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  1. These types of wheel supposedly allow more space for beer bellies, and for this reason are said to be especially popular in German cars.
    4 points
  2. Perhaps it's time to conduct a blind test similar to those they used by washing powder advertisers. Personally, I have never been at all bothered whether it is supermarket or branded fuel. This largely because I've physically watched tankers from all brands, supermarkets, et al being filled from the same storage tanks and notably at what used to be the Shell, then Mobil, then BP, then Petroplus, refinery at Coryton, Essex. In itself, petrol is a powerful solvent and I struggle to accept the marketing claims this fuel is better than that fuel. Perhaps a slightly different story with the advent of E10, but modern engine systems will and do adjust their timings according to the octane rating of fuel. When did you last hear your engine "pinking"? Essentially, if your engine was designed to run on a particular octane then that's all it needs and a higher rating will not magically improve performance because your knock sensor will adjust the engine timings accordingly. As for the detergents put into fuels, then I'd like to know what these are given they must be pretty potent when diluted by 6000 gallons of petrol held within a tanker. As ever with these debates one's experience is purely subjective, but I'm quite content to continue to fill up with Sainsbury's fuel given my mpg will only vary according to how my right foot feels on the day.
    4 points
  3. I would assume it is from scratching the dip stick tube when pulling it out.
    3 points
  4. So some of you probably saw my RCF up for sale recently, well I drove it to Lexus Reading this morning and handed over the keys. I've replaced it with something lightweight and mid-engined. A very different car, but I was just hooked from the moment I first drove one... Alpine A110 GT
    2 points
  5. Well folks, today is the final full day of owning my 2020 UX250h F Sport. I promised a few months ago that I’d give it an overall review before it was traded in, so here it is! The upsides? I still think it looks ‘fresh’ in terms of design. I think Lexus done a decent job with it personally and certainly one of my own favourite designs they’ve come up with for a good number of years. I’m also glad I have an earlier F-Sport without the colour-coded wheelarch mouldings - which make it more distinctive than the colour-coded jobbies you get now - but that’s just down to personal taste. My particular example also has the red leather, which I think really suits the car and does a lot to brighten up the inside (as it doesn’t have a sunroof). In a way I’ll miss this as it’s always looked welcoming and made me smile. As soon as I saw it in the showroom, I knew the red leather was going to have to be a non-negotiable part when it come to ‘wants’! Whilst the ride isn’t perfect thanks to run-flat tyres, it’s actually been softer and more compliant in terms of suspension than the car it replaced (an Audi Q5) which come as a pleasant surprise. If it wasn’t for the ‘skittishness’ of the tyres over bumps, I would have happily given it ‘five stars’ given the size of the car. It’s still very, very good though. Speaking of comfort, I’ve never had any notable issues with the seats. Another impressive feature about the UX is it’s refinement given it’s size, thanks to it’s hybrid system. The only real noise that comes from the car are from the run-flat tyres as the engine is either not running or very quiet! At launch, the press criticised it for it sounding ‘harsh’ up the rev range. All I can assume is that they were using two thirds throttle or more everywhere they went... Basically, driving it like a race-car rather than treating it as a road vehicle on public roads. I’ve always been happy with the quality of the radio and speakers. It’s been one of the better cars I’ve had in this respect. Certainly in the top three. The salesperson at the time certainly wasn’t wrong in saying the standard system is decent. It really is. Whilst I know the touchpad infotainment system comes under criticism for being a bit fiddly and confusing to use, I was alright with it after a couple of weeks of using it. It’s just what you get used to. Sure, it’s not perfect and there are indeed some bits on it I have to think about where ‘such and such’ a feature is, but overall for the bits I need to use of it, it’s found easily enough. The downsides? Not that much, I’m pleased to say. Whilst I still very much love the look of the UX inside and out - the interior door panels could do with being a little less ‘plastic’. Especially given it’s premium price. The boot is too small and it’s by far it’s biggest Achillies heel. Right from day one it’s something I’ve not liked (I thought I might just about get away with it - sadly not) and it’s the main reason I’m changing it. It’s fine for just me and going back and forth to work. Unfortunately, whilst that’s what the car is ultimately used for, including the odd day-trip out, there are times where it’s been left wanting if there's been more than two passengers and/or needed for a night/two night trip away. The rear seat has had to be utilised as additional boot space. The rear cabin is a little short on ‘window space’ so I’m told it can feel a bit claustrophobic on longer trips. Personally, I don’t have an issue with it but then again, I don’t think I’ve travelled in the back of it (with my father driving it rather than me) for more than about ten miles! Would I recommend one to a family? No. I wouldn’t. That boot space really does limit it’s market and I only hope this is significantly improved (certainly in terms of depth, rather than length) for the second generation. If the boot space was about 20% bigger, I would have seriously considered simply replacing my outgoing UX with another one. This one is just a minor point, but I was disappointed to find it didn’t have any hydraulic bonnet strut(s) and has to be held up with an old-fashioned stick. I’ve not had to do that on any car I’ve owned for about ten years prior to the UX... Finally, whilst it certainly looks like a characterful car, it’s always felt rather ‘soulless’ to drive. There’s nothing wrong with the way it drives - it just lacks unique qualities and sounds I’ve had from other cars in the past. It does feel very much like a Japanese machine. Run flat tyres also make it rather skittish over bumps if you’re not pointing the wheels ‘dead ahead’ too - something that did take me a while to get used to. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, that pretty much wraps up what I’ve felt about the car over the last three and a half years of ownership of my first Lexus. The sun is now setting on it’s time with me. It’s been an ultra-faithful companion and whilst it’s not been my best or favourite overall car I’ve ever had, I do sincerely hope it’ll go to a good second owner who’ll take care of it. It’s given me happy memories. Whoever takes it on will get themselves a thoroughly decent, reliable and well equipped car. I hope it's an insightful look for anyone who is looking to buy one.
    2 points
  6. Well I can't say this was easy, but today I replaced the spark plugs on my RX450h. It took me about six hours, having watched a You Tube video on the subject, I could have done it quicker but was having a good clean up as I reassembled it. I think it would be a four hour job if you just got stuck in.
    2 points
  7. Introducing my low tech solution. 39kgs of muscle, teeth and claws that does not tolerate strangers, unless of course I tell him to. KIng.mp4
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. You don't say what trim level you have, vinyl or leather seats etc.. The owner's handbook usually give basic cleaning recommendations for the various materials. On my leather seats I just gently vacuum and wipe with a damp cloth. If I feel it needs a deeper clean I would use Dr Leather wipes. Lexus recommend a dilute solution of wool detergent in water. On the dash and door trims I dust regularly with a microfibre cloth and a spray of Meguiar's quick interior detailer spray. I would avoid using leather conditioners as any leather would be sealed and impervious to these conditioners and simply leave the surface coated, attracting dust and grit.
    2 points
  10. i have the Terrane Khaki, which is a very striking when the sun is out and even on overcast days still excellent
    2 points
  11. The above is available on Amazon for £109.64,in the unlikely event that anybody is interested...
    2 points
  12. Picked this up from the RAV4 forum. It's a detailed read but worth it if you're interested in the technology associated with CAN bus thefts.
    2 points
  13. At least you checked your oil level 😀 Probably most people don't bother anymore.
    2 points
  14. Alfa Giulia from the seventies. Now that's a steering wheel. Drove it for 4 months some decades ago until it had a flat tire. Could not jack it up as the jack simply went straight through the chassis.
    2 points
  15. Sue then? Why she is the sister of Nowand of course 😅
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Interesting variety of views here! Well, I have just filled up with V-Power and later in the week I have a 500 mile round trip planned so I will see how it performs. If I have any interesting observations to make I will share them on here. In the meantime, many thanks for your comments and advice.
    2 points
  18. Never used anything other than bog-standard supermarket unleaded, or E10 as it's now known, in any car that I've owned and never had any problems whatsoever. If people are that bothered about keeping their engines/injectors clean they should convert to LPG as that's the cleanest fuel you'll get. If you have a super-duper engine then yes, super-duper petrol makes sense. If, however, you have a standard engine that isn't tuned to use the super-duper petrol, then it's just a waste of money.
    2 points
  19. There are always stories circulating about “dirty” and inferior fuel sold by supermarkets. Generally it’s “I was talking to a taxi driver recently …” I can only relate my own experience. I’ve owned many cars and motorbikes and driven a few hundred thousand miles on regular supermarket fuel without an issue, with one exception. That was a 1,690cc Harley with high compression pistons and high lift cams. It needed premium grade. Lexus hybrids are very understressed and generally in a low state of tune. Imo premium fuel is throwing money away. I have a friend who loses sleep over his fuel “going off” if he leaves his motorbike for a couple of months without riding it. I rode my motorbike yesterday for the first time in 12 months for its MOT. It started immediately and ran perfectly. Supermarkets sell around half of all fuel now. If it was bad I reckon there would be emperical evidence rather than bar room stories. Just my two penny’s worth.
    2 points
  20. Diluted APC with a cloth followed by a leather / vinyl sealant you honestly do not need to do it excessively. I would aim for once every 6 months or once a year if the car gets light use. Ive had instances using leather cleaners where they remove some dye from the surface on lexus leather / vinyl so I stick to APC now which seems to be much more friendly.
    1 point
  21. They don’t take into account that it’s got the extras that are no longer available. premium audio and kick sensor and also it’s got 5 year’s service plan and 5 years warranty.
    1 point
  22. Oh that’s a shame I was really hoping ours had somehow bypassed Derby 😆 And considering we’ve already been waiting 12 months, 2 weeks some how seems such a long wait 😫 Waiting is not fun 😠 😊
    1 point
  23. I think it's what they think they can get away with. My renewal quote was £880, up from £560. Shopping around wasn't much help, but a quick call to my insurer resulted in a reduction to £660 for the same cover.
    1 point
  24. Sad to see you go buddy, but enjoy the new toy! @hockeyedwards what are you driving these days? PS I managed to import a set of GSF wheels from Yahoo Japan - cant wait 😄
    1 point
  25. New wheels look great 😀
    1 point
  26. Confirming it is 100% from the dipstick rubbing against the tube. This morning i checked again and just to experiment i inserted the dipstick only halfway and pulled it back out before it could reach the oil. The dipstick had no oil on it but the tip was still covered in this grey material so its coming from the inside of tube. As you said the tube isnt straight and has a bend.
    1 point
  27. That came quick! I shall keep an eye out for you on the road and maybe catch you for a ride along 😉
    1 point
  28. I'd go with that too its got a bend
    1 point
  29. And the Rover SD1 and Hyundai Ionic.
    1 point
  30. Wax off. Every time I see the word wax I am reminded of "I'm sorry I haven't a clue" and Humph Lyttelton speaking of Samantha who hands down some of his 7inch records to an elderly helper who takes off the dust and wax off 🤣🤣🤣. Pure filth, double-entendres at its very best 🥳
    1 point
  31. I don't think it's going to take too much to tip me down the red slope to be honest....
    1 point
  32. Do it. DO IT! Life’s too short etc. My personal preference would be a lighter metallic exterior colour with red interior, or a tan interior (accepting not available on the ES based on comments here) but think of it this way…how many black interiors have you had? The fact you’ve even asked the question tells me you’re ready to take the plunge and have something different!
    1 point
  33. Did the replacement this weekend. As it is done only every 120k miles, there is always enough of dirt you want to clean by that mileage. You may also wish to check / clean the throttle body, MAF sensor and whatever else come on the way. This is the only opportunity to get access to many of that parts, so it makes sense to do it properly and not try to save 20min. If I paid for this work, I would still ask mechanic to spend extra time to clean everything properly. Overall - 6 hours including all cleaning and oil service (after watching some very useful videos on youtube, and having all the tools required). The most difficult part was the rear bolts holding EGR cooler bracket and the air intake bracket - not saying about very tight access, a dozen times the bolts fell down during assembly / disassembly, so that at least 30 min went of searching and fetching them from under the car (some fell down to surface, some stay on the subframe and are difficult to spot). The job costs > £500, and it is worth to DIY if you have the time and experience in repairing your car and good memory of what goes where. Once done you may well wish to proudly show your oil-covered hands to your friends and boast about the accomplishment. New and old spark plugs:
    1 point
  34. Lots Of Scientific Thought There Brian..!!
    1 point
  35. I've had the same message on numerous occasions with the new app. I assume it's a bug. The message usually disappears on its own in time.
    1 point
  36. Hi, I can't confirm it's compatability but what I will say is a 17/18 update disc will not be up to date. Yes compared to what is in our cars already but that's not hard. It's going to be at least five years out of date at best. The system is clunky anyway that's why most use other means to navigate such as map apps on their phones or upgraded head unit. Teyes, Grom etc. Best of luck with the update if compatible and maybe let us know how upto date it is for you.
    1 point
  37. Great David.. That will be Really Beneficial to the Variety of L.O.C members Who Share different Views On This topic..I Await Your Deliberation....!!!!
    1 point
  38. Well you did ask ………. Truly appalling IMO even more so that you need to ask (such is life) Oh! And how to devalue your vehicle in an instant.
    1 point
  39. Not at all mr vlad. i have owned many a ford. my favourite was a 1600e mk2 cortina
    1 point
  40. Refuelled for the 17th time today since taking delivery in March 22 and covering over 14000 miles. Overall consumption since the last fill is working out at 54.77mpg resulting from fuel purchased and the cost of electrical recharges converted to the current cost of E10 petrol. Very satisfactory and more economical than my previous NX300 which averaged c41 mpg. The overall consumption since taking delivery and using the above method of calculation is 49.93mpg.
    1 point
  41. Now that's what I call a good value tuppence-worth! Thank you 🙂
    1 point
  42. Personally I use Supermarket E5 most of the time, I think most fuels will have some forms of additive. Unless you test run an engine with a known fuel for many thousands of miles and then strip it down for inspection it's very difficult to predict what impact different fuels may have.
    1 point
  43. Where l live a car that looks like that wouldn't last long, it would be stolen within minutes.
    1 point
  44. Strange it had not really occurred to me to this point. You know what we really love about this model of car and indeed may be a couple of others that come to mind, is they have this aesthetic beauty that incorporates just that right amount of 'roundness' in the right place and yet have I have seen an alloy wheel that does exactly that and keeps it in complete balance with the rest of the car? I am not sure I have. Perhaps we should have a design competition aimed at correcting this oversight. Alternatively, people who know better might wish to point me in the direction of a better optometrist.
    1 point
  45. Hole in exhaust and upstream O2 sensor seem to be the main cause of this error across different Toyota/Lexus vehicles. Faulty cat is a possibility but should only be considered if the other possibilities has been ruled out because they can be checked without the expense of replacing parts.
    1 point
  46. I took on a Tesla model S once from traffic lights ….I thought I was in neutral as it disappeared in front of me.
    1 point
  47. I'm all moist now.
    1 point
  48. (B) Here is a list of the materials and tools I used (I already had the Leather Cleaner) total cost in the region of £165.00 delivered. You will also need a hair dryer, masking tape and a supply of rubber gloves. Geist. Easy Colour Restorer DIY Leather & Vinyl paint | Geist. Easy Filler to fill scratches and cracks on leather and vinyl | Geist. Double Sided Sanding & Finishing Pads | Pack of 2 | Colourlock Set of 3 Sponges 90 x 55 x 35 mm : Automotive COLOURLOCK Stainless Steel Spatula/Oil Painting Knife : Home & Kitchen COLOURLOCK Leather Cleaning Spirit for Cleaning and degreasing Leather Furniture Suite, Sofas, settees, car Seats, Alcantara interiors, Jacket Collars and Cuffs, etc (225 ml) : Automotive COLOURLOCK Leather Glue Crack Kit Solvent- (Glue 20g, Tension, 3 Mini Brushes) : DIY & Tools Colourlock® mini leather sealant, 30 ml, seals leather against abrasion, wear and stain, for cars, furniture, leather jackets : Automotive Koogel Paintbrush Set-7 Filbert Art Nylon Artist Painting Flat Brush Natural Wood for Professional Oil Acrylic Watercolor Gouache Painting (White Tip) : Home & Kitchen PROUSKY 4 PCS Paint Brush Set, Wooden Handle Foam Brush for Arts and Crafts 4 Sizes Absorbent Foam Brushes for Oils Varnishes Stains Acrylics : Home & Kitchen Geist. Leather & Upholstery Cleaning Brush Medium | To clean car seats, leather sofas, and alcantara | For car interiors, furniture, boots, shoes, bags and more : DIY & Tools Autoglym Gentle Leather Cleaner Kit **COMES WITH MICROFIBRE CLEANING TOWEL & APPLICATOR PAD** : Automotive
    1 point
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