magazine report reported that the top six insurance providers (based on customer service/claims/communications etc) were NFU Mutual LV Saga Direct Line AXA (the) AA Obviously these are results aggregated over many different ages, circumstances and areas, and everyone may have their specific criteria, but this appears to be a reasonable guide.
  11. I had a similar invitation yesterday, which proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the 'Select' group is a desperately wide net, (one may even debate their use of the word 'select' 😬) I've declined to join, basically because although I'm 'time rich and wherewith-all poor', I am already disillusioned with the general quality of the Lexus communication skills (that I've experienced to date) so now I steadfastly refuse to further enhance my frustration. Besides, the world recognises me as a square peg in a round hole, so my opinions will unlikely ever be what Lexus would like to receive. Ah! I feel a little better now! 😉
  12. Sirajul, If it was my car I wouldn't have any specific repair made until I knew exactly what was wrong. As Peter suggested (above) you really need to have the fault codes diagnosed accurately either by getting your own Tech-Stream, and reading the codes (you can publish them on here - and others will tell you exactly what the issue is) - or take it to a Lexus Garage (Dealership or specialist Independent) and have them read the codes for you. I understand that an issue like this is a concern, but the quickest way of resolving this is to have an accurate diagnosis.
  13. As with so many others, I ALWAYS research insurance costs about 28 days before the end of the current policy, it is amazing how differently insurance providers can quote from one year to the next (without any tangible changes in my parameters save for age of my wife and me, my car's accruing mileage, and yet another year on my NCB) I'm certain their quotes are affected by their own block quota requirements, and any changes in the crime / claim rates in a neighbourhood. I also inevitably use a cashback operator like Quidco or TopCashBack - - that often provides a further £30<>£50 rebate. There are some extremely poor insurance companies out there, (over the 50 years+ I've experienced a few!) and no matter how cheap they may appear, if they don't provide a good service when you need them, it's money wasted! A recent Which? Magazine report reported that the top six insurance providers (based on customer service/claims/communications etc) were NFU Mutual LV Saga Direct Line AXA (the) AA Obviously these are results aggregated over many different ages, circumstances and areas, and everyone may have their specific criteria, but this appears to be a reasonable guide.
  14. Just a thought Dan. My windscreen does the same, (and then I realised that I parked the car facing the (normal) prevailing weather. When I reverse the car into it's normal spot - - I don't have that problem!
  15. I wish science would invent solar charger equivalent for rain!!!!
  16. Aaarrghhh! What an unwelcome series of events! (Posted after I'd noticed that the AA chappie had at least got you back in the car) - though there's still the original issues to resolve I guess - - (I just wish I could offer useful advice!)
  17. That seems very tight of them! Maybe 'Customer Relationship Management' is not your dealership's strongest suit!!!!!
  18. . What makes it worse - is that they inevitably (of course), park alongside your offside, often quite closely, and make it darn near impossible for us to open our driver's door! (PS - the car park in Leeds with the widest parking bays is Victoria Gate, above John Lewis!)
  19. Have now driven our 2014 RX450 for over three years. Neither my wife or I have ever suffered a moment's discomfort - (and I'm a fussy b*gger when setting the driver's seat!)
  20. Ah! They were YOUR bicycle clips! I did wonder
  21. Not knowing the causes of your particular circumstance, Carl, I'd start by thoroughly cleaning the windscreen with a microfibre cloth and Isopropyl alcohol, (and then the wiper blades), and see if that helps.
  22. It's a darn good job I live 200 miles from Twickenham! Use one of the other dealerships recommended by others on this thread.
  23. Welcome Owen, You are completely safe connecting your vehicle's 12v battery to a trickle charger,(and you'll find that the smaller battery fitted to the RX450 has a lower capacity than most cars, (it's function being to power systems rather than start the car)). This means that if you use the vehicle infrequently, the equipment drain on the battery will be greater than for most ICE cars, and the facility to use a trickle charger will be most beneficial.
  24. Well-informed advice is invaluable!
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