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  1. I can hear Roy of the Rovers in the distance 😎
    5 points
  2. The first few lines caused my eyebrows to contract. Brand new car. Yes leave it in the road. Battery flat. Grease all over. (Or have I missed something ?) My first call would have been to Lexus to come and pick the car up ASAP & not get a mate to start doing this & that.
    4 points
  3. I’ve never heard such a garbled account. The smell of burning doesn’t get mentioned near the top of the list, but the radio does and a safety concern with the steering is an afterthought. A new Lexus with damp in the wiring or a major ECU issue doesn’t exist. The car is showing all the signs of a flat battery - it will do all of the things listed and it’s a well known fact that the battery will go flat when not used right. It could be a fault with the charging system but even that is unlikely, it’s more likely user error.
    4 points
  4. I've always admired owners with affection for elderly cars that deserve it, as is undoubtedly the case with the LS400. Few would dispute, however, that affection can occasionally be taken too far, as happened with an uncle of my wife's in Denmark, who kept his 1959 Saab 93 GT on the road for the best part of four decades and 600000km. Of course there can be no general or specific comparison with the LS and its owners, but I though I'd offer the story as a sort of cautionary tale. My wife's uncle was quite a wealthy man and could have bought newer and better cars whenever he liked, but for reasons best known to himself, he stayed loyal to the Saab despite the entreaties of his family, much leg-pulling by friends, and the dark mutterings of neighbours who hated the sight of it. Few men have been more blinded by love for their cars and less receptive to advances in technology and design. Like his wife, who not surprisingly got into the habit of taking cabs, prospective passengers in later years avoided the car for dread of the bacteria and fungi that nested in the upholstery, not to mention the risk of olfactory dysfunction posed by a cabin odour whose pungency was accentuated rather than reduced by premium air fresheners, a situation not helped by the owner's partiality to cigars. As the years turned into decades, the only problem not resolved by the expenditure of vast sums of money on repairs was rust, which eventually produced a series of bubbles and holes all around the car's lower perimeter. The closing of doors, even gently, caused flurries of orange-brown dust to fall to earth and demarcate the surfaces where the car had stood. De-registering the Saab therefore spared it from the indignity of an official scrapping order and permitted it, against the better judgment of everyone except its owner, to be kept permanently garaged. What happened was that the animal welfare authorities identified iron poisoning as the probable cause of an alarming rise in respiratory and gastric ailments among domestic pets and species of local fauna such as deer and hares. Despite the absence of forensic proof, the Saab naturally came under suspicion as a likely source, though by no means the only one when the many specimens of vintage gardening paraphernalia lurking alongside rusty old bikes in the sheds of this leafy suburb of Copenhagen were also taken into account. But whereas these latter items left no regrets or long-term traces after being chucked into skips by an unsentimental and socially obedient citizenry, the Saab got to live out its twilight years in its own snug home, comforted by regular visits from a tearful owner in much the same way as a faithful old retainer might have received those of a grateful master. At the insistence of family members an adjoining shed was converted into a garage for a gleaming new Volvo S90, which was grudgingly admitted to be a nice enough replacement despite the regrettable sacrifice of style and character on the altar of safety and solidity. I believe the Saab, or what remained of it, wasn't removed until the house was taken over by new owners a decade later. To this day I remain doubt as to whether the Saab's pre-retirement longevity was a tribute to the marque or more simply a testimony to human folly. For sure there could not have been one without the other.
    4 points
  5. Just a feeling but something here does not add up. Who is the dealer? Is the car new or secondhand and within warranty? Short recap. The dealer delivers a Lexus on your driveway and disappears. You then find out the car does not work and there is black grease all over the white interior. You do not contact the dealer but your neigbour with thesame car starts jumpstarting it?? Next day you drive to a forest, the radio does not work, the satnav has glitches and in the middle of nowhere you cannot close the roof and windows so you walk away. Then 3 more breakdowns, a burning smell in the car and a loose feeling in the steering. I stop here as it all sounds too bizarre to be true. Did you by any chance find any trolls in the forest?
    3 points
  6. Car is at Lexus, registration number allocated, now just waiting to be delivered to my company. Should be with me early November. 450h ordered in March. Now officially excited, wonder if the fleet manager will put a bow on it, and give me a celebratory bottle of wine, or as normal throw the keys at me, and tell me to try and not crash this one……
    3 points
  7. ...perhaps after reading the manual....
    3 points
  8. Nothing wrong with being 'old school' John but having to stop every few miles to read a map and/or find out/check where you are must be actually quite tedious, at least I would find it so. Now if you have your own human navigator sitting beside you then that's different 😄 . But then maps can't steer you around traffic congestion so to reflect on the OP I would have to say find a satnav system that works for you and that provides relatively faultless information. Everything's relative 😉 . Nothing in this world is perfect but I find that my iPhone maps are accurate and adequate for my needs and yes, perhaps they might occasionally go wrong but that's life ... although it hasn't happened to me yet! 🤞 Sticking with old technology, or indeed no technology at all, is still attractive to some and is most certainly heart warming, but it can be a timewaster in the modern world ... and even maps can go out of date and cannot always be relied upon. Happy travels everyone ... or do I mean travails? 😂
    3 points
  9. A lot of drama here. We’re not talking about an Astra, this is a Lexus. There may be a fault and there may be a lack of understanding but I don’t think putting the social media boot in is due just yet so let’s not act like chavs. The story doesn’t stack up for one thing.
    3 points
  10. More than enough and maybe I should rethink my opinion about it.
    2 points
  11. Finding local recommended tradespeople, either by looking at previous posts or by asking on local groups,, keeping in touch with distant relatives and sharing photos and videos, finding local things for sale (bit of a minefield tbh but I have picked up some good buys), free and VERY effective advertising for my daughter's dog grooming business, keeping up with local campaign groups, getting reviews for local pubs, restaurants and other local businesses, often with better information, photos etc than any other source (for many businesses now, their sole website is a FaceBook page). Currently, my local group is posting updates on flooding and which roads are impassible. That enough for you?
    2 points
  12. I think I would be contacting Lexus/Toyota HQ direct on 01737 363634 Outline the case to them and your dealers take on matters and see what they would propose.
    2 points
  13. It is really annoying how despite parking far away from the door of a supermarket, and there being many, many empty parking spaces, when you come out someone has felt the need to park next to it! 🤬
    2 points
  14. As soon as I saw the words I knew who this was!
    1 point
  15. For someone as inept as me, procedure was call garage, arrange time, drive in, wait 1 hour, drive home warm 😉 I looked at doing it myself but the garage only wanted £70 to do it so by the time I brought everything and messed about wasn't worth it for the £20 or so I'd save.
    1 point
  16. Friend of mine from Spain owns a 30 yr old Nissan Patrol that he keeps in his second home in the mountains. Car runs some 5k km pa not more and he owned it from new. He will never sell it because it is HIS Nissan Patrol. Car needs mot of course and some years ago the rust was so through the chassis the garage advised him to sell it as repair was more expensive than a new car. He had it repaired as it is HIS Nissan Patrol. Morale of the story is that most cars you forget the moment they are gone and some just creep under your skin. Nothing to do with money or exclusivity but all to do with emotion, a feeling a car can give you. From all the cars i owned over the years 3 stood out, my first car a bloodred alfa bertone gt junior coupe. At 20 years old my dreamcar. And an Opel Omega Station 6 cylinder diesel that was the family car when the children were young, big enough to haul friends, bikes and whatever around for years. Last one the IS250 immaculate buildquality and gives you a special feeling driving it. I understand the Saab owning uncle.
    1 point
  17. No need as I did not read it as such & it just gave me pause for thought (about my view)
    1 point
  18. I had this issue a few times when I had a NX300H. It only ever occurred during heavy rain however I found that giving them a quick wipe with a cloth did the trick. Never needed to have them replaced and (Touch wood!) haven't had this problem with the 450h+.
    1 point
  19. @Rabbers There was a radio panel game in the 1960s(?) that they were on. It had a segment where they would tell a shaggy dog story that ended in a mishearing of a well known phrase. The most famous one I think is "You can't have your kayak and heat it", others include "People in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones" or "A hod's as good as a sink to a blind Norse". They were very long, eloquent stories which ended in a terrible pun. I have several old books of them but unfortunately they haven't aged well. A lot of the stories are based on phrases or pop culture long since forgotten, like for example "Let us now praise famous men and the fathers that begat us", which is 3 pages long and ends with "Let us now press famous men, and the fathers at regattas!".
    1 point
  20. Haha ... definitely not. Started with a used 2011 Gen3 and liked it that much upgraded to a used Gen4 2017 then again to this 2022 bought new last October.
    1 point
  21. @steve2006 The garage charged £400 + VAT to replace all four sides. So Total : £1171 (Parts £691 + Labour charges of £480).
    1 point
  22. Polar bears.. that's how. Backfired because it didn't sell well. I reckon we would see a lot more RCs on the road if they were available as RC350 in the UK or even 250 lol. still better than the 2.0l turbo.
    1 point
  23. Hey Barry Yes you would qualify as a veteran by that standard, at least with Forces Cars Direct anyway, maybe mention what you have been came across on here and ask them , my uncle was in a similar situation and they sorted him out anyway
    1 point
  24. One thing I've noticed is the Hybrid Coaching trip history now goes back several months, rather than just the one. That's a definite improvement.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. You possibly have a small amount of air in the brake fluid so worth getting that changed and the system bled. The pedal itself should only have 1 to 2 mm of travel before any resistance is felt as it starts to engage the master cylinder. If the distance is longer, the pedal can be adjusted but it isn't something that typically changes over time so unless it has been tampered with since the car was built there may be an issue somewhere in the braking system that needs to be investigated.
    1 point
  27. One thing I noticed from the updated Android app is that it has started to send timed messages regarding start and completion of the charging cycle.
    1 point
  28. Just wanted to say that I recently installed the Carlinkitlife Wireless CarPlay (and Android Auto) Kit £250 and absolutely love it. Works perfectly (once you get it set up) in my 2015. Install is 100% plug and play. No cutting wires or modifications needed to existing harness. That 0 complaint from me doesn't lag, doesn't crash, retain steering wheel controls, easy to switch between AAuto and Carplay, factory unit look. 100/100 would highly recommend."
    1 point
  29. I know all the Kent dealers of Lexus and although not perfect they would not entertain a Lexus with a smoke burning issue as that is a very serious matter the manager would need to report to head office for advice in going forward. The car would not be returned to the customer until that was fully resolved. As for the other items, Steve mentions these seam to be one of a water damp ingress somewhere along the wiring? Or it could well be a major fault with the Engine Control Module (ECM)
    1 point
  30. Alan l too have stopped using the Lexus satnav after a couple of times it sent me in totally the wrong direction. l prefer good old AA Road maps for the route, only using ‘google’ once in at town/city for final directions. One notices quite a few complaints in general on Lexus quality and some dealers yet surprisingly Lexus don’t seem to react or bother ~ strange! David
    1 point
  31. Don’t beat yourself up about it, Ben. Most of us have been caught out by an uncooperative steering lock at some time or another. It’s not clear what the actual problem was, but it was apparently resolved fairly easily. So put it down to experience. I’ve just invested in a Milenco steering wheel lock. A hefty bit of kit, but it takes some getting used to. Well, it warns you that sometimes the key doesn’t fully enter the lock - in which case it won’t release. It then tells you what to do. But knowing all that didn’t help when it actually happened to me - and I had visions of calling a locksmith to break into a lock specifically designed to be very difficult to break into! Stay calm and the problem goes away.
    1 point
  32. I drove nothing but Saab 9000's for nigh on 20 years. Now I grudgingly admit that my modern "old persons car" (Jazz) has better cornering capabilities and can illuminate the road ahead more safely. Still plan to buy a "toy" next year, possibly an SC430.
    1 point
  33. It was the steering lock! What a doughnut. More amateur requests this time next week.. At least I can travel first class to my meeting tomorrow now and not nick my wife's Golf for the journey..
    1 point
  34. I just had the 60K , 6 year service, no added charge for the plugs but was asked if i wanted fuel additive ( i use Shell V power ) so declined that, A/C gas replace meant ( its cold and doesn't smell so i declined that ). i think they are just fishing to sell extras.
    1 point
  35. Todays figures are 48.3 and 47.9 (1st charge for a couple of weeks due to holiday) 48.3 is the same as last time while the ac figure up by 0.01
    1 point
  36. Okay, for anyone who has had similar noises on an RX 2nd Gen, there were 2 aspects that were fixed: ARB bushes - these had been replaced a couple of months ago, but (as I suspected) were tight. The bar was rubbing loudly against the inside of the bush and making teh creaking (bed spring) noise when 'bouncing' over speed humps and imperfections in the road as it flexed. It also made a slight clunk when steering left or right at slower speeds (under 5mph) so in that scenario they were grabbing the bar, then the flex would suddenly release sideways and make the slight knock/clunk (which you'd expect maybe with dodgy drop/end-links). Wheel bearing (NSF) - this was actually wobbling! (vid attached) This is what I could hear make a clunk noise when I rocked the car side to side when stationary. Assumed it was related to the other (ARB) creaking. So that has been replaced. Job done. I drove home in total silence! 👍 Happy investigating to you all 🙂 Dodgy_Wheel_Bearing_18Oct2023.mp4
    1 point
  37. Prob illegal here in the uk MOT failure 😨 Malc
    1 point
  38. I couldn't obtain MPS4S's for my new wheels and so I went with Asymmetric 5's. I didn't want to stray from the Michelins, but needs must and after a lot of research, I went with the Goodyears. I've pushed them in both wet and dry at questionable speeds, and they performed incredibly well. In the dry I was chasing down a DB11 and in the wet, a new E63. Neither cars put a gap between me and the ISF, and the feedback from the wheels was impressive. They're wearing really well too. Heading towards 5k with no signs of wear. Very happy customer and worth a nose.
    1 point
  39. Lexus Malmö, they either had this car on order and someone canceld the order or they simply ordered it on pure speculation... Original idea was 350h Executive in Sonic White with rich cream leather, dealer was able to offer this just as I wanted it + the Tech-pack (Payed half of the tech pack, dealer other half since it wasn't on my wishlist)
    1 point
  40. Thank you very much for the link, Sappy. Looks like a real Aladdin's Cave of LC500 goodies! I have just received a response from Lexus Customer relations about the wheel change - they are escalating this to the highest level they can and are aware that some of the feedback about the reversed wheels has not been, ahem, positive.
    1 point
  41. For Go Japan, no invite. I emailed the organizers and requested a pass for the individual exhibit (which was free) and then you and your passengers pay the general entry fee.
    1 point
  42. This is my absolute favourite piece of music ever ❤️
    1 point
  43. After reading these posts I contacted the Lexus dealership in Sheffield. They where not aware of the issue although they had one customer come to them with a non working headlamp and unclipped bumper. They then came back to me to say their was a kit to fit to the light to secure them and that the cost would be somewhere between £250 and £350 to supply and fix. I wrote to Lexus HQ on their enquiry webpage. Got a call a few days later from the Sheffield dealership to say Lexus had offered to do the work free of charge. This was completed on 25th September and shows on the service record as 'ECU protection kit' I have also turned off the keyless entry both at the car itself (It is in the vehicle settings) and the keys, so no broadcast a signal transmitting from the car or the keys - ruling out the signal theft option. I also came across a OBD port lock which I have just fitted (£55) from Amazon. It will slow them down, it looks like you would destroy the OBD port if you tried to remove this protection without the special key. I feel a bit more comfortable. I am considering the Scorpion X immobiliser for £400 (with the £50 Lexus Club Discount), this would slow them down if they somehow got the key fob. I am also looking at a Tracker - these are expensive although there is a low cost DIY option on amazon for £155 for the device with 5 years live tracking included - then £50 for another 5 years. This can be refitted to other cars should you sell. Thanks for posting this problem, i hope some of what I have done would be of interest to others.
    1 point
  44. I hope you get it back OK. The SC is an unusual target so I am surprised as it is not that easy to move on and generally they are not high value now. Mine is in the road and i am a bit paranoid so I use a Disklok, have a tracker fitted and when I remove my throttle controller even if you manage to start the engine it won’t respond to any accelerator input and stays on idle. I have to say I would be absolutely gutted if this happened to me.
    1 point
  45. Being an old Northern Soulie so much of what I listen to is 'old'. Roughly 1964/3 through to mid to late seventies maximum. Some years ago I had also got the mindset trap that todays' music was all 'crap'. However, the more I looked around the less I believed this to be true. I have come to the conclusion that if i listen to music from any era I will find plenty that does not appeal. yet I will also find music that I could post here and reasonably claim to be as good as anything ever done within our lifetimes. You've just got to be prepared to look hard for it. So, today, for breakfast, 'something old, something new, and something blue'. Procol Harem 1967 The Answer 2015 KIll It Kid 2014 YouTube Music
    1 point
  46. Mine was collected today and I must say it’s got a book and a nice folder to put it in. It’s not quite 700 pages but it hasn’t got about 500 pages of Type Approval Certificates either. It seems to be the full version. The holder in the glove box for the book slides out leaving a much more useable space and the folder fits in the seat back pocket. All these journalists that forever copy each other can’t seem to fathom why only the passenger seat has a pocket at the back but but it makes perfect sense. Unless you’re Inspector Gadget, it’s impossible to put something in your own seat back!
    1 point
  47. If the car only comes with runflats (ie. no option for non runflats) then the car suspension has been designed specifically for runflat tyres (with stiffer sidewalls) If you use non runflat tyres, you are making a change to the car safety (eg. The car will no longer safely tolerate a blowout, it may have different handling characteristics) If you change all 4 tyres to non runflats with identical specs, you are probably fine. However I recommend checking with your insurance company for piece of mind. You don't want to prang your car due to a blow out only to subsequently find out that you invalidated your insurance by replacing tyres (that arent offered as standard) See
    1 point
  48. I’ve sat in the new model and while attempting to wobble the centre console didn’t even occur to me, the interior is very sumptuous with high quality materials. The fit and finish is superb.
    1 point
  49. I don't agree. I think it looks great and practical and a huge leap forward from the current NX. In terms of quality, I'll reserve judgement until I see the car 'in the flesh': what we are looking at is a pre-production model, and I don't think a video really gives any indication on quality.
    1 point
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