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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2022 in all areas

  1. The collection went well. I haven't driven it much yet, only with 4 miles EV mode driven to home. It is superb quiet and easy to drive, yet punchy enough to get pass slower vehicle in highway. - Initial Mileage is at 9mi. - Not aware of rattle. - Remote Climate control takes 8 hours to appear in Lexus Link app. - Car cannot display my profile name though, even profile deletion and relink. - Front passenger glass are double-layer while the rear glass are single-layer. - Front seats are comfortable with euough support/adjustment, I am curious how F-sport feels. I owned VW Touran for past 10 years, luxury car is a new territory to me. So eager to explore the would with NX.
    7 points
  2. Traded my Boxster and picked up this beauty today; TVD, red leather, sunroof and Quicksilver exhaust. Suspect I will spend much of the weekend just listening to the sound!
    5 points
  3. As well we tend to look into political scare as not only 2 dimensional, but literally lineal from left to right, with centre being sort of most balanced. Yet it is not the case at all - politics and policies are multidimensional thing. Most importantly party politics hurts us all, because it becomes mandatory to follow the party which one believes represents their political goal (be it socialist, liberalist, democrat or conservator) regardless if those parties are corrupt, efficient or even truly represents the ideology. More efficient way would be to look into the problem and find most suitable solution for, regardless where it sits on political scales. For example I do believe that best place for healthcare is in hands of centralised government, even if that is as amuricans would call it "communist idea", but at the same time I think that health care should be run efficiently, almost like company, negotiating harshly on all the contracts to get best value for it's customers (that is patients) and shareholders (taxpayers). Usually, the people who criticise NHS or social/healthcare are opposed to it not because they don't like the idea, but because they wrongly attribute inefficiency to state ownership. But to be fair it doesn't have to be inefficient - the only reason it is, is due to party politics and corruption. State owned companies can be just as efficient. The issue again is party politics, because if one identify as socialist, then they can't support private capital, even if that is most rational solution. Conservative can't support state ownership and so on. In the end of the day if they would forget their political agendas and just look into what is the best regardless of where it falls on political spectrum we all would be in better place.
    5 points
  4. You are one of the few in this forum I consider to be better equipped with intelligence and knowledge than, well yes, the vast majority. That some here consider you to be a tinfoil hat is because you do not have the same opinion as them, and that is not something to be sad about. The average IQ should be 100 but is probably closer to 90 (Mensa scale). That is the only explanation I can see that makes so many people believe in all the information that is served to them. Keep writing and tell what you think. That is one of the reasons I'm still reading elsewhere than on the CT200h site.
    4 points
  5. I'll keep this brief. It only takes one person to feel offended or irritated in some way and before you know it we have "Me Too" on our hands. I may decide to cancel myself tomorrow on my birthday. Ha Ha. I am OCD but I think anyone with an Engineering background will always do "Micro Detail". No real harm after all. I can assure you that when you beat Cancer there are no words on any forum that can bruise an ego. Thank you to members who saw past the OCD and were more supportive of the original idea. Appreciate it.
    4 points
  6. I am both. When I retired, I became a dedicated bicyclist! Let my wife do the driving of the car. 10K km a year more or less. Then got skin cancer and after I had 3rd lump removed, I stopped cycling in daylight so bike is not getting many km use now. Biking made me stronger than when I was 30, slimmer and hard as a rock, removed the need for using pills for too much cholesterol and high blood pressure, coming from too many hours sitting in an office. Took a lot of my time, about 5 – 8 hours 4 or 5 times a week, almost like working. With a friend who happened to be retired pro cyclist. No mountain was too high on the island or impossible to get to the top of. On-road off-road all the same. Heavy downhill bike. Always was careful when on-paved-road, as not all car drivers are skilled driving in mountains. Motor-cyclists are much more skilled turning on narrow high roads, if not they would not last long. I have been driving rally long time ago when Delta-EVO was a new car. Not really dangerous as roads were cleared for us. Do not remember anybody talking about pollution then. Surely not against any of the 2 ways to get to one point from another. Drive a lot more careful when it comes to seeing cyclists on the road than I did before I started getting into mountain biking. Think we should all be taking care of each other. And that we should try to make the world a safe place for coming generations. About the taxing: You understand more than most.
    3 points
  7. Totally agree Linas. It should be about right vs wrong, not left vs right.
    3 points
  8. This is like the opening minutes of Casualty. You know something bad is going to happen, you just aren’t sure exactly when and to whom…😇
    3 points
  9. @ganzoom is also a keen cyclist I believe and works in the NHS to boot and...... cycles to work. Gang let me introduce you to Malc and Maurice
    3 points
  10. I hope you're making a full recovery Malc. Your average hospital bike sheds looks like downtown Amsterdam, if they're not there they are among the literally thousands of bicycles at every commuter station, then folk walk in. My lads at Uni, medical Uni actually and their bike sheds are rammed. Yet you want to VED these poor sods who like most of us are looking at the cheapest way to get to work, school, Uni, hospitals and everywhere else. I'd wager most cycling is people getting to work and trying to save a few bob. Not just Universities but schools / colleges / polytechnics and you seriously want to VED them ? These threads are interesting, enlightening and eventful however I think some folk seriously underestimate how many people actually commute to their jobs. It's got to be a good thing surely, not just for the environment (less cars, less emissions), peoples pockets and also their health.
    3 points
  11. I have just heard that the Yorkshire Motorsport Festival 2022 is going ahead on 24, 25 & 26 June, and the link is It is in the fields above my village of Meltham and I will certainly be going all 3 days. Last year it was a great event, loads of things to look at despite Covid affecting the numbers and stopping the live bands performing. If anyone is interested in attending I would be happy to help them with finding local b&b's or anything else, please message me direct. I am hoping that Lexus will have a display, Toyota did last year. Perhaps we could make it a mini SC430 meet.
    3 points
  12. Had a good ride out in the new ES yesterday up in the Lake District. Spent a few hours up there and made this very short video to send to my son in Australia.
    2 points
  13. Got my 7 year service done at Lexus Teeside yesterday together with discs and pads all round (ouch!) The brakes were absolutely shot after 57k miles and although the pads were renewed before I bought it 5000 miles ago, they really should have done the lot. If I braked from speed they made a terrible noise and pulsed when slowing down right to a standstill. Absolutely fine now, which they should be. Got a UX 300e loan car which I was impressed with. Top spec and very comfortable, although i think range would be an issue for me, and the fact I havent got £50k lying around to buy one.
    2 points
  14. Norway. They taxed the hell out of ICE and offered EV at bargain prices and it was the panacea of EV - oh look at us. Now they need a hole filling in their budget and its all those EV drivers who will pay for it. Clearly they can't do it on household electricity bills so prepare to bend over and be shafted. Expect the same to happen here. A vehicle with a registration plate is a Government cash cow and always has been no matter how it's powered. The future surely must be on mileage.
    2 points
  15. You've found a very good comrade with Linas ...he will suit your agenda to the full bless him. This two wheels good four wheels bad and tribalism nonsense is just that. I am a motorists who cycles AND a cyclist who drives. I mean why the hell would I be a member of a Lexus forum for 15 years...yes I love a straight six / V6 and one day it will be a V8 !!. I'm also a pedestrian who drives and a pedestrian who happens to cycle. You however appear to be a stuck record.
    2 points
  16. Rears should see very little wear under normal driving on a hybrid. You are most likely to get wear because of a sticking calliper or disc corrosion through underuse so you should check and lube the sliding pins regularly (every year after the vehicle is 3 years old).
    2 points
  17. even if true, it's not a high bar to achieve 🤣
    2 points
  18. You are politically un-correct. The real name is lobbyism and not corruption.
    2 points
  19. AGE UK might do you an equity release and then leave your kids the car instead of the house maybe ........... I'm sure they won't mind in the slightest Malc
    2 points
  20. credit card maybe .. a friendly loan from my Amigo ! come come, just mortgage yourself to the hilt, others do Malc
    2 points
  21. If you do have a high emission car in the 2001-2017 scheme then you can be hit very hard on UK road tax, I think this will see a number of these cars taken off the road as the cost of tax becomes a significant proportion of the value of the car. Ok you may say that's good for the environment but does not take into account that many of these cars may well do low annual mileages so although they are high emission the environmental impact is much less. The 2017 onwards scheme is much lower for high emission cars once the first year hit has been taken, although you have the additional hit for a few years if the car is £40k+.
    2 points
  22. As an aside, I for one really miss those threads where the endless debate was whether the 300h power train is powerful enough…
    2 points
  23. In The Netherlands the road tax is calculated by weight of the car, so I've a Lexus SC430 - 2007 weight 1824 KG per year €1100,00 and p/month €91,00 also depends in what province you live ! And we already complain about our government that they are stealing! Because from the € 4,3 billion they collect our roads should be like a red carpet but unfortunately our road contractors and stakeholders are corrupt!
    2 points
  24. **update Just got back from LEXUS and I can confirm that they disabled the sound for me. Now when I put items in reverse I only hear 1 beep then it's silent till the rear parking is sensors comet on. Because I went in for the somethimg else they did not it for free but dont know if there's a charge if you just wanted it disabled. Hopefully this helps other people in here who are looking to get rid of the sound too!
    2 points
  25. I don't think suggestion to VED bicycles was ever said or taken seriously by anyone. However, I think it just works as example - if roads are "privilege" which I don't believe they are, then all the users should be paying for that privilege, why only the car drivers should be contributing? Or at least I thought that was a gist of it. However, there is an issue in this statement, to begin with VED is just triple, quadruple, nonsensical tax out of nowhere and for nothing. It is completely made-up for no other reason except that goverment could do it, so they did. VED has nothing to do with cars and as of recently even pollution, and VED will definitely be introduced (is introduced for EVs). Why... just because... goverment had this cash cow and they don't want to stop milking it. When everyone realised that road maintenance excuse does not work, then they changed it to pollution, when pollution doesn't work it will be something else. It is not fair tax or something we inherently need to could justify, it exist for the sake of it. Could the same money be taken from somewhere else... yes, could the money be spent somewhere else... obviously. It is just general taxation, but in different name and it isn't very fair simply because it targets particular group and therefore there is no point to campaign to "ringfence" this tax for the roads - goverment knows very well this has nothing to do with the roads and they want it to be that way. With "less cars, less emissions" point you just support the statement of taxing the cyclist... because you see... eventually "less cars" turns into "no cars" and this means new victim and new revenue stream needs to be found. And this is why this tax isn't about pollution or road use - because if it would be then it would be designed to discourage such use, but it isn't - it is designed to make money out of such use. Goverment just realised that people are attached to their cars, or simply are dependant on them because they don't have other means. Maybe existing infrastructure maybe no suitable for cycling, or person can't cycle or simply don't want to cycle... and there is no public transport either, or it is too expensive, or too slow, or too disgusting... Point is - 85% of passenger miles and 75% of passenger journeys are made in car and this presents massive revenue stream, yet motorists are not organised or monolithic group, so they can stand-up to this. Taxing cyclist is just funny example, but it could be any other group of society which can be divided and can't defend itself. Maybe it is going to be elderly in large houses with inheritance tax, or bedroom tax, or excess rooms charge, or maybe they going to add tax on student loans and call-it "study excise tax"... use you imagination, it could be anything as long as they can find an excuse and form public opinion that it is somewhat justifiable.
    2 points
  26. Extensive waiting times in D with the Hold function activated will ultimately bring up a warning on the dash about putting the transmission into Park. I think it was around 10 mins or less, not sure before it appeared when I pulled into a layby to take a phone call. I'm not sure why the car's software thought it prudent to suggest this but there must have been a reason. However as NemesisUK said never shift into N with the engine running. This from the manual If the shift lever is in N, the hybrid battery (traction battery) will not be charged even when the engine is running. Therefore, if the vehicle is left with the shift lever in N for a certain period of time, the hybrid battery (traction battery) will discharge, and this may result in the vehicle not being able to start
    2 points
  27. Absolutely correct, however, public opinion can and does change; and by starting the conversation about such issues (i.e. should the current levels of tax avoidance remain acceptable and legal), changes may occur. Just a thought.
    2 points
  28. 450h+ Premium Plus Pack & Sunroof Ordered 24/10/21 Emails From My Lexus: Processing Order 4/12/21 Build In Progress 5/12/21 Left factory 17/12/21 In Transit 17/1/22 (from memory map showed Portbury) The last few days/to a week the map has shown Toyota Derby as current location Can't give you any other details as the My Lexus app has changed today from the above and my garage shows I own an NX and is waiting for me to link to the car!! Lexus Leeds were expecting it 7/2/22 and didn't have it yesterday as I was in contact, so maybe it's arrived today. I've already arranged to have it registered 1/3/2022 for new reg. So they will keep it until then.
    2 points
  29. A cricket teacher at school once described my friend's batting as "erotic". To this day, we are not sure whether he really meant "erratic"....
    2 points
  30. The car would run on ICE initially to get the engine warmed up (you can do a few hundred yards without it starting but then it will kick in if the engine is cold). In summer it will switch back to EV in about a mile so long as you are very gentle though and will then probably be on and off for your full journey. The battery as it's used will also need to be recharged from the ICE at some point so even if you make it one way largely in EV coming home the ICE will be on more. In winter the ICE provides cabin heat and so will be on for most of that journey. The choice of a NX350h for continuous use on such short journeys will not give many advantages over just ICE. You really need a PHEV (NX 450h) and charge at home to make those sort short journeys regular on EV only (or a full BEV like UX 300e).
    2 points
  31. Have had problems with the wipers on my 2014 gs300h for a long time, they would randomly stop working but switching off and on again they would work again with no problems, I thought it may be similar to the issue some have of parking in the wrong positions so I replaced both relays but this eventually didn't solve the problem, probably took 18 months of intermittent failure before they finally gave up for good so I replaced the motor and linkages with a used set from a low mileage gs450h, I was a bit doubtful as the replacement motor was smaller in size but they worked perfectly. Today, due to boredom I dismantled the wiper motor to see the condition of the internals, the only thing found was the brushes were worn out, I'm sure they could be replaced if really needed brushes worn well down armature could be saved possibly found this wear on the armature this wear is opposite and at the other end of the armature, I can't find corresponding marks on the magnets so I'm thinking they may be something to do with balancing the shaftbrush worn at a angleall brushes well wornas usual, toyota part numbers on a lexus
    1 point
  32. I think we all are - "cyclists", pedestrians and "motorists". However, when it comes to tribalism not every person who has a bicycle is ideological cyclist and not every person who drivers is ideological motorist. Few guys here are quite clearly ideological cyclists and some others (including me) probably ideological motorists. Yet even objectively motorists pays ~£1500 more tax every year than other people, so it is not unjustified to have some expectations. Further, I have never complained about VED being too much or looking for other to pay, however that is on condition that roads are in acceptable shape... and they are simply NOT. UK roads are disgusting and objectively worst in Europe. Not only that drivers are still viewed as enemies of the society and attacked on every occasion as some sort of criminal, despite contributing billions towards well being of said society. And I don't care if somebody benefits from it either, nor I said money can't be spent on anything else but roads - as long as those roads are maintained and improved to support the growing need... and again they are not, they continuously getting worse. And how this all relates to KWH costing £4? Well that is simply reminder that having EV is not guaranteed escape from this extortion. Some early EV adopters are surprised, because they paid premium and have to live with inconvenience of EV, but they thought they did so to make it better for the society. Yet few years later they are thrown back together with "scum of society" (that is motorists according to vegetables) and treated just as poorly as any other motorists. Then they are surprised and enraged - don't be... all the taxes and discrimination was never about pollution, it has always been just rhetoric to justify taxing some more than others.
    1 point
  33. He just does not see what he is doing and how he sounds, Completely locked into Tribalism, Two wheels good four wheels bad. 😇
    1 point
  34. MOT done again and it's passed now.
    1 point
  35. Wasn't a Saturday rant Phil. Just my honest opinion and a Fact about hospital cleanliness. 🍻
    1 point
  36. Careful, I once wrote that your PM was a jerk and was rebuked by a member of the forum and lectured that he was the best mayor of London and the best and most honest politician in the world.
    1 point
  37. No, it is fine with normal unleaded 95 RON and E10. Although what is slightly odd is that for the GS F, with same engine and ECU mapping, the manual recommends 97 RON, whereas the RC F manual states 95 RON is fine.
    1 point
  38. Do not believe you will live long enough to see that as it probably will never happen.
    1 point
  39. Why pay for something that can be made for free next service? Double WHY: why install apps on phone to let Google and others take all you private date and sell them? Or have a phone without any data in to have all the apps on?
    1 point
  40. 😱😱😱, that's going to be half my energy bill 😱😱😱😱
    1 point
  41. Hydrogen powered IS300 anyone?
    1 point
  42. I been told end of march april just have to be patient but really wish i get through some information about it soon :)
    1 point
  43. No - it was a BUZZ Word Generator!!! Apologies for poor tipping.
    1 point
  44. In Hybrids don't use N if not necessary. Use HOLD with D or P.
    1 point
  45. Used the ones the plate came with which were 3M, but it's been Halfords brand ones ever since and never had an issue. Just need to ensure both surfaces are clean like others have mentioned.
    1 point
  46. Why would that be Phillip? It is just as much a valid opinion and view, as "When I am on my bike my car is on the drive so if I am to be charged for riding a bike I might as well use the car thereby creating more congestion which no doubt will give people like you something else to complain about😂".
    1 point
  47. OMFG I WANT!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍
    1 point
  48. Hi Reza long time no hear hope you and yours are well…..the car looks and sounds great I’ve not maintained the register for some 18 months or so life has got in the way of many things what with divorce and losing both parents in COVID lockdown all a bit ….life really 🙄 Anyway in the event I was to come back to the fold I’d pick up where I left off….much to the horror of some 😉 Keeping looking at the RcF track edition but aspects put me off but hey who knows…….
    1 point
  49. What a noise! I think I just had an orgasm! lol ❤️ :)
    1 point
  50. Right then, date is announced and tickets are open. 10th April 2022. Club tickets are £26 per person - but one of us will need to take the responsibility for arranging a club stand beforehand. Can anyone shout up admin tag them so I can discuss please? Whilst I am happy to help out, I am not club moderator etc so should channel it through them first. Please read the link above and let me know if you are interested - more the merrier.
    1 point
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