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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2016 in all areas

  1. I saw this on a Mercedes website this morning and it reminded me of the happy days long before I had imagined I would ever own a Lexus. I hope that it excites your memories as much as it did mine. Regards John How Old Are You? Someone asked the other day, 'What was your favourite 'fast food' when you were growing up?' 'We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,' I informed him. 'All the food was slow.' ‘C'mon, seriously … Where did you eat?' 'It was a place called 'home,'' I explained. 'Mum cooked every day and when she got home from work, we sat do wn together at the dining room table, And if I didn't like what she put on my plate, I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.' By this time, the lad was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to suffer serious internal damage, so I didn't tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the table. But here are some other things I would have told him about my childhood if I'd figured his system could have handled it: Some parents NEVER owned their own house, wore jeans, set foot on a golf course, travelled out of the country or had a credit card. My parents never drove me to school … I had a bicycle that weighed probably 50 pounds, and only had one speed (slow). Before I had a bike I walked. We didn't have a television in our house until I was 7. It was, of course, black and white, and the station went off the air at 10 PM, after playing the national anthem and epilogue; it came back on the air at about 12 noon. Pizzas were not delivered to our home … but milk was. All newspapers were delivered by boys and all boys delivered newspapers — I delivered a newspaper, seven days a week. I had to get up at 5.30 every morning except Sunday when I had a lie-in until 6.30. Film stars kissed with their mouths shut. At least, they did in the films. There were no movie ratings because all movies were responsibly produced for everyone to enjoy viewing, without profanity or violence or almost anything offensive. If you grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren. Just do n't blame me if they bust a gut laughing. Growing up isn't what it used to be, is it? MEMORIES from a friend: My Dad is cleaning out my grandmother's house (she died recently) and he brought me an old lemonade bottle. In the bottle top was a stopper with a bunch of holes in it. I knew immediately what it was, but my daughter had no idea. She thought they had tried to make it a salt shaker or something. I knew it as the bottle that sat on the end of the ironing board to 'sprinkle' clothes with because we didn't have steam irons. Man, I am old. How many do you remember? Headlight dip-switches on the floor of the car. Ignition switches on the dashboard. Trouser leg clips for bicycles without chain guards. Soldering irons you heated on a gas burner. Using hand signals for cars without turn indicators. Older Than Dirt Quiz: Count all the ones that you remember, not the ones you were told about. Ratings at the bottom. 1. Sweet cigarettes 2... Coffee shops with juke boxes 3... Home milk delivery in glass bottles 4... Party lines on the telephone 5.. Newsreels before the movie 6. TV test cards that came on at night after the last show and were there until TV shows started again in the morning. (There were only 2 channels [if you were fortunate]) 7.. Peashooters 8. 33 rpm records 9. 45 rpm records 10. Hi-fis 11. Metal ice trays with levers 12. Blue flashbulb 13. Cork popguns 14. Wash tub wringers If you remembered 0-3 = You're still young If you remembered 3-6 = You are getting older If you remembered 7-10 = Don't tell your age If you remembered 11-14 = You're positively ancient! I must be 'positively ancient' but those memories are some of the best parts of my life. Don't forget to pass this along! Especially to all your really OLD friends …. I just did! (PS. I used a large type face so you could read it easily). Regards John
    2 points
  2. Hi Adam, Thanks for your help. Purchased screw extractor - it came out sweet as a nut. Cheers Barry
    2 points
  3. Hay been a member for awhile now but haven't been on here much but I plan to come on here more! This is my is220d I have had it 8 month now and still loving it! Luckily court the headgasket problem in warranty! And had it all done properly at lex-tech Sheffield so all good! The car is one of the promo/staff cars at modifiednationals So far I have done.... Remap from 0-60remaps Selby K&n panel filter Smoothed front bumper Relocated front number plate Metal plate(also cali plate for shows) Private Y88RKY plate Yellow fogs Hid kit Red out rear lights Baby dovetail spoiler 3sdm 006 wheels in 19x10(255x35x19) and 19x8.5(245x35x19) Bc Coilovers lowered 75mm (just ordered 14kg spring for front so I can pull it down lower!) Future plans Front and rear lips Duel ovel 6x3 exhaust Alpine sub and amp And no doubt they be more!
    1 point
  4. This is what I found at 07.30 this morning as I leave my hotel in Bolton to come home, some 200 miles. My own fault, I left my dash cam on the windscreen, however it does not give anyone the fuc@ing right to put my window through and simply take it. Yes the hotel had CCTV but I have no faith in reporting it and the Police apprehending anyone, so I take it 1 mile to the local Lexus dealer and ask them if it is OK to park it there while I contact my insurance company to arrange the repair. At 09.00 I was told the glass replacement company would be with me before 12.00 and they would telephone 30 mins before arrival, at 11.40 no one has contacted me, I have had 7 cups of Lexus complimentary coffee and am a little concerned, I call the company and am told they cant obtain the glass until Tuesday afternoon!!!!!! To say i was ****** off at this point is an understatement. I don't want to tape up the door with plastic as I have too far to travel and the weather is not great, this is where the Lexus dealer, who are doing me a favour letting me wait to have a repair carried out on their premises offer to look after the car until Tuesday and give me a new NX300 to come home and return on Wednesday when my car is repaired, talk about customer service.......... Rant over, and breathe............
    1 point
  5. OK boys lets keep it friendly. .
    1 point
  6. But the recall for both the "O" ring and the "Airbag" recall both have threads on here that are both live, and are regularly updated. Even a basic search will bring these threads up.
    1 point
  7. Sure asking for paint codes or tyre pressures again and again is lazy but asking if people have received a recall letter for a new recall? How is that lazy? It isn't like you can go back threads and find a record of it before it happened... Surely posting a thread about a new recall is a public service to inform people that it has happened and what they need to do about it. Rather than starting another thread on the topic I brought this one back up again as it keeps everything about the 2 latest recalls contained.Given that a month had gone by I expected some people might have received letters (I hadn't), given that if a fault is serious enough to warranty a recall then we have a right to have it carried out as soon as possible.
    1 point
  8. You don't have to read and reply to threads you aren't interested in
    1 point
  9. Utter scum, sorry to hear about this.
    1 point
  10. Wtf?!? What goes around comes around mate. They will get what's coming to them! What camera did you have and where on the screen was it mounted?
    1 point
  11. Deadbeats m8 , gutted for you. Great service from Lexus tho.
    1 point
  12. Enjoy.
    1 point
  13. Remember this is the guy who said he wanted to hear from guys who could help him get the car to a million miles. remember i wrote to him, didn't get any sort of reply at all ( discourteous i felt ) and offered to fly down to him, collect the car and take it across Route 66 and back and return it to him ............... last year or so As I didn't hear from him I went to Italy and did 5/6000 miles instead in mine and the previous year did Spain/ Portugal and a similar mileage then I fancied doing Route 66 in a Ls400 ....... maybe another time eh ! Malc
    1 point
  14. Another recall thread, great I'm going to start another next week. Can never have too many, is it laziness? Is it the need to ask lame and generally FSQ about issues that can easily be solved by doing on search via your web browser. Surely it's quicker to search, I would have thought, than typing the question on this site and expecting someone else to do the search for you. Sick to death of reading lame posts about lame issues particularly about consumables: Q..."How much should I pay for a pollen filter"? R..."They are cheap at ECP" Q..."I don't like ECP, I'd rather pay for a Lexus part" Q..."What oil should I use"? A..."Offer on at ******"" Q..."I don't trust them" On and on and on and on.........rant over. Ready for a warning point.
    1 point
  15. Thank you bluenose 1940. I drove a few Ct200h before I bought one as I had read the reviews and the hard ride comments. My previous car was a 2011 C220 sport so the ride is very similar. I miss the awesome power the Mercedes had but the equipment level in the Lexus makes the Mercedes look like a base model. Biggest issue with the Lexus is the amount of people that walk out in front of you. The drawback of silent motoring.
    1 point
  16. Richard, it seems to me that such wisdom as might be gleaned from this thread is to the effect that if you are unconcerned about potential scratches, be these real or imagined or invisible except under strong light or, depending on the colour of your paintwork, made more visible by the spreading of a special black powder, then you should go ahead and use a waterless wash. If, on the other hand, it is not too difficult or inconvenient for you to add a capful of product to a bucketful of water, pass it over the car and simply dry it off without rinsing, then a rinse -free wash could be a better alternative insofar as the risk of scratching is reduced by the lubricatory action of the water itself.
    1 point
  17. Hi Stuart, welcome. You are not alone, much as I love trawling Autotrader etc, the thought of actually buying a new car is quite fraught. The RX is a complicated car, and Lexus bits are expensive, but with a full (?) dealer history you should be reassured it will probably be as reliable a ten year old car as you can buy. Are you buying from a main dealer, or a trader? It would be worth having in your hand a Hybrid Health Check from a Lexus dealer, I'd say. Buying older cars (as I do), I would always recommend to someone not to commit every penny they have to buying the car, but instead to keep a significant chunk back for possible repairs. Let us know how you get on; I guess being a Saturday you well be in the process of picking it up right now!
    1 point
  18. Hi. Rx is pretty bulletproof. Go for full service history as you have and you'll be fine... Great car. None better.. Has it had the inverter recall? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. Hi PCthug, (apologies in advance for the length of this post reply...!) I had (note 'had') the Error 3 and 4 messages on my CD multi-changer in my Lexus RX and it now works perfectly. I had done about a year's research from when I first noticed the error codes and associated issues. I actually fixed this in July last year, but didn't want to confirm it had worked till a few months of usage (I since forgot to post as it was no longer an issue... apologies for the delay if this is the solution for you...!) My issues started as occasional problems with CD selection, then progressing to stopping playing any CDs after it failed to select. It would only select 'up' through the CDs (i.e. 1-6) and not 'down' (i.e. 6-1). Eventually, CDs began to get stuck until this point last year when nothing would eject. I had the odd success with turning off/on ignition to 'reboot' and get some traction from the CD player (to eject or allow me to play something), then when that wasn't working I I resorted to battery dis/re-connection to the same end, then fuse removal/plugging back in, etc. Now, there are lots of theories out there about MP3 recordings, labels, etc, etc, which should be checked out first and if that was the issue, it should have resolved it. However, if the problem has not resolved itself and is gradually deteriorating over a period of time or suddenly more chronic then I am convinced that it can 'can' be fixed in 98% of cases and do not believe anyone who just writes it off as 'dead' if you're getting these errors. In my case it was 'swtiches'. I watched a great YouTube clip (I say clip... it's 40mins long!!! but I'll tell you the key section to go to to better illustrate what I am prattling on about...). Essentially in any CD multichanger, you have roughly 6-8 switches. These sit waiting for contact from a piece of machinery in the multi-changer and once contact is made, allows another piece of machinery to move, which in turn may touch another switch which makes another piece move. This allows parts to move in a given sequence to allow something to happen. So, for example, you press the eject button, this moves the CD laser arm out of the CD stack. When the laser arm has finished moving back it hits a switch which triggers the CD stack to move the disc up through the rack and into position to eject. When the CD has stopped another switch is hit which moves the CD out through the slot. After a period of time (in my case the car was 10-11 years old) the switches can either seize up or lose their electrical connectivity. The YouTube clip explains all of this and how to take you CD player apart to locate any switches you may have. In my case, I had had enough of the lack of CD functionality and had decided to plug a GROM audio USB connector in the back of it to play tracks from my iPod or Android phone (incidentally this is very simple to fit if you wanted to do that... it has also been fantastic!). With that in mind I thought I'd have a stab at lubricating all the switches as the worst thing that could happen would be for the multi-changer to 'still' not work and have a convenient iPod function instead. So, if you want to do this yourself, below are two links. One is for the CD player extraction and the other is for the dismantling and reassembly of the CD multi-changer. It took 10-15 mins to take out the CD/audio equipment. It took approximately 1.5-2 hours to dismantle the multi-changer, locate switches, lubricate (with WD40) and re-assemble. I won't deny that it's fiddly and dexterous work, but it can be done. The YouTube clip isn't for the same model, but the principles are the same and you'll find all the equivalent parts. I really hope this helps you or anyone who finds this :-) My tips are: DO set aside plenty of time and be patient - it'll save 100's of pounds in getting it fixed elsewhere and the result for me is it was instantly better with no repeat problems a year later (not even a sniff...!) DO use the tools recommended for taking out the CD player from the car (particularly the 'magnetic' socket tip, so you don't drop any nuts while unscrewing as angles are tight...) DO put the muti-changer on large sheets of clean white (light coloured) paper so as to see little screws, etc, that you take out DO do this away from kids/animals as you don't want any 'fiddling about' that may occur when your back is turned DO believe this can be done by you and that it will help DO consider fitting something like the GROM while you have it all out, as you may need the back-up and you may never wish to take this out again in the future! Now, here are the clips: - How to take the multichanger out of your Lexus - What is going on in a multi-changer and how to dismantle and lubricate switches (if you want to fast forward to his discovery of the 'switch' issue, then jump to the 17 minute mark) N.B. watch the whole thing to understand how to dismantle and reassemble and don't go into this like a bull in a china shop... I can't accept responsibility for anyone 'having a go' or getting a negative outcome for this or any other part of this post... - Fitting a GROM device if you're interested:
    1 point
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