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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2017 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. Oh well...most jobs have a hitch and they're not plain easy. You need research, time and the right tools. Maybe a fall back plan like calling in a mobile mechanic if you really get stopped. You'll be surprised at what you can do. Its all about practice and experience but you have to work on it to get it. This forum is great with great members so you can get coached through a job or issue step by step. As I did with a cambelt change. Gives you the confidence to keep going... 😀
    3 points
  3. @Tom24 looking good! Gave mine a wash too, this is how it was supposed to look last Saturday 😶
    3 points
  4. @Mark G I know, but it could have been! At least it's given us something to talk about other than colour choice! 😁
    3 points
  5. There is an excellent repair resource website which covers the above job as well as many others. I purchased both LBJs a few years ago from Lexus for around £120.00 and did the job myself in a couple of hours with a basic toolkit. You will need one special tool a ball joint splitter but these are readily available.
    2 points
  6. I'd like to do it myself. Doesn't look too bad a job. As usual it's the finding OE at the best price...I'm not sure it's worth going for replacements but...OE batches change over time. theyve done a good job for 17 years and 80k miles, I'd like same again.
    2 points
  7. The braided strap should be fastened to an engine or transmission bolt. Without that the engine and chassis can be at different voltages. The engine will be slightly positive compared to chassis so feed back from any engine or transmission sensors will be higher than expected. John
    2 points
  8. @emjay82 you know sometimes you should be careful what you wish for as I did break mine but I'm not bothered because I found this blue one up the road with a lower mileage owned by some block called @Mark G so guess what I did along with a few other bits 😂 Big Spanner man Rat
    2 points
  9. Yes start a thread 😁. @Big Rat might volunteer to break his engine and we can follow his journey trying to fix it. I'm happy to break my rear floor mats 😁 and you can follow. Great content for Monday!
    2 points
  10. Wine is a topic which should always be discussed!
    2 points
  11. I have recently had fitted a Blackvue dashcam in my IS300h. My prime reason for this is to ensure that I have some protection should anything happen in front of me but it also highlighted some interesting views of a Lexus Bristol engineer today when it went in for an intermediate service today. First to put some context to this story. A couple of miles into the journey to the showroom I noticed the paddles would not work as normal and it would not go from drive into S mode. A short distance later I had the warning flash up 'Hybrid System Has Stopped. Please Stop Your Car in a Safe Place' I did this and turned the engine off. It restarted OK then I carried on my journey. Now, something to point out here is that I was low on fuel. The display indicated I had about 30 miles left. I have been as low as 7 miles and haven't seen this behaviour before. I realise I should probably not let it get too low on fuel and most of the time I don't. Anyway back to the point of the post. I informed the service dept of this occurrence on arrival which was duly noted down on the paperwork for checking. I have reviewed the camera footage recorded during its service and at one point my engineer summons another to discuss the notes written on the paperwork about the warning message that flashed up earlier. He points out that there is an engine management code - Fuel Run Out - but no hybrid system code. When he hears about the paddles not working he find it highly amusing - "thats **** ridiculous because they don't do nothing. That's just **** about with the ECU. It doesn't make the car go any different, it's a computer game. All this (obviously pointing out the paddles to his mate........) doesn't do anything. It's a total illusion, it tells the machine 'oh he wants to **** play or make it sound like he's changing gear'. It doesn't do **** all." I am fully aware that the paddles do not change gear and that they are purely frequency steps in a CVT unit. I use it akin to some engine braking to avoid unnecessary periods of dabbing the brake pedal. My point was that they were not working AT ALL. Anyway back to our engineer (whose first name is mentioned but I won't reveal it here). He goes on to say, "the trouble is these ***** think its electric.... (at which point my engineer quickly indicates the existence of the dashcam!) ....the trouble is they think it's electric and fuel and if they run out of fuel they can carry on with electric, they can't, they work in conjunction with each other" The other says, "so it needs fuel basically" followed by a chuckle. Again I am fully aware of the basic workings of the hybrid system. I do not expect the engine to keep working without any petrol in it. I am happy to accept that the indicated code probably had something to do with the issue but I did not totally run out of fuel. After I had restarted the engine I travelled a few more miles to get to the showroom. I repeat I did not install the dashcam to nosey in on engineers who service my car but I guess I was curious. Anyway my curiosity has discovered that one particular engineer at Bristol thinks this particular Lexus owner is as thick as ****! Now do I mention it when Lexus ask me for feedback on my service experience? I'm pretty thick skinned but to be called a ****** and basically clueless has ****** me off a little! Having posted this Ive just noticed the foul language is edited out. Rightly so probably but suffice to say one of the foul words he likened me to was the worst. You know the one I mean.
    1 point
  12. Get some black hard foam material and cut it into chunks and push it down between windscreen and dash as far as it will go. Experiment first by having someone drive the car and when it's making the noise stick your fingers into the same gap to work out where you need to stick the foam. Experiment with different sizes to get it right so you can't see them once pushed in. You don't need that much material but it has to be sat above the hooks that the dash sits on. Make sure you have some tweezers to pull them back out whilst working on the size and placement of them. I used fairly dense rigid foam with some give in it and I guess it was about 12mm thick. I had to experiment with different types beforehand before I found the right stuff. Worked a treat in the end
    1 point
  13. Ahhh that's a much better clip 👍
    1 point
  14. Nice snow foam @Rusty CrobarI've been frequenting the hand car washes a bit too frequently. Although they're better than the garage roller washes, they still don't do it properly to avoid fine swirl marks. Now nights are drawing out might invest in a snow foam adapter for the pressure washer.
    1 point
  15. @Rusty Crobar She's gleaming matey, so it's about time I did some pics of mine, here she she is 15 months ago on the day I picked her up :) Big Rat
    1 point
  16. Is this a joke? Doesn't everyone know pink seats ripple.
    1 point
  17. Oh really?! I just stay in the one with all the BMWs and force them to move out of the way
    1 point
  18. 😁 That will keep you busy. I thought @Mark G was just going to the dealership for a service and new tyres, he can't have be happy when he collected the keys.
    1 point
  19. Don't know if it's the same type of squeak and click that I had, but I found the bolts that held my driver's seat in had worked slightly loose and gave a squeak or a click at every corner. You remove the plastic cover on the front and rear end of the seat rails, and there is a bolt at each end. Mine didn't have any thread lock on them. I tightened these up with some thread lock and the problem went away...
    1 point
  20. My driver's seat used squeak. But Lexus Bristol 'fixed it'. By making it click instead. Then they 'fixed' the new click with a louder click. Only happens when I drive round (any) corners. Does this count as a mechanical issue?
    1 point
  21. MartinF perhaps you are doing something wrong I find it easy to set up once you have your V5 handy. Try giving it a second go because once set up you will be amazed the at features available through the Connected Services. See below I was able to get Street view, info about local petrol stations and their pump prices and location map. Weather information and many other features. I really think it is a great system once you know how to work it. Good luck.
    1 point
  22. Looking good! I'm also looking forward to seeing everything on the car
    1 point
  23. I wouldn't be spending that much on a stone chip! Definitely go for the touch up pen repair. If you feel confident, give it a wet sand and it'll looks virtually non existent unless really up close! My RX has 44k miles on it and has 4 stone chips :). I think it must be something to do with the ride height being higher and spending more time in the fast lane on the motorway so don't get pummelled by rocks from trucks!
    1 point
  24. It depends on the way it functions. Caravan fridges are silent, can't remember how they work but they run differently from a normal domestic fridge. Worth finding out.
    1 point
  25. I took my GS to have four new tyres fitted by a local garage bought from a well known online supplier. My dash cam recorded the fitter going for a test drive, swearing at other drivers & to cap it all he broke wind on my seat. I asked him why he needed a test drive and he said "to make sure the balancing was correct" imho he wanted a turn in a nice car. He had no idea the dash cam was there. No harm was done and after a good clean of the seat (& steering wheel) I saw the funny side. I doubt I would go to this "premiere fitting centre" again though as it was just to rough & ready. I dread to think what a standard place was like if this one was classed as premiere!! Mechanics always swear but as long as they do a good job I don't care even if they do fart on my seat. Ed
    1 point
  26. @Rusty Crobar, is your car modified at all?
    1 point
  27. Tried getting it replaced under extended warranty but as expected considered wear and tear, despite being the subject of a TSB. Unfortunately to replace the plastic cover you have to remove the passenger side of the dash to be able to unbolt it, so I did as others have and polished the anti-glare coating. I used a plastic polish product called Novus, small bottles available online. No 3 polish does the nav screen cover, no 2 does light scratches on the the perspex instrument cluster cover. No 1 is just a cleaning solution, but often you'll get the pack of the 3 including cloths for about £16. Looks so much better now except a little bit in the corners I need to work on a bit more. Bit messy so make sure you cover everything else up around it. Would highly recommend doing this as the screen looks much sharper now, HD like.
    1 point
  28. Agreed, in my household there are electrical, mechanical and 'ruined by my modification' faults. 99% of brilliant cars i have owned have been ruined by going to far playing with them. Not saying that's what you have done.....😀
    1 point
  29. @Mark G Funny you should say that, it's a pick of one of the guys on site, when we were riding in wheel barrows down a scaffold board ski ramp, all within health and safety regs of course 😂 Big Rat
    1 point
  30. It's about as clear as mud what is required. It's the first part of the vehicle code only - not the last part as appears to be indicated. Where it says everything before the * (asterisk) , it actually means before the hyphen.
    1 point
  31. Glad its an easy fix, but strictly speaking Russell its not mechanical, therefore we are still waiting and @Big Rat do you have a catalogue of pictures you just pull from a database, actually don't answer that......................
    1 point
  32. Well now owner of Is200 sport due to pick up in few days. So no doubt ill have modding questions soon enough.
    1 point
  33. Sony do have the best algorithms - sammy is soft in comparison, I've not a fantastic amount of experience in this but do know the TV's have the detail enhancement which alters the original image a little more. LG's is Excellent. Oh no just realised - talking non Lexus chat in a an Lexus or even car related area. Oops sorry.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. was lucky enough to get to sit in a LFA, start it a give it a couple of blips on the throttle, unfortunately was not given the chance to take it for a spin. LC500 looks very nice, will be interesting to see it in the flesh and to see how it drives.
    1 point
  36. Peter I think I'd run with the touch up this happened to me on my isF the morning after I picked it up in broadly the same place as you 😡 Now 1100 squids so far on my 'F' has covered a 40k service, spark plug change and a full second set of used genuine IsF wheels. Just a thought matey. Big Rat
    1 point
  37. Yes, I'm thinking that way also. I know there'll be more stone chips, may as well make it worthwhile! I looked at protection films for my previous car but discounted it because it always shows and can discolour the paintwork. They do work but in a sacrificial way, so it could still end up looking rough.
    1 point
  38. Hi, Yes I am still a fan of the RX Range. And I have now got a quote from Lexus for the fuel filler pipe rust issue of £561.will probably book the car in for the work to be done, pity its not a recall issue as with some other models in the Lexus range. Then it will be onto Silk Mil Garage Galgate for a full under body hot power wash and wax oil.
    1 point
  39. @Rusty Crobar Sorry to hear that matey an easy fix hopefully, be careful with grounding your bottom, nasty thing that gravel rash 👹 Big Rat
    1 point
  40. I am assuming that the alloy colour isnt standard then to say they have been refurbed? It was the carshop in Northampton - asked to see the only IS they had, and they tried to get me into a CT, and then a diesel Audi after actually arguing that a diesel is cheaper to run and why am I not considering a diesel. Chap then kept going on about how they sell a 100 cars a weekend and if I dont put a holding deposit down now, it may be gone. Told him numerous times I will not be pressurised into purchasing a vehicle and told him that if he mentions it again, I will just walk away. Anyway, so when I saw the IS, both the missus and I really liked it, but they refused to allow us out to drive in it until we committed to either putting a deposit down on it or buying it. So we walked away and as we were doing so, he ran behind us and tried to give me his business card (which I didnt take) which quite amused me actually
    1 point
  41. Very doubtful you will have any hybrid battery issues till between 145,000 - 190,000 or till 2023 wouldn't worry about that, its got a 10 yr 100,000m warranty on battery anyway. Richard
    1 point
  42. Not a 460 but my 600hL..... doesnt fit in any car park space ,both cars backed against wall
    1 point
  43. Finally believe I've cracked this. Noticed it coming in to the passenger side too when sat in car at lunch during heavy rain today. Long story short it was coming down from behind the dash. Stuck some folded paper towels into the internal crease between where the windscreen meets the dashboard. Came came out with a wet edge on the paper towel. Tried it again and again, same, pulled the LH B pillar trim off, carefully examined the internal bond between screen and pillar, used paper towel method again here, came back wet edged. Finally found a small leak in the seal between windscreen and bpillar, the bond was leaking. It was trackign down to the front windscreen edge and tracking down to the footwells from there, dependend on where i parked (work = flat, home = RH decline) dictated which footwell the water tracked to. Getting new screen put in on Monday. I'm 99% sure this is the cause of this mysterious leak. What;s made it unbelievable difficult to trace is there's a lipped plastic trim peice that sits under and surrounding the glove compartment, due to it being lipped (imagine a tea tray) it's had to fill up slightly from the leak before it overspills into the footwell. hence when I hose tested it I could see no obvious signs there and then. OMG huh.
    1 point
  44. I agree with most of what micheal has said - ive had mine for over 4 years - 136k miles - I service it every 12 months with castrol Edge 0w-30 - everything still works on mine and I havent had any huge failures or repair bills in my time. The body work on mine from a few metres looks shown room but on close inspection it does have its imperfections - I always take it to the car parks and can comfortably reverse park between 2 cars - it does stick out a couple of feet though. I think in the future I will naturally be opting for a 460 or 600h I hear the 460 is even more refined and has a bit more floaty ride than the 430 - try both and see which strikes your fancy hope this helps
    1 point
  45. The biggest problem was the lack of information anywhere, I found one post in the US forums from a bloke who did it but the only advise he said was "it all fits no problems" and a lot of other people were saying that "in theory" it would work. If your in the USA then you can be a preassembled shock for around £200 so the lazy way would to just order 4 of them and be done with it (quality though is unknown). You also need to contend with different model versions as I think there was a change in parts from 2003 when the Mk2 came out and I don't know how compatible any of it is which is why I went for all new for my year which is also why I have not mentioned KYB part numbers in my post as what works for my car may be different for others. The only headache I had was a knocking noise from the back which was due to the KYB rear suspension mounts having no rubber sleave only a ring of rubber for the spring to sit on it so allowing it to move sideways and hit the mount so I had to strip the back end down and fit new mounts. Then I still had a knocking noise and found out there should be a spacer between the mount and the bolt at the top of the shock that holds it all in place so I had to strip the lot down again and add the spacer. So I can now remove the shock, strip it down, rebuild it and refit the shock in 1 hour :). And just when I thought I was out of the woods, when I took it for its first drive yesterday there was still a small knocking noise, trouble is I can't see anything wrong. Went to get the car MOT'd today and the tester advised me the front anti roll bar bushes were quite worn, didn't I notice a knocking noise??? Didn't know whether to punch or kiss him.
    1 point
  46. Yep. Look in your service manual, it will tell you in there you have a 12 year rust/corrosion warranty. I had 2 mk3 Gs300 both 2005 models and both had brand new bonnets fitted through Lexus main dealer. One was last year.
    1 point
  47. i have just removed the anti glare off a laptop screen and boy what a job it was i am going to make sure i only clean the in car screen with a damp microfibre cloth and nothing else.
    1 point
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