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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2024 in Posts

  1. Get them repaired by a mechanic, rather than a "technician". Have them use Kunifer copper alloy pipe, or similar, for longevity and to make the job a little easier. Generally the original steel pipes (used for cost reasons?) will corrode where they meet the flexible hose to each wheel. It is perfectly legal to use joints for the repair sections, as long they of the flange fitting type. It would probably be necessary to replace the associated flexible hose as well because the connection to the pipe will be damaged trying to get it apart.
    3 points
  2. He,s Spotted the 10P Dropped on The Forecourt..Only Pretending To Tie His Shoelaces..
    3 points
  3. Sorry for the bump - last two replies have been me so apologises if it looks like I'm talking to myself, but hopefully someone else will find this information useful. Lex-Tek Autos in Sheffield have given me a really good quote of £550 to get the timing belt and water pump replied using official Lexus parts, so I am going to use them.
    2 points
  4. Not a lot of cultural differences give, or take a letter , as we also have "little gits" over here.
    2 points
  5. Landed in our little gite for a couple of nights. Only thing to report was a couple of times the alarm went off. Both times when I was having a comfort break on the motorway. Going to smash the 400 mile tank mark this time. Reduced the cruise to 2000 rpm, about 75 mph.
    2 points
  6. Hopefully this should show you. Starts at at about 5 minutes in
    2 points
  7. I was thinking more 1959 Morris Minor🤩
    2 points
  8. Yes, I think you want the Corsa forum.
    2 points
  9. 1s 8p a pint - We could go to the railwaymens club or the local and get a pint of bitter for 1s 6p. Mild was 1s 4p. We could get 7 pints from our 10s a week pocket money. That's a give away - I was only 15 at the time! I don't even know how much a pint is in a local pub nowadays; a) Can't afford it, b) Don't want to go, c) People don't drink and drive nowadays, d) The locals are full of deadlegs/scruffs/chavs/idiots/nutters/ loud people with no manners.... need I go on or I am being too judgmental? Answers on a postcard please to Preston mental hospital, old persons ward grumpy old git section, under Matron Whipmore's command.
    2 points
  10. Good news Andy. Age shall not weary them nor the age condemn. Belt & water pump ought not to be overlooked mind, and plugs too for that matter. My thoughts have recently turned to plugs (89k), not a job for the faint hearted I gather.
    2 points
  11. When I was 18/19 four of us would go out on a Friday night with 10 shillings each in our pockets (50p in modern money). Each bought a round 4 pints at 1s 8p = 6s 6p Entry to dance 2s 6p Fish and chips on way home 1s Total 10s But we were only being paid something like £3 a week
    2 points
  12. I always ask my Indy service guy to check the calipers at each service …… I’m prior reading over the years on here that calipers never feature in the Service Schedules ….. at Lexus and possibly all others too Calipers are really very expensive to replace when simple annual check and servicing of them adds very little to your annual maintenance bill ……. done by someone competent and knows what they’re doing of course 😄 Ive never had calipers actually replaced in decades of motoring and many 00’s of 000s of smiles miles in my Ls400s 🤩 Malc
    2 points
  13. It's probably by design. Indy's will actually try to fix stuff. Lexus will not be fixing anything, they just replace stuff. Perfect example is when i had a health check done and they wanted to charge £400 per caliper because they didn't move as they were supposed to. All it needed was £25 replacement slider pins and a bit of elbow grease. Did it myself in the end.
    2 points
  14. After Lexus quoted £560 to a corroded brake pipe I went to a recommended Indy. Typical local lass with decades of experience looked at the healthcheck paperwork and smirked. |She asked "do you what brake pipe costs?". Not a clue I replied. "£1.50 per foot", she informed me. Labour is the issue, but the Indy is generally going to be a lot less expensive than the dealership.
    2 points
  15. Passed MOT with flying colours. All the old advisories have disappeared. Sealed all the leaks. Dried the hybrid battery out. Replaced a radiator. Replaced the AFS, Replaced a blown main fuse, replaced HIDs, LED's interior lights – next year she'll be 20 years old with 130K on the clock. Been through thick and thin with the old gal. Great motor. Think it still has the original plugs. Next job if I can find the right price is water pump and belt (no idea when / if it was done). Might buy the OEM kit and do it myself. Lexus build solid motors. Love'em
    1 point
  16. Two regularly occurring themes on the Forum have puzzled me for a while. They need an expert to consider them. First is MPG. My 2006 RX 350 averages about 24-25 mpg over a variety of uses. However on a recent motorway run in France over about 300km it averaged 26mpg. Others regularly claim much better figures for RX400 or 450. Given that the hybrids have the disadvantage of carrying heavy batteries and, at motorway speeds rely entirely on the petrol engine to drive them how are these figures obtained. Could it be regenerative braking which makes the difference - I am not sure how and I hardly touched the brakes on this motorway trip and used cruise control set at 130 kph throughout. Could it be that certain accessories (eg Aircon compressor) might be driven electrically on the hybrids - I don't know about this? Could it be the effect of the permanent AWD on the 350? After writing this I can't remember the second! If I do I will post it separately.
    1 point
  17. I drove past there Friday too …… didn’t notice any signage ….. am I totally unobservant 🥵 the A249 has been impassable mostly for over a month or so ! I’m on Sheppey and despaired of the roads around here 😰 Malc
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Went to a car show in Kent today …great day out with a good mix of vehicles .
    1 point
  20. And your suggested asking prices are ……… Malc
    1 point
  21. Broadly speaking a technician, as found in a main dealer, will replace rather than repair. Also, a main dealer will presumably replace like with like, i.e. steel. Hopefully an independent mechanic would suggest a repair for longer pipes, although it is often easier to replace shorter lengths, such as those at the rear. I have inserted short lengths of copper alloy pipe on several cars over the years and have never had any comments during the MoT test.
    1 point
  22. I have one of the bigger NOCO smart chargers and alway leave the battery connected when charging .
    1 point
  23. Just don’t mix the wires up in case it all goes “ BANG “ and you’re the proud possessor of a burnt out wreck 🥵 Malc
    1 point
  24. It should be a requirement for long lasting material to be used in brake lines. Flexible hoses have a particularly hard life and apart from noting obvious external cracking and stiffness can suffer internally. Had this happen on a car where the rubber had swollen so much that it had completely stopped the passage of brake fluid to calliper. Found this as I cut the pipe apart.
    1 point
  25. Interestingly if you had been doing that as a Brit 'on holiday' for a bit of ravage and pillage back in 1400 you would likely have been doing it in the local dialect.
    1 point
  26. Regarding the door check assembly, the drivers door never shut correctly and when closing it ‘normally’ it bounced - no matter what I did adjusting the striker plate. It shut better after replacing the door check assembly though, I’m not saying it should be like a Rolls Royce but should be better. So this morning I adjusted the striker plate again, this time I got the door to shut correctly no problem at all. It wasn’t a major issue at all but rather a very annoying issue and chuffed that it’s sorted. Issue was the door check assembly itself, I couldn’t see how the broken bit on the body side could cause this so I removed the rubber boot on the old door check assembly and there was broken bits of plastic, a couple of metal plates detached and the end of the metal arm was bent. Looks like one metal plate in the picture but it’s 2. I guess in the past the wind has caught the door and damaged the assembly at the door side and the body side. Fixing one issue at the door side (the cut down pin and broken plastic) with a new check assembly has fixed the door closing issue, now I know it’s all related. Passenger side has the same door closing issue, body side pin and cover is fine but it may have the same issue at the door end. I’ll order a new one next time I order some parts from Amayama.
    1 point
  27. My experience of CTEK chargers has really gone down hill. I had one years ago and it was great. I bought a new one a couple of years ago for the SC and it packed up after 3 months. I returned it to CTEK and they sent me a new one which only lasted about a year. NOCO seems the way to go.
    1 point
  28. I am not sure but disconnecting the earth could cause issues with electronic settings, I have not done this so maybe someone could confirm or not? I just attach the trickle charger to the correct terminals, disconnecting nothing, it has always worked fine on all the vehicles that I have had - no problems. There is also nothing in the trickle charger manual that mentions disconnecting anything. BTW the charger also comes with adaptors for attaching the cables without having to access the battery at all, once they are permanently attached.
    1 point
  29. Hello, I just wanted to say thanks to this forum for sharing Brian from Orchard engineering's details. I had the same top mount issue and I called Brian to see if he still carried bout this repair. Brian was so helpful, amongst other options the one that worked for me was driving to him and the garage next door (GX garage) removed the top mount, took it next door to Brian. Brian repaired it and gave it back to the garage and I was in and out within 3hrs and was given a courtesy car during that time. I can recommend Brian and the team at Gotherington Cross Garage enough. Top mount repair £85 and the garage charged £170+VAT. Smooth, swift, professional and great value for money. The drive has massively improved, the difference is night and day! The steering is lighter and not a clunk to be heard. Outstanding! Rebecca
    1 point
  30. I do remember there was a time when I was first looking at the NX around the time they made some changes to specifications and the website had quite a few specification anomalies which wasn’t very helpful.
    1 point
  31. Same problem: usually filling around 35 l when showing almost 0 km range. I have pushed the odds - 80 km on an "empty" tank and the result was 42,93 liters added. Theoretically, another, at least, 150 km, which brings us to min. 230 km range beyond "zero". Yesterday I asked the dealer about this and the answer was that this is a very known issue, but nothing to be done. This, together with some other evasive answers regarding the high level of the oil in the Carter and the very strange behavior of the multimedia system and the app drove me to the conclusion that the Europeans have no clue about what the Japaneses are doing with these cars. And I say this from the perspective of a guy who had asked German, Belgian and Romanian mechanics about the same things, receiving vague and partially different answers. But I will keep asking, who knows... 🙂🤔
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. April stats EV range 48 EV range with A/C 45.1
    1 point
  34. Please be aware of the new pothole warning signs now being placed in certain areas giving advice to drivers.
    1 point
  35. Just out of interest, Steve, was the Shadow system fitted using the same electrical connections as the Ghost? Was it fitted by the same auto electrician as fitted - and removed - the Ghost?
    1 point
  36. You should be OK at £2800. I'm not mechanically minded but the SC430 engine if properly serviced and maintained is good for 700.000 miles - Yes 700K! One tip I have is that before my last MOT I overfilled the oil on mine to just over the Max level. That probably would not harm but the owners manual says not to do this. I dipped and wiped the dipstick about 30 times until the level showed "Max". At the MOT station they guys said that the car would not pass on emissions so they had to run the car for about a hour until some more oil had burnt off then the reading dropped to a Pass.
    1 point
  37. Just bought one myself.
    1 point
  38. Jack You would need to specify which brake pipes require replacement as this will determine the cost. The cost of the pipe and tube nuts is relatively low. Brake fluid is also not expensive. The labour cost will be very variable depending on how many pipes need replaced. Regards
    1 point
  39. I've had it twice, front and rear. I left it for around a year (local indy I use told me not to worry as they have seen alot worst), got them changed when my discs and pads needed replacing too. Parts cost me around £45 a pair.
    1 point
  40. I have been using the one for a couple of years now to connect to music and calls on my phone via Bluetooth. The steering wheel volume works but you cannot change tracks. You do lose the ability to play CD’s as it uses the CD player to connect the adapter. It is also pretty easy to install. My version is the early version where the tape and radio volume is reduced using the adapter. This has now been addressed with the current one so no longer an issue. Is is a cheap option compared to fitting a new head unit and the sound quality is great.
    1 point
  41. Not for sale but a few of you have asked to see some photos of the ‘new to me’ SC.
    1 point
  42. Ended up buying a Skoda Superb with DCC which helps with the comfort. It's no Lexus/Toyota but it was a matter of compromise.
    1 point
  43. Well, it’s not me. I hope that helps to narrow it down. 😊
    1 point
  44. Sorry to hear that... Regarding Insurance - don't forget windscreen cover still counts as claim on your insurance, so it is worth doing some math to see if it is worth claiming it from insurance or just paying for it upfront.
    1 point
  45. I feel being bonded windscreens are more liable to shock damage as unlike the old rubber ones there is no cushioning between the car frame and glass. Obviously insurers have already noticed this given the rise in the windscreen excess which has gone from around £50.00 to £75.00 and now into three figures.
    1 point
  46. Got to have the mindset that this is the equivalent of £100k car in todays money. Also....will a £100k car bought today last 20 years? I think not!
    1 point
  47. When the 300h was first heard of, over a year ago, there was speculation that it could get a new engine, e.g. a 2.5 l engine. However this isn't the case, it will get the reworked version of the existing M20A-FXS engine.
    1 point
  48. @Steven9233 @Mike_Mac I would recommend these two products. Put them in a tank of super unleaded every few months and you'll be fine. It's an additive, not a miracle. I worked for Liqui Moly and know the products. They do work, (can't comment on similar products from other brands), but bear in mind it's a not a magic fix. It does help with cleaning, but more importantly it's a preventative measure. People tend to turn to additives when it's too late and then complain that they don't work. Valve Cleaner - Injector Cleaner - Injector cleaner will have an immediate effect and will be noticeable straight away IF there is something not right. If your car is okay, you won't notice any difference, but like I said, it's about prevention rather than repair. My friend's Astra turbo petrol was not boosting properly when you booted around it 3000RPM. It was ran on sh*t supermarket 95RON fuel all its life. A tank of super unleaded and the injector cleaner and it was working properly again.
    1 point
  49. On the way back from my usual hospital clinic [when things weren't as efficient as they usually are] today, I noticed that there are TWO cracks radiating from the bottom of the windscreen which, although not YET MOT fails, will only spread. I suspect they happened on a stretch of carriageway which is currently being resurfaced with ramps at the beginning and end of the roadworks where the limit is currently 30 mph. Can't prove it was there though, as they aren't seen from the driver's seat until the light hits them at a certain angle..... My concern is it's a bonded windscreen with rain sensor - I'll be watching/carefully checking during and after replacement. I'm assuming it won't be a genuine Lexus screen but an 'aftermarket' one by a reputable manufacturer. No pics as it's dark out now. That'll be £100 excess on my policy, then. Oh well, it's only money.... Bad day all round really.
    0 points
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