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Recent Model I Just Finished!

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some of you might be interested so just thought i would post up a few pictures of my fianl major project for my degree in Modelmaking, just about to graduate in about a month or so.

This has taken 14 weeks to build and i have worked on it 7 days a week, 12 hours+ a day!!!!!!!

basically thats why i havn't been around for ages!!!!!!!

none of the parts are taken from other models or purchased, ALL of the parts have been made from scratch..........and i mean from scratch!!!!!!!!




hope you all like!

Jason :P

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few more............



Lecturer didn't like my J45ON number plate :lol:


Going to put it up for sale after my London show :shifty:

Lecturer says it should fetch around £1000, all of which will be going on the lex :lol:

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That's awesome mate :)

Just to give us a sense of scale how big is it?

Quality effort though, why didn't the lecturer like the number plate though?

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That's awesome mate :)

Just to give us a sense of scale how big is it?

Quality effort though, why didn't the lecturer like the number plate though?

Its about 460mm long tip to tip, so not that big!

He thought the number plate was tacky but i told him that he was just jealous :lol:

Jason :P

This might give you a better idea of scale........

i was on a sugar rush from about 6 cans of red bull :lol::lol:

notice my beer's behind me and my little paper model of a IS200 on top! :D


Jason :P

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was looking at doing architectural/product modelmaking but most of the jobs are London way and im down in Southampton. Not really keen on working in London to be honest, i have already been offered a job in a car bodyshop working on some really really nice projects but im still unsure.

then there is film work but its very competative field and only a few ever make it............... basically im not sure what im going to do?!?!?!?!?

thought about getting a work visa for a few months in Dubai but its not perminant.

we will see what job offeres come from my London show........

shouldn't have any problems getting a job, this is actually my second degree :lol: greedy i know!!!!

Jason :P

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How about making things privately for people or is to expensive??

I have thought about it but most people don't want to pay the high price, the bike model cost around £500-600 of my own money to actually make. when you add the labour onto that you are looking at £3000-4000!!!!!!! Im hopefully looking to sell the bike model for £1000, its just finding someone who might be interested. Even if i do sell it for the full asking price, you need to remember that £500-600 of that will be repaying my costs so i will only make £400-500 extra for working 7 days a week for 14 weeks!!!!!!!

I have the choice of going freelance, which i may do but not too sure about all the moving around from company to company.

watch this space :shifty:

Jason :P

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The model is just superb.

Hope you find a suitable buyer.

May be worth trying one of the Auction houses as they often have specialist item auctions.

You are right about Architectural Model makers, the field is very competitive at present and follows the boom and bust cycle of the construction industry.

I'd concentrate on the sci-fi film industry if I were you.

All the best

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The model is just superb.

Hope you find a suitable buyer.

May be worth trying one of the Auction houses as they often have specialist item auctions.

You are right about Architectural Model makers, the field is very competitive at present and follows the boom and bust cycle of the construction industry.

I'd concentrate on the sci-fi film industry if I were you.

All the best

im actually finding the film industry more competative. :duh:

i already have a degree in architecture and soon to have another in modelmaking.

i have had several confirmed job offers in architectural modelmaking and have been told to just leave the course now and begin work as i don't need the degree to get employment............problem is im the sort of person that won't give up on something when i have started it. :)

thansk all for the posative replys!

Jason :P

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Like it very good work there.

Is it all your own design?

I can see some stuff on there from OCC but that could just be popular desing choice on choppers

its bassed on a bike by an american builder, not occ but similar. Its very close to the original bike, im going to contact them first to see if they want the model as they might be prepared to pay the money :D

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i must say that looks outstanding!!! u should be very proud of urself!! id love to be able to do something like that!!! very good work!!!

whats a run down of the materials u used and how u made it?

sorry to ask but im fascinated about stuff like that.

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i must say that looks outstanding!!! u should be very proud of urself!! id love to be able to do something like that!!! very good work!!!

whats a run down of the materials u used and how u made it?

sorry to ask but im fascinated about stuff like that.

Frame was made from brass tube and silver soldered together.

petrol tank and a few engine pieces where 3D printed.

most of engine was made on the laser cutter.

wheels where made on the lathe and then the centres made on CNC machine, all made from ally the polished up.

exhausts where made from ally then bent by hand to shape.

tires where made from chemiwood, most of you prob don't know what this is, its basically like a solid block of bodyfiller that can be cut and sanded really well. people keep thinking that the tires are actually rubber but they are solid and have been sprayed to look like it.

all the engine was sprayed by me with a chrome effect spray paint.

oh, the chain was made by me as well, made from ali tube and etchings.

give you some idea of the work involved. :winky:

Jason :P

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Like it very good work there.

Is it all your own design?

I can see some stuff on there from OCC but that could just be popular desing choice on choppers

its bassed on a bike by an american builder, not occ but similar. Its very close to the original bike, im going to contact them first to see if they want the model as they might be prepared to pay the money :D

Amazing model...

...but did the original have a combined rear sprocket and brake disk? Sounds like a potential suicide machine after applying chain lube - especially on a chopper where there is a heavy rear brake bias, what with the extended forks taking all the weight off the skinny front!!

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