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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2021 in Posts

  1. I still find this forum reasonably well mannered. Just have a look at BMW or VOLVO forums that have a way more aggressive attitude. Also the depth of knowledge of most members here is impressive and outshines all other forums. ( the Volvo one is really depressing and utterly boring as the mods suppress any lively discussion). I like the open debate on all topics from our cars to the future of the automotive world and fuels, always something to learn. Only wanted to say it is not all bad, is it?
    7 points
  2. Let’s not be too sensitive here. LOC is nothing like two BMW forums I used to frequent. Nothing like two Jaguar forums I also used to visit. And as for Pistonheads, I mean wow we are in kindergarten compared to that. I find LOC to be mostly perfect. I also like Linas despite my past disagreements with him. Then again I do like a lot of what he says although perhaps not always how he says it. It’s all just opinion though isn’t it and that’s just fine. I’ve always believed that rude and abusive behaviour should be met with a bit back the other way. Which is probably not right either because it stokes tensions. We need to be careful about trying to live in a world where we all have the same opinion and agree over everything. It’s just not possible.
    6 points
  3. Man: Is this the right thread for an argument? Other Man: I've told you once. Man: No you haven't! Other Man: Yes I have. M: When? O: Just now. M: No you didn't! O: Yes I did! M: You didn't! O: I did! M: You didn't! O: I'm telling you, I did! M: You did not! O: Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour? M: Ah! (taking out his wallet and paying) Just the five minutes. O: Just the five minutes. Thank you. O: Anyway, I did. M: You most certainly did not! O: Now let's get one thing quite clear: I most definitely told you! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: No you DIDN'T! O: Oh yes I did! M: No you DIDN'T! O: Oh yes I did! M: No you DIDN'T! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh look, this isn't an argument! (pause) O: Yes it is! M: No it isn't! (pause) M: It's just contradiction! O: No it isn't! M: It IS! O: It is NOT! M: You just contradicted me! O: No I didn't! M: You DID! O: No no no! M: You did just then! O: Nonsense! M: (exasperated) Oh, this is futile!! (pause) O: No it isn't! M: Yes it is! (pause) M: I came here for a good argument! O: AH, no you didn't, you came here for an argument! M: An argument isn't just contradiction. O: Well! it CAN be! M: No it can't! M: An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition. O: No it isn't! M: Yes it is! 'tisn't just contradiction. O: Look, if I *argue* with you, I must take up a contrary position! M: Yes but it isn't just saying 'no it isn't'. O: Yes it is! M: No it isn't! O: Yes it is! M: No it isn't! O: Yes it is! M: No it ISN'T! Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says. O: It is NOT! M: It is! O: Not at all! M: It is! (The Arguer hits a bell on his desk and stops.) O: Thank you, that's it.
    6 points
  4. Opinions are like bumholes. Everyone's got one, and quite a lot of the time they're full of 💩.
    6 points
  5. Sadly I will be ignoring some posts. You are right some people will not change but I do not like having opinion rammed down my throat as fact. Yes i am a bit cross with the way people's opinions are treated. Personally I try to be as forgiving as I can be, but sometimes one feels the need to make a stand. More than one member has done that already. I will continue to contribute but will refrain from commenting on some posts. This is the end of this issue as far as I am concerned.
    6 points
  6. Well, it appears that there has been quite a lot of anger and tension on the forum lately ☹️ Perhaps I shouldn't bother adding anything, but I feel that perhaps I should also share my views, even though they aren't specifically related a single topic. First, let me say, despite what it might appear like on this forum, that I like Linas and am glad he is on here. I know this might surprise some of you, but I do think this forum is better off for him being on here. My belief is that if everyone had the same opinions and views on everything then this place would be quite boring and a lot less active. Like with any discussion media, if enough people get together, there will be differing views and perhaps some 'conflict'. The recent 'SVU' thread has highlighted this perfectly and I am guilty of doing what I am suggesting, but the difference is that I never harboured any ill will on anyone and hopefully came across as not being annoyed because I truly wasn't during the thread. Now, the reason I don't have any issues with Linas (and others on here) is because I accept them for who they are and understand that they aren't going to change what they are like just because I want them to. In other words, there is no point continuing to argue a point once it has become obvious that an agreement isn't going to be reached. It is also worth remembering that it takes two sides to have an argument and it is rare that the blame can be placed completely on one side. One thing I can say is that I rarely see Linas be deliberately rude or calling others names, even after a prolonged debate, which can't be said for some other members. Ultimately, what I am trying to get at is that if someone has a differing (negative) opinion on a subject, regardless of whether they are being bias or not, then they can claim such in any open discussion forums just as much as those that have positive comments. Just because the post isn't positive - even thought it is always nice when it is - doesn't make it automatically wrong. As an example from the most recent thread that kicked off, do I think the IS300h is a 'quick' car? No. Do I want more performance out of my cars for whatever reason? Yes, hence me owning a GS450h as opposed to a GS300h. These are simple statements that I could have made, but sometimes I can't be bothered to have to defend a statement that might cause some issues. So, should certain topics appear, I would definitely expect Linas to express his opinions again (at least he is consistent 🙂) and would just read the posts and move on to the next one. Constantly going around in circles serves no purpose, so why even try? Anyway, it is my hope that this forum returns to its friendly, accepting ways soon (It has certainly been tense here lately) even if that means certain members making use of the 'ignore' function. Thanks for reading 🙂
    5 points
  7. ho hum .... I only ever see things in a positive light and am quite happy for people to be so so wrong whatever their reasons, stupid or otherwise ...... and it's a very rare occasion when I will mention the downright stupidity emanating from whomsoever .... live and let live is my motto in life and everyone can have their own opinion and observation and if it's a disagreeable one then we can just ignore and move on ..... after all, I just KNOW I'm right all the time you are allowed to disagree of course and I won't take umbridge, nor instruct the mafioso to pop round and break your legs to stop you running away 😵 and of course we all know the Ls400 is the best Lexus ever made ever Malc men in white coats may appear anytime soon then ?
    5 points
  8. Are you referring to the kind you grow ? Or the kind that sit round tables deciding our future ?
    5 points
  9. Naturally, we all favour the type of vehicle we drive, although some owners may be disappointed with certain aspects and say so and almost all seem happy to admit Lexus infotainment systems could be better. I can understand members having a strong dislike of certain models and trends but that's fair comment if not over pressed and repeated. Sometimes people should be able to laugh at themselves and their prejudices and accept a bit of chiding. I haven't detected much animosity and hope we can all be civil and hopefully be friendly and helpful to each other even when we see things differently.
    4 points
  10. Personally, I think everyone should be involved in the "word association" thread, it's a most civilised place to be, the forum's gentle game of ping pong where no-one looses!
    4 points
  11. You should try being the owner of a diesel Lexus on here! 🙂 Seriously though, no idea why anyone would think the CT wasn't a Lexus, especially as it demonstrates the typical Lexus traits like reliability, comfort, good build quality, etc..
    3 points
  12. Now now, there is a place in the room for you too if you want 🙂 Actually, I think I might have missed the post you are referring to as I certainly didn't have you in mind when I wrote it, and besides, I wasn't try to have a dig at anyone. (quite the opposite in fact). As for the thread, you know it was removed from the forum so it wasn't just you that couldn't see it, right? I also obviously appreciate them putting it back. And you are both wrong since it is blatantly obvious that the GS450h is the best Lexus ever 😉
    3 points
  13. I have never take a photo of any of my vehicles in a fuel station. Never. Maybe this is what EV drivers do when they’ve crawled into a charging station having driven the last 50 miles with no heating/aircon and at 45mph just to well make it there. The relief must be so intense that the first thought is to take a photo of the charging station. And lo and behold, it has a roof made of wood. My shed is made from wood and that is also full of sh1te.
    3 points
  14. Quite a few issues with this article - first of all it is clearly partial, because it is made by site which openly support BEVs. As such I am always very careful with sources which are not independent. Secondly, most of the information they are quoting has no sources or those sources are clearly biased. This bias is very clear in the article itself, because VW is 3rd largest BEV maker, this makes Herbert Diess no better than Elon - both of them are personally benefiting from BEVs, so why would they support alternative technology which competes with them. This is same as I would take article about hydrogen commissioned by Toyoda with a pinch of salt. Now going into specific claims - they are self-refuting. Stating that simply charging cars with electricity we produce is "obviously better" is clearly ignoring the fact that there are loses all along the line, production, conversion, transmission, charging and using it. In the end of the day we only get like 40% of the electricity we produce to hit the road in BEV. Sure maybe on hydrogen that is only 30%, but the way they word the comparison sounds like we comparing 100% instead of 40% vs 30%. Same argument completely ignores the practical challenges of BEVs i.e. that many people can't charge them at home as facilities does not exist and the time it takes to charge. Basically they ignore everything which is inconvenient to talk about. Next they point out that fuel main not be as "green" depending of how it is made - clearly the same applies to electricity which is used by BEV. Then they presume that this may prolong life of ICE, which in itself implies that ICEs are the issue, which is not true - issue is fossil fuel, because it releases stored carbon. If we use synthetic fuel then ICEs by themselves are not issue. In the end - this article is obvious "hit piece" on hydrogen and all parties in the article are objectively biased, from editorial staff, to the people they quoted in the artical.
    3 points
  15. What's ruining the planet most is overpopulation; too many people for too few resources. A friend of mine is proud that she has 16 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. I don't think that it's anything to be proud of at all. We can't just keep squirting sprogs out at the current rate of knots.
    3 points
  16. Remember guys its the cars killing the planet not vegetables been flown around the globe.
    3 points
  17. As the owner of a GS450h Premier, I respectfully disagree 🙂
    2 points
  18. All we need to to be respectful.
    2 points
  19. Third party or not, I suspect a main dealer would have some clout in getting certain works approved as good will? Speaking to a completely independent dealer the other day (no relationship to Lexus) he explained that he has some pull with the warranty company (Warranty wise or whoever, would have to check). The fact that they mainly retail premium cars (Bentley, McLaren etc), in volume, and have submitted few claims on behalf of customers (indicating they curate their stock well) being a factor there. An example he gave was a shock absorber replacement for a customer. The warranty company t&c only obliged them to pay out for one, dealer said he talked warranty company around to replace as a pair as that is the correct works for the car, and it's dodgy to leave the customer fronting the 2nd one effectively compensated for half the required works.
    2 points
  20. I go away on holiday and war breaks out on the forum 😛 I have to say it is the most mild-manner argument I've seen on any forum 😆 this is the forum I've stuck with the longest out of any car ownership, as I find it the most pleasant and useful! The IS220d was the best Lexus ever made, so much so they never made a diesel like it again! 🤣 Always take written words with a pinch of salt, as they are more open to interpretation than in person and wasting energy blowing hot air via the keyboard is a waste, go clean the car instead 😉
    2 points
  21. To engage in eristic argumentation whereby the aim is to have the last word rather than try to reach a shared conclusion is not unusual in online forums since it takes only two willing participants out of potentially many. Threads based on a desire for controversy for controversy’s sake are easy to recognize after the first few posts and equally easy to ignore thereafter. The LOC has changed little over the years and generally retains its characteristic civility and helpfulness despite the membership having Increased enormously apace with the number of Lexus owners. Certainly, despite the survival of pockets of earnestness, the tone has become lighter, and if you are looking for entertainment there is plenty available.
    2 points
  22. The battery may have been charged, but if it has expired won't hold any of the charge. Do you have a multimeter to check the voltage?
    2 points
  23. Are you sure the battery was charged? Usually the fast clicking is solenoid chatter. There's enough power in the battery to energise the solenoid coil but when the contacts pull in to pass power to the starter motor the battery voltage drops like a stone and the contacts drop out. As soon as the starter motor is disconnected the battery voltage climbs again and the whole process is repeated, hence the rapid clicking.
    2 points
  24. Which was my point exactly Linas. You now have a third party adjudicating on what is in or out 😕. They have no brand allegiance per se purely a mechanistic profit and loss account so whether it's Toyota, Lexus, Audi etc makes not a jot of difference.
    2 points
  25. Toyota offer exactly the same as well and so they should be able to answer for Lexus and Toyota.
    2 points
  26. I bought my RC300h as the charging infrastructure for BEVs simply isn't there yet enough IMO, especially if you live in a house where you don't have a charger at home. Particularly if you are renting. I would have liked the powertrain to have a slightly bigger battery and feature plug in charging, but none of the PHEVs were of interest to me. The hydrogen refuelling infrastructure is even more haphazard, at least with BEV you can slowly charge almost anywhere, given a long enough extension lead. If you run out with a hydrogen fuel cell, you are more stuck. There's only 3 stations in the whole of Scotland, so unless you live around Aberdeen or in the Orkneys, you're stuck. The "hydrogen economy" is potentially quite exciting but it's really hard to see how we (as in the entire country) would get to the point where it would be enough. Toyota have been pushing more at the hydrogen door than the EV door, even though they pioneered hybrids with the Prius. We are living in "interesting times", there are a number of transitions happening. The momentum with BEVs is there in a way that it is not with hydrogen. I hope to be surprised and see more hydrogen stations around, but even the map with the planned stations isn't particular exciting.
    2 points
  27. On the subject of children : If I had my time again I wouldn't have any children. I'd only have the grandchildren !
    2 points
  28. loses. You`d upset the apple cart on that game Malcy.
    2 points
  29. I wish I could, but for the sake of completeness, I wouldn't feel like I could possibly comment until I had read all the previous posts, and at 1666 pages, that might take me some time 🙂
    2 points
  30. I’m sorry but I don’t agree with any of you! But then again…….. 😉
    2 points
  31. Fully agree, nice place to be. I suggest the question “Is the IS300h a quick car?” was a completely pointless question for most owners.
    2 points
  32. Hi. My car was repaired. The contacts were in good condition. The electrician suggested that the BODY ECU is defective. We could not check it. We put a similar one from the right-hand car (I have a left-hand RX400). Repair cost + BODY ECU around £ 100.
    2 points
  33. All sorted, they fitted clips in 2 mins when I went back this morning, they are only in the village so not a major inconvenience.
    2 points
  34. IS300H isnt an EV though? Clearly having an EV suits you and thats good, but the reality is it doesnt suit everyone including me. 2 years ago when i decided to buy a brand new car i pondered long and hard over buying an EV and just couldnt pull the pin as deep down it just didnt suit my lifestyle. For example when i travel down to england i tend to drive as far as my bladder will take me, grab a coffee and crack on, this would just not be possible in an EV. If we all magically were gifted an EV tomorrow we would need filling stations the size of retail parks, with us all sat in the biggest costa coffee willing our cars to charge unless they get the 80% charge time down to 5 minutes max. Much as it pains me to agree with Linas he does actually speak alot of sense when he steps away from the crack pipe. Long term Hydrogen is a much more viable and sustainable option, were an island with multiple options for creating free electricity which in turn can create hydrogen...... Having lived and worked in Taiwan and Ozz, 2 countries that are pole opposites in regard to size and population density, but what they do have in common is that EV's could never replace IC vehicles given their infrastructure. EV's here im sure maybe suit the Elitist middle class with their big driveways and double garage with home charge points, but having being brought up in the ghetto in Glasgow with high rise flats and poverty how are they going to charge their cars if we go EV. Not exclusive to Glasgow im sure but we have these nasty little creatures called Bams and Neds who might get a taste for those lovely fat bright coloured cables running out to cars on the street and start chopping them off for the copper if not just the buzz. Bob
    2 points
  35. Really? Are you trolling? I don't even know where to begin. Enjoy your drive. But the idea of comparing THAT to a nice example of a Lexus saloon is absurd. We all know by now how well built they are. Or how reliable, including that door mechanism. The famous Fremont Quality Controls. Not to mention aesthetics, craftmanship, taste. Please. Do you realise that you are not driving wherever and whenever you want, but wherever and whenever the car can? You planned that road trip heavily around visiting charging stations. Have you ever looked up petrol stations ahead of a trip in an ICE car? Just out of interest, I looked at our recent longer trips from Portsmouth (Lizard Point, Liverpool area, Stratford upon Avon day trip, Norfolk, Stansted return) this year to see if it'd have been possible in a 250-mile range EV without major compromises (no major detours, no change to destinations, no major delays due to charging). One out of the 5 would have been the same trip, to Stratford, assuming we could have found a charging station and leave the car there while we walked around for a few hours. EVs are anathema to road trips, where there should be freedom - spontaneity, carelessness. Then the insanity of making all those batteries to replace a single combustion engine, instead of using a tiny fraction of them in a classical or plugin to make the combustion engine work less, and also less hard - order of magnitude difference in marginal GHG curbing for every kWh of battery capacity. I'd be willing to bet the GHG balance after manufacturing of that X is still not positive compared to a comparable hybrid, let alone a smaller petrol car. This whole "EV for all" is unspeakably daft in every respect - personal or environmental.
    2 points
  36. My dealership's booking system didn't state the charge - they emailed me after I made the booking! £15 for insurance is fair to avoid any unfortunate excess!
    2 points
  37. Well, the story was it was a Limo vehicle, and given it did 2k miles a year and that's borne out by MOT and Lexus service history, it does make sense. Basically he took it to Spain, it got stuck because of Covid, and the temperature was heading north of 52C as well, so there is ever so slight misting of the grill badge from heat. That polished out fine. But he didn't want to take it back there. He also had to buy a car to tow his caravan back there, which was another reason. While I was there he was sure he underpriced it, as I ran down overnight to Stansted the next day. While I was there the phone was going absolutely crazy with dealers trying to snap it up. "I think I underpriced it" he said.
    2 points
  38. Its actually really good. Im just being really picky. I have had GS300's, LS430's/SC430's 460's and now the 600. Engine not as refined as the 430's definitely, but I thought that about the 460. Control arms are a weak spot and my 460 definitely was heading that way with the tracking going awry and this one while not definitely needing them I can feel it not being quite as smooth as it should be. However everything else is spot on. My 8 year old loves the RSR pack, and hasn't actually sat in any other seat yet. When the Shiatsu is running I keep thinking the engine is running, when its not. Ive been wanting one of these for nearly 10 years since I had my 460. So I've kept an eye out for nearly 18 months, and it popped up. And to be honest I am really pleased with it. The plan is 100% to keep it forever now as there is just no other car like it, and tbh I really don't like modern design and build. Just something just "not there" Maybe Im just getting really old
    2 points
  39. Currently up in NE Scotland at moment, and will be doing part of NC500 on Thursday, can only do part as itinerary for this week is pretty busy, but it would be rude not to do a bit of it whilst I’m up here…
    2 points
  40. I just popped by and I was the one who bought it. It’s immaculate. I had an eBay notification on the Monday. Booked the flight for 11am the next day then drove 414 miles home!
    2 points
  41. My dealership told me that the Relax warranty was identical to the extended warranty apart from not covering the media unit which was explained to be satnav as well. And yet it’s not identical, nowhere near.
    2 points
  42. I'd expect to see that in the body section but it's not there either (probably a mistake as I'm sure it should be covered):
    2 points
  43. They certainly have - this is from the press release that went to all the motoring press:
    2 points
  44. Graham, to the best of my knowledge and belief, Lexus U.K. has not made any such claim. Anecdotally, these people have; the Lexus Salesman the Receptionist the man on the Service desk, etc. Nemesis is quite right to mention T&C always appearing in formal Lexus announcements re Relax. None of us will know how good the new warranty is until we have had experience of it. We (those of us who currently participate in the current Lexus Extended Warranty Scheme), do know that Relax is not as good. The proof of the pudding is in the eating and we shall just have to taste the Relax warranty and see. There is no evidence that Lexus U.K. has claimed that Relax is anything other than a benefit available to certain Lexus owners for a certain period of time and miles and is free of charge.
    2 points
  45. Hi All, As I've had the UXe just over 3 weeks, I thought I'd share my impressions after 300 miles: The estimated range on the (ok) Lexus Link App is 201 miles without a/c and 190 with which I'm pleased with. The majority of journeys have been on (very busy) A roads and motorways to Bournemouth and back, average speed around 60-65 mph in Eco mode and the air con on. I did pre cool the car on one hot day to the 21 degrees C the Lexus app suggested and will do that again. The Hypervolt charger I've had installed is excellent as is the app- we have Economy 10 electricity so schedule charging where possible at the cheaper rate. We charged the car in the mother in law's garage using the 3 pin plug- I reduced the current draw to 8 amps using a configuration setting in the car to reduce her worry over it! Also, I wondered if another owners have their car in 'Eco' mode? I just assumed that would be the most efficient but may be wrong! The ride on 18 inch wheels is overall really good and there's no suspension noise or 'clanging' over expansion joints unlike my last company car, a Prius. Having test driven a UX Premium Sport with 18 inch run flats, the ride on the 18 inch non run flat 'UXe' seems a little better but appreciate ride comfort can be subjective. The 'e' could be considered relatively expensive when you compare it's price and range compared to the competition but the overall quality is great- like the paint finish and the interior controls. The seats are very comfortable and there are no rattles yet- fingers crossed that continues! The overall refinement is very good- it seems like they put in a lot of sound deadening material. Overall, I'm very happy with my first Lexus and hope the above is of interest- please feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Chris
    2 points
  46. Well said Shahpor and nicely put too.👍
    2 points
  47. I used to pay for hire car insurance when I had the Volvo in for service - but they were the days that I was working. Being retired now, I ask the Lexus dealer to collect my car and return it (when carrying out annual MOT and service). I don't think they usually make a charge for collection and delivery - but I live nearly 60 miles away, so they make a charge of £15 including VAT. I think that is incredibly cheap given the time involved is in excess of 4 hours! I can manage without a car for one day.
    2 points
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