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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2024 in Posts

  1. A neighbour of mine tells the story of how he was recently pulled over and breathalysed (with a negative result) by police who didn't believe he had been swerving in order to avoid potholes and the occasional loose kerbstone on a road near where we live. Driving back along the same stretch an hour later, and suppressing his instinct to honk and wave in recognition, he saw, to his joy and delight, the same two policemen replacing what looked like a burst tyre on their car.
    3 points
  2. Okay back from Lexus Woodford, car had a disconnected headlamp (unsurprisingly) looks like they just smashed their way through the plate (I forgot to get a photo) and cut the wires to the headlamp. The nice guys managed to fix up the wiring loom and fitted a new protection plate free of charge. There was a slight worry we might need a new wiring loom / headlamp assembly but I got a phone call with the good news that the wiring was fixable before I even got moving on the Tube back to my office, sat around in reception checking emails and chat all in took a couple of hours, total cost 160 GBP. So could have been worse, now I just need to wait see if the thieves come back for another go.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. I was thinking title S.O.S Sad Old Sods😉
    2 points
  5. Maybe the problem is your idle speed is too low, should be about 750 I believe, if your idle speed is only 500 that could explain the battery warning light coming on.
    2 points
  6. You could try the guys below but as said earlier they may not want ship it. Worth asking though, they are near were I live and I've bought a couple of bits from them. ACD of Lancashire home page
    2 points
  7. That can't be true, there would have to be a risk assessment first, then a major incident declared with at least another six police vehicles in attendance.
    2 points
  8. The roads are getting worse, I got stopped 18 months age copper said I had to take a breath test because I was swerving so I asked him if he just drove over the pot holes because he was in a company car ( police car ) he told me to get in my car a bugger off ( his words ) Dell
    2 points
  9. 4,000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire.....
    2 points
  10. Well my friends I have just got back from seeing Tim master tec at Lexus Gatwick who has inspected the car and all looks normal so a miracle must have happened. The pothole in question has been coned off so at least i achieved something last night, the prevention of a serious injury or death to a fellow driver but more importantly a motorbike rider who no doubt would have been killed thanks guys for your support 😊
    2 points
  11. As Phil above said, do your best to report as you find them and once the council is notified they then have a duty to log a pot hole. Importantly if anyone subsequently puts in a claim they cannot plead ignorance and say they knew nothing of the offending hole. It might also be the case that your new found "pothole" has already been reported which in turn will make your claim far easier to establish. I typically use "Fill that hole" who in turn report a hole to the responsible council whilst physically displaying its whereabouts on a map. The responsible council is then aware and must inspect/resolve. Surrey County Council also has a reporting facility but frankly I wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them and invariably after I have reported by "Fill that hole", paint markings of one colour or another is applied. There is then a duty to get the hole or defect repaired in a given time frame. Some of these so called pot holes are more like cave entrances and I frequently see traffic cones inside them to help drivers to avoid. In regards road maintenance, then SCC are bad but West Sussex Council are now worse still. Chalwood could be in either councils area of responsibility a fact that will be established when you file a report by the likes of "Fill that hole". I sincerely hope you get some satisfication and that the responsible council don't play too many silly games as is their normal want!
    2 points
  12. I believe you need to find out if the pothole has been reported previously - if so then if there is any damage to your car you have a stronger claim against the council. If you can get photos then get those along with some reference for size and depth. As the police are there get their details and maybe a statement from them. Personally I would get Lexus to check the car having explained what happened and have a 4 wheel alignment check done and then see what you need to do to make sure the car is sorted and see how and what you can then claim off the council sending details, photos and police report/details. If the pothole was previously reported and they start denying liability I would think a solicitor may be able to apply more leverage. I try and report local potholes for just this reason. The council keep saying they do not need repairing but as I've logged them if I or anyone gets damage there is a stronger case.
    2 points
  13. Thanks arqum good idea 🙂 The odd thing is I look out for this road at Charlwood Gatwick for potholes and keep it up to date with the highways and drive by there at least 3 times a week and all has been good up till tonight. How this sort of damage has happened in such a short space of time since i last drove by on Saturday is scary
    2 points
  14. I saw this earlier and I thought it kind of summarises much of my life and probably yours if you are of a certain age. They call us ”The Elderly” We were born in the 40-50-60’s. We grew up in the 50-60-70's. We studied in the 60-70-80's. We were dating in the 70-80-90's. We got married and discovered the world in the 70-80-90's. We venture into the 80-90’s. We stabilize in the 2000’s. We got wiser in the 2010’s. And we are going firmly through and beyond 2020. Turns out we've lived through EIGHT different decades... TWO different centuries... TWO different millennia... We have gone from the telephone with an operator for long-distance calls to video calls to anywhere in the world. We have gone from slides to YouTube, from vinyl records to online music, from handwritten letters to email and Whats App. From live matches on the radio, to black and white TV, colour TV and then to 3D HD TV. We went to the Video store and now we watch Netflix. We got to know the first computers, punch cards, floppy disks and now we have gigabytes and megabytes on our smartphones. We wore shorts throughout our childhood and then long trousers, Oxfords, flares, shell suits & blue jeans. We dodged infantile paralysis, meningitis, polio, tuberculosis, swine flu and now COVID-19. We rode skates, tricycles, bicycles, mopeds, petrol or diesel cars and now we drive hybrids or electric. Yes, we've been through a lot but what a great life we've had! They could describe us as “exennials”; people who were born in that world of the fifties, who had an analog childhood and a digital adulthood. We've kind of “Seen-It-All”! Our generation has literally lived through and witnessed more than any other in every dimension of life. It is our generation that has literally adapted to “CHANGE”. A big round of applause to all the members of a very special generation, which will be UNIQUE. -Author unknown Keep on keeping on!
    1 point
  15. Range test of 12 ev's including UX300 e and RZ 450e. No prizes guessing what came last. Albeit this was before the new software update for the RZ although I expect the result wouldl be similar
    1 point
  16. Just got my GS back from it's annual service and MOT, 7 years old now but still looks and drives beautifully. Total clean sheet from Lexus, no advisories at all. Thought I'd treat her to a full detail to celebrate. Kudos to Lexus Hedge End for their usual spot on service. I was just thinking, what else could you buy now in the Lexus range (excluding LC/RC-F) that can rival the comfort, power and economy of this GS ? It's a keeper for sure! Dave.
    1 point
  17. Another update. Lexus have decided that they are going to change the ML amplifier, no date as yet.
    1 point
  18. UK's Council is a sick joke, they charge us huge amount of council tax every month and do nothing. In my city the pot holes are so deep and big that a cat can sleep in it.
    1 point
  19. Yer collective masses owns it. Even me by proxy. irony does not escape me.
    1 point
  20. Steve’s the boss, so as Gary’s started the thread he’ll have to ask Steve 👍🏻👍🏻
    1 point
  21. I’ve had a look and can’t see any way to change the title but if the moderator can, ‘SC430 For Sale Chat’ sounds good.
    1 point
  22. Usually as you get older the telematics policies usually cost more as the insurance company has to pay to fit the electronic box and you might only be with them for a year. For less experienced drivers where the insurance cost is high, then the cost is absorbed within the policy. I also wonder if one had an accident and the telematics showed that you were eg speeding at the time of the accident whether the insurance company would then have grounds not to pay the claim (they would have to pay 3rd parties, but maybe not one's own costs)?
    1 point
  23. Eh up MrT. Sorry to learn about your car issues. As stated above 500rpm is too low and no matter what car that'll not be good for it. I can't remember how to alter the idle revs but it certainly looks like it needs doing. As for the recon alternator you bought. Personally I'd have gone for a genuine one. If I remember correctly the one I had to get was around £360 or there abouts. Don't know how much you paid for your recon but I bet it was near that. Regards buying a new battery. One should Always put it on charge with a smart charger before installing it in ones car. Especially if bought from Halfords.
    1 point
  24. Only a moderator can do that …maybe …..SC430 FOR SALE Chat…
    1 point
  25. The problem is they likely have algorithm driven criteria for assessing ads. The things that alert us mean nothing to those algorithms. For example, you have the same SC 430 ad posted in about 4 or 5 different locations within the UK. Same price, same reg etc. However, when you report it they come back and report they are not going to cancel the ad as it does not breach their criteria. In that case all you can do is block the profile ( which means little as the scammers obviously have has many different profiles as they want), and of course hide the ad., but it will keep popping up under it's many aliases. Facebook probably will not get serious about scammers until someone decides that by law they are liable for any fraudulent losses incurred via their platform. Nothing motivates like seeing your bottomline diminishing.
    1 point
  26. It sounds like the alternator isn't outputting enough at low speed and as a result has killed your old battery. Not sure on the plug you are referring to on the alternator, will see if I can find some info.
    1 point
  27. Warning from one of the banks over Facebook scams….
    1 point
  28. 100% it's fool proof if you don't send money to people. Never asked anyone for a deposit nor will i ever send someone deposit (unless it's a legitimate garage ofc)
    1 point
  29. It isn't only boxers who are not quite has tough and resilient these days. Hows this for a commentary on the wood used to build your home. No words needed.
    1 point
  30. They are also very lazy. If you go into the description you will find they have copy and pasted it. After just a little effort you will recognise their 'script' immediately just from that.
    1 point
  31. I grew up in an age where we're told NOT to use our real names online for safety and such. Now if you don't use your real name you get banned from Facebook. As for sellers on FB so long as you avoid the 3 B's then you're normally fine. Obviously don't send money to someone you don't know and you're golden. Who needs a deposit if i've agreed to pick the car up within the next 2 hours.
    1 point
  32. Aftermarket is going to be Pilkington or possibly that other site "oop-narth" that Malc mentioned on the LS400 rear screen topic. Otherwise you might have some luck searching Japanese sites, although the shipping cost is going to be substantial. I think you are probably going to have to bite the bullet and do it via your insurance. If you collect in person, there are a couple of breakers that will cut a screen out of an LS430 for you. They will not ship the screen though as the cost is silly and the risk of damage in transit is high. These are very low sales volume cars so the aftermarket is non-existant here in the UK. The USA has a decent aftermarket for the LS, but theirs are all LHD.
    1 point
  33. Just had mine done last year, I think it was in the region of £700 for the cambelt and water pump at the independent near me.
    1 point
  34. They must have been on their way to Greggs for lunch.
    1 point
  35. You need to update your info, still showing Essex as location...
    1 point
  36. I’m amazed and well done discovering this Japanese factory manufacturing output design specific to user country, LHD /RHD is quite incredible that they should or even could do this ……. Well done discovering the nuance Good luck tracking down your new windscreen Malc
    1 point
  37. That’s also what I would have thought but I suspect they were either too proud to ask for help or figured it would take too long for any colleagues to arrive.
    1 point
  38. Check tyre wall for any signs of bulging as the side wall may have been damaged....I know from my experience just before last Christmas on my way to shopping centre on the M2. Car drove fine but upon further inspection in the cold light of day I spotted the tyre bulge .....£283 pounds later all was well on a six month old tyre
    1 point
  39. This reminds me of a new company car that was delivered to my home in 2003.It arrived late Friday afternoon on a low loader so was left on the drive overnight. As I wanted to wash our own car,my wife took the new co. car down the lane to the village to get some shopping.On the return journey (about 2 miles each way),she hit a pothole which not only burst the tyre,but buckled the alloy wheel.The lease company were not impressed at having to replace a wheel and tyre with only about 3 miles on the clock.
    1 point
  40. I carry a tape measure in the car....just in case. That way I can submit pics of the size & depth of the pothole.
    1 point
  41. I did the same over the Christmas period. Not a lexus but a Merc. Needed two new lower ball joints on the front and a full alignment. I’m still fighting the council, their stance at the mo is that as I can’t prove ownership (V5 is not ownership proof according to them), I can’t claim. My solicitor is now stepping in. I hope you are both ok. Get home and have a nice hot drink. Deal with Lexus on the morning.
    1 point
  42. Long story short, I couldn't find a suitable replacement for the Desert Sage IS250 within my budget. The GT86 I went to see was seriously corroded underneath and the IS350 I looked at made a funny sound under load. I couldn't be without a car for any longer, so I ended up with a Subaru Forester until last weekend when I picked up YET ANOTHER IS250... 2008 Manual SE, black on black which is what I wanted. The choices are extremely limited when you start looking for something specific like that. There is only 2 on AutoTrader and both somewhat overpriced for the condition/spec. Anyway, if anyone cares to see a stock IS250, here it is. It's on 79k miles, seems to be good. Now, I've been gathering some parts over the last two months so there's only a handful of things I need for this car. I won't be documenting any processes because it's all very repetitive on this thread. Once I have everything I want, I'll install it all at the same time and post some pics. It's going to be similar to my last black one, just slightly improved in certain areas. 😎 IS350 brakes, 4IS conversion, I'll try 19" wheels for the first time etc.
    1 point
  43. Try Angelwax Enigma Interno. It will remove stickiness and most surface marks and, unless the damage is deep, bring back something like the original mat factory finish on all the cabin plastics.
    1 point
  44. Agree if you have the space, time and interest scrap it and sell the parts. I scrapped my LS430 with 220k on the clock and achieved more for the parts than the retail value. Then just had the shell collected. Really enjoyable to see the engineering up close. All through eb..
    1 point
  45. I used to wish the car had more torque for high-speed hill climbs or acceleration on European motorways. But more recently I came to the conclusion that I don't need a faster car, but rather I need to first learn to drive properly — after 20+ years on the roads. I prefer the 300h acting domesticated even if you push. I tried a 911 Carrera4S and it was scary, violent. Frankly, modern cars have stupid amounts of performance. It would make sense to demand extra training and license for cars above a certain performance level.
    1 point
  46. 259K - I purchased at 4 years old / 160K with full history (stamped book and all dealer invoices) - only thing I could see in the history was a new auto wiper sensor. Since I've had it the only repair was a dodgy bonnet latch cable - everything else was just servicing / consumables
    1 point
  47. Yes, definitely 100% theft proof.
    1 point
  48. It looks like this .... 🤔 😉
    1 point
  49. I’ll be a little more blunt……….definitely not wise to share any pics on here. New member & first post is “can I see pictures of the plate fitted?” Sorry Andon, you may well be genuine but surely you can see the potential problem
    1 point
  50. I presume they really really thought the car would never need recovering ....... ever Malc
    1 point
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