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Campaign To Boycott Petrol From Bp And Esso


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I am sure that some of you must have by now seen the campaign to boycott petrol from BP and Esso

See what you think and pass it on if you agree with it.

Time to pick them banners up and make a stand to the TAX which is making the the Companies and esp.. the Goverment RICHer :tsktsk: :tsktsk: :offtopic:


We are hitting 9 8 p a litre in some areas now, soon we will be faced with paying £1 a ltr. Philip Hollsworth offered this good idea:

This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the 'don't buy petrol on a certain day campaign that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to hurt ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT,whoever

thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.

Please read it and join in!

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP, we need to take

a ggressive action to teach them thatBUYERS control the market place not sellers. With the price of petrol going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not purchasing their Petrol! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. Here's the idea:

For the rest of this year DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP.

If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers. It's really simple to do!!

Now, don't wimp out on me at this point... keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

I am sending this note to a lot of people. If each of you send i t to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at

least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers! If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it... ..


Again, all You have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all.(and not buy at ESSO/BP) How long would all that take? If each of us

sends this email out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8days!!! Acting together we can make a difference If this makes

sense to you, please pass this message on.



It's easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your petrol at Shell, Asda,Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons Jet etc. i.e.boycott BP and Esso

Please pass it on..

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i had a group invite for this on Facebook t'other day :lol:, i kind of get the idea, but isnt the amount we pay at the pump made up mostly of governmental tax.

surely something need to be done to make the government take note imo

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i had a group invite for this on Facebook t'other day :lol:, i kind of get the idea, but isnt the amount we pay at the pump made up mostly of governmental tax.

surely something need to be done to make the government take note imo

Only Problem is how do you campaign against the Gov.. you/we elected them in the first place + it's the biggest cash making cow for them ripping off the motorist.. :tsktsk: :tsktsk:

SO we Got to make a start somewhere,.

You forget the Brits a lazy and just moan about it. Unlike the French who have brought the country to a stand still/stop and at the most important time the Ruby cup. :hehe: Best time to get your point across and the most impact i say. :D World media watching etc.. Last time the farmers stopped /disrupted the ports etc.. all the We managed to do was stop a few oil tankers several years ago (since then the petrol prices has doubled :tsktsk: ) so why are we not out again.

All we need to say is half the Tax on the Petrol that’s all - :angry:

I don’t buy the story that the profits made are pumped back into the motorist. :lol: Same thing is said about road TAX and so far the roads are a mess, most pot-holed in Europe etc,,(Leeds was voted the worst in the UK which is true).

Why do we not have a proper Public transport system in place (the Germans/ French all have million times better and they are on time too) considering the money they most make from Petrol will pay for it twice over?

So wake up people and lets make a stand. Join royal mail, public transport, nursing, teachers, civil servants etc. etc. works .on the picket line. :angry:

The Number of Tax's we pay: Counci, Bills - energy, VAT, Import duty, Fuel, Road, car insurance tax, PAYE, Inheritance, House stamp duty etc.. the list goes on.. that i can think off..

All i am saying is we should pay a bit less TAX..:crybaby:

Alternative: its cheaper to move abroad (Antarctica perhaps?) than make a living in the UK) Huskies are cheaper to feed than the car.

Rant over :duh: :tomato: :winky:

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The trouble with identifying a single "product" that you believe we should be paying less tax on is that it doesnt really matter what item you pay the tax on.

Ultimately the government have an amount of revenue that they have to generate in order to provide the services they have promised to provide and pay off any debt.

Whether they generate that from fuel , tea bags, tobacco, or chocolate flavoured fudge is irrelevent. They need to collect it from somewhere so ultimately everyone needs to pretty much pay this amount of tax each year.

Fuel is an appropriate way of sharing this tax burden across almost the whole of the country - since everyone uses it (people who use public transport are ultimately paying for the fuel in the price of the ticket purchased)

They also need to ensure they collect the taxes - so taxes are levied on items that everyone either really wants - or cant do without.

Now I'd love to be paying 50p / litre for my fuel - but I would then not be too happy about a 15p rise in (example only) in the rate of income tax to cover this deficit.

Tax on fuel is also something we can all have a little control over ourselves - we can choose to drive smaller engined cars, hybrids, walk for short journeys or operate car-shares. There are not many other taxes that you can effectively change the rate you pay yourself.

Boycotting single suppliers will not affect the amount of tax paid to the government - since we will all be paying exactly the same amount of tax if we use the same amount of fuel - where ever we buy it.

Theres also the fact that Tescos / Asda etc do not produce / refine fuel themselves - where do you think they get their supply from?

I buys my car - I pays me monies.....

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I can't see how boycotting selected fuel companys would do much good, its the goverment and their taxes that are the main problem.

We need the petrol blockades of a few years ago for the powers that be to take note

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Fuel is the only case I can think of where you pay tax on a tax. The basic cost has a flat rate of duty applied per litre. At the moment it is 53.65 ppl (due to go up another 2 ppl on 1st April 2008, appropriate date IMHO). Then VAT is charged on the basic cost and the duty so the breakdown of a 98.9p litre is: -

30.52p Oil Producer/Refiner/Distributor/Retailer (Lot of people there)

53.65p Duty

14.73p VAT

98.9p Total

So in short if the oil supply chain slashed 10 ppl off the price it would still cost 87p, oil companies down 10p chancellor down 2p.

@ Tango - As I once answered a management accountant who asked if I though the company was recovering too much overhead, "no we are carrying too may overheads like useless bean counters mate", same applies to this country.

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Fuel is the only case I can think of where you pay tax on a tax. The basic cost has a flat rate of duty applied per litre. At the moment it is 53.65 ppl (due to go up another 2 ppl on 1st April 2008, appropriate date IMHO). Then VAT is charged on the basic cost and the duty so the breakdown of a 98.9p litre is: -

30.52p Oil Producer/Refiner/Distributor/Retailer (Lot of people there)

53.65p Duty

14.73p VAT

98.9p Total

So in short if the oil supply chain slashed 10 ppl off the price it would still cost 87p, oil companies down 10p chancellor down 2p.

@ Tango - As I once answered a management accountant who asked if I though the company was recovering too much overhead, "no we are carrying too may overheads like useless bean counters mate", same applies to this country.

Agree with THIS angle!

What's the point of boycotting Suppliers, when it's the TAX you object to?? Answer is in theory, to boycott the government, somehow, but of course no one has come up with a way of doing THIS, so take easy way out. Car companies do their best(?) to make efficient cars, etc, but government just take the mick with ludicrius tax level! So, who's the first to stop paying tax? See you in court!

Don't vote, it only encourages them?

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I am sure that some of you must have by now seen the campaign to boycott petrol from BP and Esso

Philip Hollsworth offered this good idea:

For the rest of this year DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP.

It's easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your petrol at Shell, Asda,Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons Jet etc. i.e.boycott BP and Esso

Don't know who Philip Hollsworth is or what he does, but he's either an idiot, or a Sales Director of Royal Dutch Shell....or perhaps both, if indeed he is responsible for suggesting this chain letter strategy.

As pointed out by 'oldcro' Exxon is the biggest Oil Company, followed only recently by BP after the Amoco aquisition (which made them slightly 'bigger' than Shell), but if Exxon have recently acquired BP it's the world's best kept secret...certainly no one has informed the employees.

It's also very naive to think boycotting Exxon and BP retail outlets in the UK would persuade either to reduce pump prices, as in comparison to the rest of the world, it's quite literally a drop in a very big ocean, or perhaps in this case it would be more apt to say 'reservoir'.

There will always be taxation, so put up, shut up, or use the democratic process to reduce the tax on fuel (fat chance).

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OK here is a cunning ploy that is more cunning than a cunning plan written by Mr Fox who is professer of cunning at cunning university

(Disclaimer::Half of this below is perfectly legal, the other bit is marginally legal, the other bit is bending the rules) the rest is up to your conscience :shifty:

Set yourself up as a self employed shopping and travel consultant :unsure:

Get VAT registered :ohmy:

Claim all the VAT you pay on fuel, repairs, leasing, and running your car for your business needs, in other words going shopping or travelling :hehe:

You spend a few minutes every evening writing your journal on your findings, in the forlorn hope that your self employed book on shopping and travel will one day find a publisher :sick:

You will have to charge VAT on any self employed earnings you have, but as there is nothing in the law that says you cannot be employed and self employed at the same time, you can legally do that :duh:

Of course your self employment will make a massive loss, but not all self employed or even major companies make a profit :angry:

And you can reclaim all that lovely VAT :whistling:

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Facts are that over 50% of the WORKING population are civil servants of one type or another, we had systems that worked OK like the Family Allowance now we have Working Tax Credit, Working Families Tax Credit which no one understands far less the idiots who work in the departments that were created to administer the pile of ****.

The only people who get the forms filled out correctly are the Eastern Europeans because the agency they work for do it for them. The agency pays the minimum wage, but because you have family in Estonia you can claim tax credits. So they do and then they send OUR tax money home. I don't blame them either before anyone says anything, it's our system that's crap.

We pay too much tax because there is too much "dead wood" in this country, and as for fuel duty/tax being fair I really don't think so! Most of the highest paid "ordinary" commuters round here travel into London on the train and get "London Weighting" on their salary to cover the cost. Joe Soap needs to use the car to travel 10 miles there and back, he is the one being hammered. Neighbours of ours fill the car up once a month at a cost of around £50, I have to fill up twice a week at the same cost just to get to and from work.

Anyway rant over (for now)

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The cost of a barrel of oil is decided on by the market. Since oil is bought and sold at every stage of the way from underground to your inlet manifold, it is utterly pointless to boycott any one brand of outlet. Besides which, it's bollocks to say that buyers and not sellers control the market. Oil is expensive right now because we (humans) can't suck it out the ground fast enough to meet global demand. Hence the high price.

Oil might be extracted by Shell, transported by Conoco, cracked and refined by BP, turned into petrol by Exxon, and then sold by Tesco. At every stage of that process it is sold to the next company at the market price for that product, whether that be crude or additive-loaded unleaded. So if oil is expensive, so is petrol. And that doesn't even begin to include the factor of taxation.

One more thing - most petrol stations are franchises, not owned outright by the oil companies. All this plan will do is put some hardworking people out of work and onto the dole - so increasing the need for tax revenues. So not the best plan I've ever seen...

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In answer to Ian Cornwall's post, first you would have to convince the VAT man to register you, then you will hit the problem that the Inland Revenue will then look at what you claim against what is legit business expense.

In theory it will work, as they don't look too much at everyone's details, however you run the gauntlet and can be taxed on personal benefit.

I successfully got my brother VAT registered for his Karting team, which consists of his son. He claims VAT back on all of his expenditure, and pays VAT on all his sponsorship. The fact his expenses are more than he gets in sponsorship doesn't matter. However we tried it with Inland Revenue so he could get 40% back on his "loss" but they were not having it :rolleyes:

still 15% back in VAT is worth having.

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Why not boycott Marks and Spencers because their food is a bit more expensive than Sainsburys, or British Airways because their flights are more expensive than Ryanair. The companies are not responsible for the tax which the Government (who are the one group of people who a boycott can affect at the next election) imposes, and as was recently shown with the contaminated fuel which was supplied by some of the supermarket chains the little bit extra you pay to the majors which goes to pay for the infrastructure and quality control of their fuel distribution is worth it in the long run. And you always have a choice to not use them so not pandering to their inflated costs.

Oh yeah and if BP and ESSO have become one company where is my redundancy money and shiny new coveralls.

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