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  1. The rates are published here: NHS mileage allowance rates | Royal College of Nursing ( In summary for the NHS: The national guidance in England is 59 pence per mile for the first 3,500 miles and 24 pence per mile thereafter. This compares to HMRC published (tax free) rates of 45p per mile for first 10,000 miles and 25p per mile thereafter. For the NHS rates there would be tax due on the excess payments over the HMRC published rates, but depending on mileage this would tend to zero for higher mileage drivers as more miles would then be done at the lower rate, and their overall compensation would fall within HMRC guidelines. The RCN are trying to get the rates raised, which I agree with as would any other person using their own car for business mileage since HMRC have hardly changed the rates for many years, but this should be the same for anyone that is using their own car for business mileage and not for any one particular profession.
    3 points
  2. AFAIK the NHS actually pays for private car use over the HMRC rate of 45p per mile first 10,000 miles and 25p per mile thereafter - I think something over 50p per mile now. It's the only organisation that I know of that actually pays more then the HMRC rates. I assume that the nurses getting paid that will pay tax on the excess over the HMRC rates... HMRC really need to review the figures for everyone with the significant increases in recent years running a car (not just fuel but everything else).
    3 points
  3. No they haven't. For older vehicles they are installing trackers and immobilisers and newer ones have updated firmware in the main body ECU to detect hacks - that isn't anything like implementing encryption across the entire CAN bus.
    3 points
  4. Found this on a local FB page 😀 “So my car needs to pass an MOT to make sure it’s safe to drive on roads that aren’t safe to drive on ?”
    2 points
  5. could be worse, apparently land rover & range rover owners cant even get insured because of all the theft.
    2 points
  6. I wanna think in this paragraph you're referring to the Royal family? They've been on benefits for a long time too, refusing to get real jobs. On publicly-owned utilities, I'll just say you should look up what happened with the privatised water supply in Paris for example. Also, it is not "the government", it is us (as a group of humans forming a society) who need to help those who aren't able to help themselves. A younger society (with children) ultimately benefits everyone.
    2 points
  7. Nurses are also punished when trying to park their cars at their workplace and charged and fined for the privilege. One friend has racked up over £500 in fines for parking at the hospital. They, and others are refusing to pay.
    2 points
  8. as above. It should only be used to avoid fumes in your garage or being quiet as you arrive/leave your house in the early hours. Forcing EV mode normally results in worse fuel consumption compared to just letting the vehicle do its thing. The cancelling of the mode depends on throttle, temperature, battery state of charge and speed.
    2 points
  9. I have the Levinson one in my Takumi and to be honest it is wasted on me. I have always wondered if a high spec sound system in a car is a waste of money anyway unless you are stationary, all the background noise even in a quiet car must drown out all the discrete tones and quality. Bill D.
    2 points
  10. So how did we go from Insurance companies to Banks? Look I expect this level of naivety and lack of understanding of commerce from some people. I just did not expect to find it here amongst people who are equipped to find themselves behind the wheel of a Lexus. I shall refrain from further participation .
    2 points
  11. I had a visit from the local PCSO a couple of nights ago, who was checking on a nearby car theft. Came inside and gave me an update on car security measures for our on the drive parked CT, of which to be fair I am pretty much up to speed on. The main points being the crook/disc lock being a worthwhile addition, Faraday pouch for the smart locking key fobs etc and the added deterrent of having my Catloc fitted. I said I had mixed feelings about the Faraday pouch, as I had to consider my preference to waking up in the morning after a sound nights sleep to find the car gone. Or waking up in the middle of the night to find someone breaking into the house to get the keys 😆. Even so he gifted me a Faraday pouch before leaving lol! The real bonus though, he also gifted me a Smart Water kit and window stickers and registered the Ct on the Smart Water traceable vehicle site. Apparently the Chop Shops have made it clear that Smart water treated cars will not be accepted from car thieves, as any treated parts found on premises are now resulting in an over 85% prosecution success rate. I already have put the smart water stickers on next to the Catloc stickers, and will start applying the smart water on various parts/places when the weather is a bit nicer. 😉
    1 point
  12. It's a problem with all modern cars, especially hybrids and EVs. Some EVs (Tesla and some Kia/Hyundai for example) will auto wake and charge the battery itself if it detects it going flat.
    1 point
  13. It is an unfortunate reality with hybrids / electric cars. The 12v battery is a small one only meant to boot the computer and power the security systems when locked. Maybe keep a jumpstart pack in your boot. Theyre essentially like a powerbank which you connect to your battery and can jump start it yourself if you get stuck. Maybe learn how to access the car if the battery dies. Calling the AA everytime will be very inconvenient.
    1 point
  14. I doubt there’ll ever be any intention to cancel the NHS it’s enshrined in the UKs DNA 👍 Malc
    1 point
  15. Exactly this plus the NHS isnt just one organisation from what I understand. While there are some guidelines that are applicable to all each trust is run as its own separate entity with its own rules and schemes / benefits for employees. Given the way things are I reckon eventually the big insurance companies will have their way and all of us will be having the same discussion about how our health insurance has reached crazy heights with them being hand in glove with big pharma.
    1 point
  16. Oh also spent some money at Lexus parts direct for a set of wheel locking nuts ( the current ones looked nasty and the box has seen better days) so a new set with new box, also replaced brake rubber as the old one was worn , got a set of carpet mat clips and replaced the broken ones driver and passenger side. Small things but looks better. Also bought leather cleaner and protector , gave the seats a good old clean and have come up really well...
    1 point
  17. There are some truly shocking roads out and around my neck of the woods at the moment. Two examples spring to mind immediately: Firstly, the street next to the one I live on. It's a side-street but is on a bus route. This has been poorly maintained for not far off a decade, now. It's surface-dressed (yuck) but all that done was turn a very lumpy and uneven surface into a coarse, lumpy and uneven surface. Naturally, most of that surface dressing has either broken apart or worn completely away. It was never replaced. Since then, it's had literally dozens of small potholes open up on it. One by one, the worst ones are filled in by the council - so the surface now has a rough 'patchwork quit' effect for much of it's length. It's still lumpy and uneven. Over time, some of those potholes have opened back up and new ones have appeared. The whole lot has needed ripping up and resurfacing properly for the last couple of years, now. Secondly, there's a semi-rural lane about a mile from where I live and forms part of my route home from work (well, the route that avoids the worst of the traffic). Until recent months, there was a 50yd or so stretch which genuinely resembled what I can only describe as a ploughed field and was often swerved around by driving on the opposite side of the lane when possible. I first complained to the council about it's deteriorating condition at least four years ago but was told "it's up to standard". 🤷‍♂️ For a tractor or monster truck maybe, but not a road car. Fortunately that's now been resurfaced properly. However, there's a good quarter of a mile stretch shortly before this which now has now become a slalom-course for motorists. Random holes have been opening up in places. So, the only real way to navigate it in relative 'smoothness' is to drive with a combination of your passenger wheels literally on the white line before the soft verge, and sometimes with your offside wheels just over the centre line markings.
    1 point
  18. Wot a bluddy nonsense all this with more modern cars …….. why put oneself thru’ purgatory and such inconvenience when a more conventional car would suit much more sensibly ……, brill old fashioned Ls400 technology surpasses all this ! Malc
    1 point
  19. In which case it will probably benefit from a weekly drive out into the country to get the engine, exhaust system and transmission up to an efficient working temperature once a week. And speaking as a north London lad myself, I always looked forward to getting away at weekends. And what country pub car park wouldn’t be enhanced by the arrival of a nice Lexus?
    1 point
  20. Ordered CMS C27 (8X18, ET35) in "Titan gloss" so now its a waiting game...
    1 point
  21. Thanks Brett. I didn't want to put a bright yellow metal on the steering wheel. But, it seems a visible physical deterrent is needed as my Ultimate Edition coupe will be only 1 of 1 in the UK.
    1 point
  22. And no doubt Lexus could do something similar if they could be bothered....
    1 point
  23. The Lexus dealership I use replaces the batteries in both keys on every service. And as these batteries only cost pence, then one can always replace them oneself every six months (if one wishes) just for peace of mind. Think of it as 'preventive maintenance!'
    1 point
  24. I got a warning on mine. Didn't react to it at first and the reminder message didn't appear again for a few weeks. Have since changed the battery and all good.
    1 point
  25. Is this one of those self drive cars? 😉 Looking very nice indeed.
    1 point
  26. Find some local to you in your budget range and go test drive them. I did 6 years ago and of those I tested I preferred the one I bought, but I test drove LS400s, LS430s (pre-and post facelift) and LS460s (pre-facelift). Personally I found the electric power steering in the LS460 to be "numb" and I found the LS400 too floaty. The facelift LS430 was the sweet-spot for me with excellent comfort, quietness, but still fun in the twisties (for a 2 ton behemoth).
    1 point
  27. I agree owning a car is not mandated by law but neither is having children. Also you can't argue against the fact that it is a necessity for some. I personally know people who serve as community nurses and physios who literally need to own a car to do their job and make ends meet. The NHS does not provide them with a car or pay for their insurance & associated costs. The NHS only pays a fixed rate for fuel used and thats it. Even that has been the same for several years now and has not risen with the rising cost of energy. I know some of these people personally and they struggle to make ends meet as their salaries have not gone up commensurate with the cost of living. This is just one example I am sure there are 100s of people out there with jobs like these. These are not people slacking it off and living on benefits that just expect the govt to bail them out. And it is these people that are squeezed the most. And yes the government is there to regulate and solve these problems. Else your argument about poorly run nationalised companies should apply to education and helathcare as well. Would you rather pay for education and healthcare too? If not the government then who should be solving these issues? What else are we paying such high taxes for? Bailing out banks?
    1 point
  28. Educating your children is mandated by law. Owning a car is not, and therefore insurance isn’t mandatory and shouldn’t be state provided. The problem is we’ve been too generous bailing out those making unwise life choices (e.g. those on benefits see a financial increase if they have more kids, courtesy of other taxpayers; whereas those earning & paying their way typically see a big decrease in their household finances if they have more children) that it’s now become expected that the government will solve all problems. Any sense of personal responsibility is sadly gone. I fear too many people aren’t aware of how bad nationalised companies were. I suspect we all may have a refresher course in the next few years.
    1 point
  29. Just because your vehicle wasn't part of the recall it doesn't mean you couldn't have an unrelated one off fuel pump failure. If it got to the point where warning lights were displayed, and errors codes generated, then your dealer will hopefully have an idea on the cause and look to fix it - if you have had a Lexus dealer service in the last 12 months then you Relax warranty should be covering any issue related to the engine or fuel system.
    1 point
  30. Calle me deluded, that's fine. 🙂 I have been called worse by others who can't grasp the basics of what it means to own (or not own) capital and the pressures on ever-increasing profits driven by an economic model favouring shareholders above all else. With all due respect, this thing you call free market is not free, nor a market (such belief sounds disingenuous), and whatever that thing may be, it is essentially at odds with the concept of democracy itself (but may be going a bit too off-topic here). The bit about price fixing being prohibited made me smile: once you learn a bit of history of economics & the financial sector as a whole, surely you cannot be as naive as to think it plays by any rules you & I have to abide to. 🫠
    1 point
  31. I feel the insurance companies ( and finance institutions often ) hold general public over their barrel and there’s no Ombudsman or Govt Control that’s effective to protect us all against the potential greed of some ……. sure some insurers are having a bad time financially probably but others are probably doing very well indeed, too well maybe ……. that’s their Management and Board for the Shareholders ……. poor judgements often too in risk assessment …….. and it might be that some Lexus drivers are indeed poor risks …… their driving skills, easy theft cars, anti-social areas by where they live …… and more ……BUT the oft feeling by very many is that we are simply being ripped off …… and that’s a bad feeling to have and some Ombudsman / Authority whatever should be taking due notice to investigate why and suggest remedy ……. Sitting on their backsides just won’t cut it I’m afraid …… a revolutions a’coming 🥵 Malc
    1 point
  32. A firmware update is highly unlikely because the system as a whole, and the multiple ECUs involved, aren't designed for signed communication and would likely require hardware replacements, not just software. Going full encryption will never happen on these old models - Toyota/Lexus isn't even using that on current models).
    1 point
  33. Ooh the level of judgement. You shall refrain from further participation? Ooh no! we're going to miss out on all the condescending comments. Its laughable that you think you're better than others because you drive a Lexus. Goes to show the size of the peanut where your idea if your "expertise" comes from. Also since you're such an award winning expert on commerce you should know these business are all intertwined. The best example is AIG that tanked and was bailed out at taxpayers expense. But you already know that since you're a baller award winning, lexus driving, rolex wearing commerce expert 🤣
    1 point
  34. I would want to visit the Isle of Skye someday I used the Wynns Specialist E10 Protector. I can't say anything about it except I hope it did something in there. But like Linas said, can't see how a few tankfulls would do any damage. It's long-term use of the stuff that builds up the water. Vlad posted some stuff from Millers. Just used Millers oil in the IS250 and I think the oil is meant to be top-notch so probably can trust this brand. I probably would not waste money worrying about a 2-3 tanks of E10 so don't waste your money buying protection.
    1 point
  35. Some injector cleaner, quality 99ron petrol and an italian tuneup might help but I'd guess using the Relax warranty and getting Lexus to check the injectors would be the best option.
    1 point
  36. Well, nearly two years later we've finally reached the 'mid-40's' point I reckon, if you're looking outside the dealer network. Cheapest petrol, silver, base model, 36,000 miles is just under 43k, and there's a couple of others around 45 to 50k. The engine, the build, the warranty - all seem to be helping the LC keep it's head above water in a tough market. Still can't think of anything I'd replace mine with.
    1 point
  37. The RX series IV should be less prone because it has both direct injection and port injection to keep the valves clean - the IS250 engine was only direct injection so valves never get washed and cleaned by petrol and its detergents.
    1 point
  38. I had the same. Was an injector. Causes the car to shake a little intermittently at idle
    1 point
  39. I had an IS250 with a pioneer system which was excellent - I then tried a normal NX300h Lux with the standard speaker system and found it underwhelming. I have the ML in my NX300h which is good, however, I remember having a 300h on loan from Lexus whilst my IS was in for service and being totally blown away by it.
    1 point
  40. That part is not allowed on this forum, please remove 😀
    1 point
  41. I fitted tyres for a while when I was a lad and plug repairs are perfectly fine. I would actually prefer this repair method over a normal patch since the stem of the plug also fills out the entry wound. Meaning there's less chance of the steel belts inside the carcass getting corroded from water ingress.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Cannot see anything wrong with engine bay... not that engine bay would be telling anything about the maintenance of the car anyway...
    1 point
  44. When I bought my 2009 car I too was concerned about muck traps and possible hidden corrosion, so what I did was clean the underside with a lawn sprinkler (nothing but minor surface rust) and apply some rust protection (Dynax and ACF-50). I also removed the wheel arch liners to see what the state of things was under there. I doubt they'd ever been removed before, as there was a lot of built up mud/muck, especially on the rear. I cleaned all this off with one of those plastic/rubber brush drill attachments and was pleasantly surprised to find the paintwork underneath to be like new. I then liberally spayed these areas with Dynax before refitting the liners. Once a year (just before winter) I spray the underside with ACF 50 and apply some corrosion block grease to the inside lip of the wheel arches. So, in my exprerience, the rustproofing seemed pretty good compared to my previous car (Jaguar). Like you say, prevention is easier and cheaper than cure, so I'd get a good look at as much as you can, clean it up and apply some rustproofing. It's also worth having something like clear nail varnish to hand, to apply to any stone chips, to prevent them from rusting until you get round to a repair.
    1 point
  45. I have real problems after the update. I allowed it to update while I was on a journey away from home. I'm now away from home, but it's deleted my home address. How am I going to find my way home?
    1 point
  46. It's a worldwide common issue, although not seen as much in the UK. There are two issues, one is the EGR can become blocked, the other, which is likely your mate's issue, is the piston rings which get coked up, cannot rotate and cannot drain oil correctly. It ultimately wears the cylinder bores so even if you free the rings it will still consume oil. It's a design issue that has affected several engines - my son's 2012 1.3 Yaris suffers the same issue - possibly because the previous owner didn't do regular oil changes with quality oil. In 2014/15, Toyota fixed the issue with resigned pistons and oil control rings which have larger holes and different tension. He could try using engine flush before each oil change, and possibly move to 5W30 oil which may help consumption but will increase petrol usage somewhat - essentially manage the issue. Otherwise it needs more major work to decoke the engine - provided the bores aren't damaged. If they are damaged then you need a new block as I don't believe you can successfully rebore that engine. If you search for the issue against the Prius, which uses the same engine, you will find more info as the number of those sold is much larger and hence more cars with the problem.
    1 point
  47. Definitely not a milk float and definitely looks lovely. Congrats and welcome to the Lexus forum (if you weren't here already) @MedicalFlyer
    1 point
  48. No it wouldn't but it is part of the service (at least in my experience). I wouldn't be surprised if the dealer would replace it FOC. That said the handbook shows two types of key
    1 point
  49. Gs450h 2018, in 32k miles in 2 1/2 years, I have had 2 issues, rear brake calliper seizing (replacement covered by relax.) Tyre valve leaking, not covered £149.
    1 point
  50. Not sure if the F-Sport is the same as my SEL...but. I'm thinking maybe it is correct....ish. Press the button ( top LH side of screen cluster) and if you were on Climate the Map will now be displayed. If you touch your finger on the screen it will set that point as a destination if you choose to accept that point and 'start' the guidance. I did this purely by accident in Wales a couple of weekends back. Quite useful if you just want to get to a general area and leave the detail until later. I posted on both yours hoping you'd see one!!
    1 point
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