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Stopped By The Police


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Me and a mate in car on friday,see the police car (focus panda car) so stick to limits etc had belts on. Follow him and he follows me for 2 miles then he pulls me over for no apparent reason.

Me - What's up's?

Him - Just seen you using your mobile phone

M- I was not using my mobile, in fact i have not even got a mobile in the car (I did not cos i forgot it)

H- Im not stupid, i seen you using your mobile phone.

M- I have not even got a phone in the car, you can search the car if you want.

H- Do you always drive around with your hand on the side of your head?

M- (By now i though it was a wind up) Whatever, i have not got a phone in the car, search the car.

H-(says nothing for ten seconds just stares)

M- You doing me then?

H- No and i suggest you get on your way.

What a *****, no wonder people hate them so much he was very very arrogant and know it all. He did not check tax, tyres, license etc. In hindsight i know someone quite alot higher than him in his branch police force and i wish i had got his badge number/name because of his attitude.

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It's such a shame - I'm a big fan of the Police (honest!!) and realise that most of them are decent folk trying hard to do a very difficult job - they get let down so badly by pratts like the one who stopped you. He could have just said "sorry mate - my mistake" and no problem.

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I too have respect for the Police and for the tough job that they do but incidents like Ruskie's just winds me up. A simple apology would have gone a long way... Also a recent incident involving my brother made me think that they'll all the bloody same :angry: (I don't really think that, our fellow LOC members in the force are cool coppers B) )

Some coppers are just 'trippin' with all the power they have. They let down their fellow colleagues who are probably really decent respectful officers.

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I had an officer knock on my door and accuse me of smashing my ex's windows out with an air gun

I said to him " why would i be so pathetic? my child lives there"

He pointed his finger at me and said "Stay Away or else" then walked off.

I had 20 seconds to get over the cheek of the guy and I got wound up over this... so decided to go over to his car and have a go by first banging on his car window.. I then pointed back at him and said "dont you dare come round here and accuse me of something i did not even do... so get your little note book out and take notes next time buddy"

He then goes on to twist it and said "whats wrong.. feeling guilty"

I told him to go away before I said something that would have the meat wagon called.

Mr high and mighty... bloody idiot

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sound s like they got sweet FA to do!! on saturday night i drove past a cop car & it then pulled out & i stuck to the limit of 40mph but that cop car was tailgating me & over took me!! (it was on a single lane) no sirens or flashing lights either & was not in a hurry or on a emergency call. i wanted to beep or flash my lights on the cop car! i seen countless amoun of time of the police cars not indicating when turning but if they catch us do that they stop us & if we/i over take someone driving slowly we get done for it.. they think there superior. i dont respect them

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i stuck to the limit of 40mph but that cop car was tailgating me & over took me!! (it was on a single lane) no sirens or flashing lights either & was not in a hurry or on a emergency call.

Same thing happened to me a few years ago, i just turn onto a main road (30mph limit) and this :tsktsk: in a mondeo ST220 is comming speeding up to my **** doing 50/60... so i slow down to 25 and see a uniformed policeman is sitting there, hes behind me for another minute, and with any indication whatsoever he he over took me, easily doing 50 on a single lane in a build up area!!! I was so :tsktsk: off.. Its dangerous and disgraceful, why do people have to over take in built up areas where people are doing the speed limit :angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I had always been brought up to respect the police and what they do - it's a tough job and not one I could or would be prepared to do. But bitter experiences of police protecting the perpetrators rather than the victims has LED me to believe that perhaps the majority are on a power trip, whilst there is a core minority who provide an excellent public service.

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Makes me laugh round our way:

Use your phone while driving ...

Map read while driving - even read books if you like (seen both recently)

Jump lights ...

Drive dangerously ...

Carve others up ...

Wack up the volume till your windows bounce ...

Just don't speed past the cameras and you'll never get done.

Also why do coppers still use their radios on pursuits - can hardly be called hands-free if they have to hold the mike button everytime they talk ...

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:lol: A while back one of my mates was pulled over ...... just for laughing ......

It transpired one of the occumpants had told a particularly fine joke ......

I am sure it's not illegal to be in possession of a good joke ..... or is it?

(We guessed the copper thought everyone was laughing at him!)

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Got no time for traffic police myself after I had the following incident. (Sorry about the length)

in January 2001 I had coming out of a tunnel in Liverpool and was travelling down a dual caragway (speed limit 30MPH) I had just passed a speed camera when I heard the sirens of a police car and did the first thing we all do when we hear that noise I looked at my Speedo which was 30 I still had not seen the police car, I was in the inside lane going straight on but there is a turn to the left. which this idiot police man decided he was going to take at what I would say was over 100mph which he failed because of his speed and my car (which was a savannah people carrier) he hit me on the drivers side (HARD) flipped my car over as I hit a lamppost I was on the roof of my car looking down at the police car ( a astral) which had lost control he flipped over about 5 time and went through a bus stop and 2 lampposts before the car (well what was left of it ) came to a stop about 500 yard away on its roof ( the car was totally knacked) the engine was no longer in the car and the boot of the car was on the other side of the road to the car. (if the crash had not have been at 11:30 at night there would have been someone killed I am sure as the police car hit the bus stop etc. and was all over both sides of the road. (This all was going at slow motion as I was upside down in the car.) I got out of the side window as the door would not open and ran to the police car thinking that who ever was in the car would be dead. As I got to the car the drive climbed out and proceeded to call me all the names under the sun for pulling out on him when I noticed the passenger was bleeding really badly. next thing there was police everywhere and they had to get the police man away as he was still going for me I was just ignored for about 5 min (by this time I could not stand up with the shock and was being sick (year I am that hard) when a police woman asked if I was ok (about 10 min after the accident) I was then escorted back to my car and told to sit on the pavement. 2 ambulances came non even came over to me and took the 2 police men away then after this I was not even asked what happened when I was asked to give a breath sample I did and it was fine (not even had a drink all week) then I was asked what happened and the police officer was like year ok you could have killed someone. eventually about 30 mins after the accident a paramedic came up to me and asked me to get in the ambulance which I did and said I was going to the hospital for shock etc which I refused as I was getting well annoyed by then as I knew the police thought it was me. so I had to sign something to say I wisent going the hospital. I sat there on the kerb for another 20 min before my dad turned up (I had phoned him earlier) and it took him 10 min to get to me as the police had blocked the roads off because of the extent of the accident. And would not let him through. I ended up staying there until 4 in the morning (they where taking al sorts of picks and interview me about the crash) when the police said I could arrange for my car to be towed away (something to do with the other guy getting checked over and not being life threatening).

I eventually went to hospital the next morning I had 2 broken ribs and whiplash etc.

I also had to produce that day.

eventually after 3 months they admitted liability only after me coming up with video evidence form CCTV cameras on the road the crash happened on and only because I was working at the time selling these systems and had contacts.

They tried to do me with Dangerous driving and wanted a ban.

So this is why I have no respect for the police

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eventually after 3 months they admitted liability only after me coming up with video evidence form CCTV cameras on the road the crash happened on and only because I was working at the time selling these systems and had contacts.


That's a shocking story, I bet if there hadn't been any cameras they would have thrown the book at you.

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You bet they would have, i had to go to about 10 differnt solictors before someone would take the case as no one wanted to even look at it when i mentioned the police. even my own insurance company said to leave it cause i had no chance of winning. it just annoys me when they say inocent until proven guilty, yer only when you aint dealin with the plod

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well at least it got sorted out in the end, i am gutted for the people that have had accidents with the police (non fault) and have had to just lay down and say ok it was my fault when it wasent, due to not haveing anywhere to go for advice help etc.

when i was talking to the insurance company, solictors it was like i was talking about the mafia they where like What the Police no sorry cant help you on that one.

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Firstly, I have loads of respect and sympathy for the police........without them my hospital casualty would be a free for all punch-up................

but the other day samething happened to me, I was stopped on my way home from work and accused of being on the phone....I politely argued my case that I wasn't and could prove by showing the incoming and outgoing calls made at the this point I was told off for 'appearing' to be going to quick through a green light?? (Hatfield junction off the A1)........again said sorry, the more senior of the two cops told me that this time he would let me off ??!!WTF! :ohmy: and then said.........'I never want to speak to you again' (how polite!).................the aggressive attitude really took me by surprise.....was he having a bad day/ stressed? (he was ginger!)...........just so rude :angry::angry:

Maybe they were just p***** off at having to drive an unmarked skoda :lol:

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I give up. Tar us all.

Can I add, without a lynch mob..

It is in a viscious cycle.

Less respect for the police from the "bad" sector of the community, eg. unruly youths, crminals etc. police have felt this and a natural reaction is to get tougher and shout and be arsy at these people. Thus these people generate even less respect and shout back again.

The policeman "numbs" to the 99% of scrote he deals with and feels that he needs to be arsy all the time to get the scrote to listen, otherwise he will be walked over for not being tough enough as the scrote will take the ***** out of him for being nicey-nicey.

Unfortunately, becuase of 99% of the time he has to shout and ball at Mr Scrote to get any action or anything done because Mr Scrote wants to argune with PC Plod 24/7 when stopped/spoken to due to the breakdown of society and respect for law and order, PC PLOD becomes as i say, numbed and negative on the most of the people he sees daily.

When he stops the one good person, he can go into auto pilot and ball out as per normal 99% of the time, and it comes out in this 1% of the time.


ME Im still polite. I go in with my attitude level low, and only raise it if required by person stnding opposite me challenges me to do so, ie attitde to me, body language etc.

So Its Batari's box (or similar)

"My behaviour affects your behaviour, my attitude affects your attitude"

My approach wil be low and polite from the initial stop at the begining, and oly change if necessary and forced to do so by the joe public not returning the same attituede to me.

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my favourite has to be the police pulling me over for "having my foglights on" at lunch time in june!!!

It took 5 mins of explaining to them both how the car will not turn the lights on during daylight and how in was traveling towards the sun and that they were seeing the reflection.

They were just interested in the £30 beer money they charge. all i can say is F off and actualy help someone.

my dad was a policeman and then a probation officer before he died and i have always had great respect for them. but all i see the police as is a buisiness, a glorified wheel clamping company with more power!

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If more of the Police had a similar attitude to hertsALTEZZAcol there would be a lot more respect :D , sadly respect for Police, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers etc seems to have dissappeared in England........people who command respect are footballers and popstars, WHY???

(sorry for the rant)

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I would just like to say that i know all police are not like the ones i encounted with the crash i had, and i am sure that hertsALTEZZAcol is nothing like the ones in question, but i find it VERY hard to respect the police beacuse of bad experiences i have had the one above and the fact that i live in liverpool am quite young (24) and that i have short hair, (you are probably thinking whats he talin about) well the police around here see a youngish lad not in a suit with short hair and think hey must be drug dealer, gangster etc, when i get pulled over (which may i add is quite alot about 2 or 3 times a month) i get the usuall have you ever been in truble with the police i say no which i havent and i get most times "yer thats i likley story". so i say the police look at me in a sterotipical manor so i will look at them in the same manor

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I am in a mixed position here. Firstly most police officers are fine and do a great job and dont get the support from the public they deserve. however, I kept getting pulled over in Stevenage becuse my car (Nissan Primera) had a sticker from Widnes Car Centre which is a cheshire town (where Merseybeat used to be filmed up until last series) but it has a 0151 telephone code, I am automatically from Liverpool and the police want to know what a Liverpool car is doing in Stevenage.

Then my mum got charged with Failing to Stop, Failing to report and Failing to exchange perticulars at an accident, thing was there was no accident. When she went to court the police wanted to call our neighbour who examined her car as a whitness for the prosecution. To top it off it was thrown out due to no evidence the key thing was the Police had not examined the the car she allegedly hit. He took a private prosecution and failed in that too.

Finally I was stopped in my Lexus in Calis by kent police. The reason Terrorism Act, left at the channel tunnel for 30 minutes with no reason until they hand the piece of paper.

Just to prove it is not just the UK police who are bad. This year I went to work at Indianapolis as a marshal for the F1, as an official we are taken on a offical track walk by USAC. The walk was marshals an FIA official and Formula BMW USA racers (which includes JPM's brother). Some security bod decided it was too dangerous for us to be on track with no cars, and called local police. The Speedway officer drove on the circuit, would not except that we were allowed to be there, an escorted everyone off the track, then proceded round the circuit himself. This was after the FIA safetycar had been on for there own test. We got an appology from Indianapolis Motor Speedway, but not from the Speedway police!

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Personally, I have alot of respect for the Police. They have a tough job to do, they are under strength, overstretched and under funded. I have alot of friends in the Force and most of them I find are fair people. The trouble is, they get too much stick off people and get told to "go and find a criminal to catch" and "leave us motorists alone". I agree, motorists are the soft target to generate income, but they need this income as they are under funded from central government anyway. They cant catch crims anymore, cos they dont have the power they used to. One of my mates in Traffic (Fast Response) says that they have all had to do special training to deal with the Immigrants. over 90% that have been stopped are carrying a weapon of some sort :ohmy: and dont speak english. What the hell are these people doing on a road system they cant understand. That, coupled with the fact that in my local area a high percentage if crime is committed by the same minority, who dont speak english and incidentally all have the same name, must be very, very frustrating for any bobby. They are human afterall.

I was delighted the other night to be pulled over. A Young lad and a lass, obviously new to the force, flashed and showed his blue lights. I pulled over thinking it was just a doc check or something. He came to my car and with a smile on his face said "sorry to stop you sir, do you mind if I have a look around her", which I obviously agreed to. I followed him round and he turned to me and asked for a look under the hood :lol: So I showed him the business end and he was very chatty. We got into a conversation about the state of the country blah blah. No doc check was done, nothing. Thats because I was polite and forthcoming with anything he asked. Now if the police were given the same respect by everyone, perhaps they wouldnt be under so much pressure to produce the statistics would they ?

If I were not the MD of this business, I would most defo be a policeman - preferably drug squad or serious crime squad - Im a good detective really - I solve all the plots on "waking the dead" within the first 20 minutes :lol:

Respect to all ye bobbies ;)


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Now if the police were given the same respect by everyone, perhaps they wouldnt be under so much pressure to produce the statistics would they ?

I take your points Pete, but I have witnessed very aggressive approaches by coppers even though they were shown max. respect and cooperation. Now work that out...?

You obviously got a nice fella who stopped you, but I can tell you for sure that he was definitely in the minority. :angry:

Oh, and to finish, I still respect them for the work they do. :D Without them there would be anarchy :ph34r:

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