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  1. To all fired off an email to Tim at Lexus Cheltenham yesterday with all the point you've raised regarding times parking etc will report back as soon as I receive a reply. Big Rat
    6 points
  2. Number 3 Messa>Pearl>USB Just love an ISF :) Had this one two years and changed a few things along the way to address a few small issues I've always had; Noise (lack of) with a H&S, Seating Position with Recaros, Steering Wheel (Now Alcantara) and ride height with Bilsteins. The only problem is, I've now spotting a beautiful Pearl White car with ultra low miles with even lower mileage than my own and I'm in a real quandary as to whether I should buy or not due to having my current car exactly as I want. Blast that bloody Auto Trader! I only went on to show my wife FC300hs! Stevie
    4 points
  3. sometimes it's easier not to reply ,even when you believe you are right
    2 points
  4. I think this could be an evolving problem for the Isf, as the prices drop and they fall into a price bracket where the potential buyers look only at the purchase price and don't take into account the running costs leading to missed services and cheap repairs, this would be a real shame, however my thoughts have always been that the ones that stay in the hands of the enthusiast will appreciate in value.
    2 points
  5. Just to say a fond farewell to ALL....I've thoroughly enjoyed all the interaction over the past 11 years during that time I owned a IS 220D and did 250k kilometres in it. Only issue I had was keep EGR clean every 15k klms. Changed brake pads only once!! Kept record since the very beginning of every litre of diesel...ended with 42.5 mpg over the 11 years all types of driving. I have to say it was a wonderful car and I know this model had plenty of critics. I have owned Mercs before have to say Lexus is a beautiful car when compared to the names in the marketplace. I've purchased the 2018 G01 BMW X3...never had a 4x4...never had a BMW....never had an Automatic. Kind of a bucket list as I'm retired and probably won't be purchasing too many cars as I get older. Thanks to all of you for any assistance or info I ever sought and best of luck to you as you drive these remarkable cars. (safely)
    2 points
  6. Various Facebook group events setup for the following groups: Lexus Fanatics UK (LFUK) Lexus IS250/350/ISF Owners page Lexus IS F Owners Lexus ISF Owners Group Lex Nation Should encourage a few more cars to come out the woodwork. If anyone else can help spread the word, please do!
    2 points
  7. Someone on the forum messaged me about it and said the wheels are in need of a refurb but more worryingly the front bumper has some gaps so looks like it may have been involved in a shunt. This may be a small thing but you never know. The interior looks pretty abused to be honest. You cant really bring abused seats back to life unless you you re-trim. Also,if someone is willing to let a mint car get into this state what else will you find? It has not been cared for so I would not buy it back.
    2 points
  8. @Steviebee Matey there are in fact 2 very low mileage White cars and I know them both well. In fact they are for sale at dealers very close to me. Temptation is an evil very difficult to resist....... Big Rat
    2 points
  9. The reason I want a “pointless SUV” is that we are both 70 this year and getting in and out of my IS is not impossible but it should be a lot easier with the UX.. That’s my main reason. I have had 6 new Lexus IS’s and I do want a change of style and a little bit smaller. I believe the 4WD option is an electric motor on the back axle which I have no need for so I am hoping I can get a top of the range model in 2WD. like 99% of the people who buy these SUV’s their driveway is as far off road as they will ever go. If it was called a mini estate car would that be more acceptable?
    2 points
  10. My works carpark has employed a outside parking co to monitor employees park in allocated spaces ( management and grunts have different spaces) and to make sure its not used by public. A condition of the use is to display a permit. Many people stick it to to window, many put it in place everyday. Me only working four days a week didnt want it on show on my days off. After 9 mnths i finally forgot to put it in place and got a ticket. My fault but hey ho. Approached my management and they had no interest in helping to cancel the charge for a 22yr employee. Thinking £70 is not really a justifieable amount to pay for forgetting to display a permit for one day i decided to research and fight it through the appeals process. I joined the pepipoo motoring forum and taking advice fought my case. With research i proved the ticket was not issued legally and they had not issued a correct notice to keeper. In fact with more knowledge i proved they had failed several statutes in the protection of freedoms act 2012 ( pofa ) and several of their governing bodies code of practice and as such could not hold me liable. I never mentioned the failure to display a valid permit. I fought them on their own terms and conditions which they could not get right as required by law. My appeal was upheld and the charge cancelled. So if you get a ticket on council or private land do not rush out and pay the reduced amount thinking if you dont it will cost more. The idea is to pay nothing. It takes some time and effort ,yes. Parking co's rely on the fact that people panic and pay, when with a little effort you can avoid paying using the law and their own procedures to your advantage.
    1 point
  11. So as some of you know i'm looking to go a different route from the Isf while my license is still fully intact. Anyway i've just had a confirmed offer of just over 1100 quid more than the most expensive isf on autotrader and it doesnt make sense. This is a straight purchase with a dealership not a trade in. Oh and its not Lexus because what they offered insulted me so much i'm questioning whether to even bother going back with the wifes Ct for a service let alone ever buy a car from them again. Still feels abit wrong selling it but the landcruiser will be something else and much different
    1 point
  12. Yes, Lexus secret society European and Japan, was a Facebook group set up by Ryo, I also put it on the Deutschland Lexus F forum as Roman comes over to the uk yearly and the Polish F club site. Think from Ryo site there is about 7 coming and possibly more, Paul
    1 point
  13. Don't go quoting "rules of the road" too much when you have 100 watt bulbs fitted yourself.
    1 point
  14. Yes but Euro 6d regulations don't apply until 2021 so they have a bit of time. There is Euro 6d-temp that applies from Sept 2019 but the GS F/LC potentially could already pass that. I'm guessing the RC facelift forced a re-test (type approval as if it is a new vehicle) so Euro 6d-temp applies from Sept 2017, or Lexus don't want do more rework on the RC before 2021 so they made the change now.
    1 point
  15. Hi Steve Realistically, from a time perspective from where I live, anti clockwise around the top I'm afraid. I'm sure is not going to be as much fun as the run up through Sussex though
    1 point
  16. Having got the old alternator refurbed at Burghfield Starter & Auto Centre, who I can recommend, I booked the car in to swap the alternators over and then had a week of the battery light periodically turning off for a few minutes at a time! Post swap no battery light coming on at all and back to normal! Sent the unit back to rockauto who sorted a free return to the states and upon receipt a full refund of all my costs within a few days. Bit of a faff but a positive outcome in the end. Thanks for all the advice.
    1 point
  17. Hopefully we get an inch or two, so I can show off my NX by giving my neighbour a lift as his bmw can't get off the estate.
    1 point
  18. Thanks Toothy, they're actually from a Lotus Evora! It was for DAW's pearl white car, but I've decided to just keep what I have.
    1 point
  19. I probably, should be sorry as well then... My only goal was to get to the point with layman terms without overthinking about specific legal terminology. As well I put them in the quote marks (mostly) to highlight that they are just called as such, but not actually real "fines", you are correct - they are not fines. On the flip side I believe there must be a way of enforcing parking order on private land, however the way it is currently enforced is as you said is "piracy". Going back to ParkingEye - they call themselves "parking enforcement and management company", whereas in reality they neither manage nor enforce parking order - they are only trying to catch out unsuspecting people and lure them in paying some questionable charges. Like in my case - I would have been glad to pay for that extra 30 min I spent shopping in Morrison's, but they don't even give that option - you one minute over and you have to pay £100 charge, which is ridiculous, as there is no way they can claim they lost any business when parking is free for 2 hours and I overstayed for few minutes, that just doesn't make sense. At the same time there are other companies which are completely fine, which have installed proper barriers, ANPR's, payment machines etc. And provides with legitimate way for paying for parking after free time has passed e.g. 2 hours free, then £4 for 3rd hours, £6 for 4 hours etc. As well hey have legal basis for the charges, because there are barriers, there are clear terms and conditions an you would not even be able to leave without paying what you owe. Whereas the "pirate" companies are no interested to clearly informing you about free time, or charging you for overstaying - they just want for you to overstay so they can jump-up with their guns and send you £100 charge straight away. I like what they did with clampers, which are no longer an issue nowadays - same should happen to camera cowboys. For example I now got 2 fines from some company "managing" parking for local Lidl. I don't really go shopping there, but I often pick-up my girlfriend from the railway station, as there are no parking by the station she just comes to Lidl parking for pick-up and I don't even park there, just basically drive around the and leave. Somehow the company managed to send me charge twice asking for £60, one time stating that I overstayed allowed 45 min by 4hours (4h45min) and second time by nearly 6 hours?! surely that is fraudulent and illegal for them to even claim that and they must have forged the time stamps on the pictures from CCTV.. at most I spend 1min in the parking at the time - how comes they can have 6 and 4 hours wrong.. twice. Anyway.. I agree - this has to stop. The sooner the better.
    1 point
  20. To keep misnaming PCNs as fines confuse the issue especially to those that receive them. They are not fines the are just charges and to keep referring to them as fines is just plain wrong. To that end, your second paragraph is wrong where you are referring to fines as they aren't they are just charges. To put your mind at rest I hate these private pirates and the sooner they are put out of business the better. I am surprised that someone who is so pedantic about some things " You don't need to be sorry, but at the same time factually both mk2 and mk3 uses same D4S bulbs and very similar" can be so unconcerned about using the incorrect terms on other subjects. I agree totally with your third paragraph.
    1 point
  21. I know I know. And what about the massive loss of tax revenue because no-one is buying petrol and diesel any more. Electricity would be taxed to the point where the loss in fuel taxes was made up by taxes on electricity. It's just headline sensationalist policies and not very well thought out. I doubt there is enough spare capacity in the current grid to support a move to electric cars and the lead-times for new power stations are immense, especially for nuclear powered stations. Could cover the country in windfarms I suppose...
    1 point
  22. I don't have a jumper with Elbow pads to allow me to drive a volvo Probably not him mate, this is just a run of the mill dealership. Once the cars away i'll let more info out. You'd be surprised i think.
    1 point
  23. Great writeup. Honest and objective. Doubt I'd ever tire of 0-60 in 4.2s and 3p per mile (fuel) running costs. I could put up with quite a few niggles and issues for that! Servicing is expensive though. My kids are on at me on a regular basis to get a Tesla but I think Tesla are at a crossroads as a company. They have to get better at execution - they are still failing to hit their production targets and burning cash at an incredible rate - and if they don't the company will fail. Once the major manufacturers bring their own comparable products on stream then Tesla will really be up against it because the established manufacturers know how to and will execute in numbers and that will leave Tesla in trouble because consumers will have the choice between buying from an established manufacturer or still taking a bit of a chance on a niche Tesla. I really want them to succeed because there is no doubt they have changed the status quo and made EVs much more relevant than almost any other company to date. At the end of the day though they have to deliver on their promises and they have to be able to build in large volumes, the Model 3 in particular. They are falling woefully short at the moment. Can they really become a proper car manufacturer capable of building hundreds of thousands of cars each year? They have to concentrate on working out how to build in volume rather than chasing headlines like electric trucks, battery packs for Australian cities, etc, otherwise they will remain a bit part player and possibly even disappear altogether. But boy oh boy, would I like that kind of effortless performance and I've been tempted on more than one occasion. Love the my family have banned me from using this mode bit, this made me chuckle - cheers David!!
    1 point
  24. Tesco super unleaded doesn't have all of the additives and clever stuff that BP and Shell have in their 'super' unleaded fuels. I'm sure I've read somewhere that Tesco just adds something their standard fuel to increase the octane rating to 99. Nothing like the stuff that BP and Shell do to their Ultimate and V-Power fuels with all the cleaning additives aimed at keeping engines cleaner and healthier. I found no difference in my NX300h between standard unleaded and Ultimate/V-Power. Initially I thought there was a difference but over time I felt that there was no difference in terms of economy or response. The 300h engine just isn't geared towards performance and I suspect the ECO doesn't use a different map for higher octane fuel because it's all about economy and efficiency rather than power and response. In fact, I was convinced that my NX300h ran better on standard unleaded.
    1 point
  25. And he was being sarcastic just as I would have been
    1 point
  26. I suspect he was sorry because you told him you didn't know what he was talking about......
    1 point
  27. They might want to keep it as a private car, you never know. But more likely, they're a bit dumb.....
    1 point
  28. @Big Rat Cheers mate. I've certainly laughed at a few places but this offer is more than i could get private going with the current prices. I was kinda hoping it would be crap lol. Nevermind. If the landcruiser itch doesnt work out those LC500's might be a decent price by then. (or civic type R if i want real speed hahaha ) Hope i'll still be welcome around here with an LC lol
    1 point
  29. Yes, absolutely. Fair comments. Thanks
    1 point
  30. Molykote make great products. They supply the shim grease for Toyota which looks alot like moly grease. I'll be buying some molykote caliper grease to see how it compares.
    1 point
  31. Very nice Stevie. Where did you source the Alcantara steering wheel if I may ask? Thanks. Mark PS: more pictures of the F would be most welcome :)
    1 point
  32. Do we know start and finish times for both dates yet?
    1 point
  33. @Toothy David no it’s not so please do post away the more the merrier, and for anybody on Pistonheads there is a guy there with an amazing collection of cars one of which is an Lfa. Im not on there but if anybody reading this is may want to have a root around for me. Big Rat
    1 point
  34. So this is a bit difficult to see but I've added the GS F to the picture (in blue). I suspect the original RC torque graph is heavily smoothed.
    1 point
  35. Out of interest Paul, was that on a facebook group? Not seen any posts made. There are a few closed (private) groups for F owners, so might put something up.
    1 point
    1 point
  37. I've overlaid the two as best I can, there is a slight difference in the two graphs so it gets one or two pixels out in places on the scale. Red is the the 2018 engine with the GPF cats replacing the two pre-cats. Black is the older engine with standard pre-cats.
    1 point
  38. It's made a real mess of the power delivery. I'll post something up later.
    1 point
  39. At the last count there’s five coming on the Sunday that are not on the forum, the longest journey is from Scotland, he’s caved due to peer pressure from the other four, not sure of arrival time but I’d imagine it’ll be around midday-ish due to distance, I’m aiming for 10am but will meet the others at Richs house 👍👍
    1 point
  40. Could be fun, depends which way round the M25 you going to go????
    1 point
  41. Yes, you got it in one!
    1 point
  42. My 300h f sport has LED headlights and it is very bright daytime like light. Problem is that the beam does not shine far enough in front. Fine if you do 40kmh but driving 90 on s country road is already a challenge. Same on a dark highway, you just cannot see far enough. Full beam solves that problem but one is not alone out there... I find the light design a weak point, maybe with the facelift this was adressed?
    1 point
  43. The CTEK will only charge the starter battery. Below is some important info regarding hybrid battery from handbook -
    1 point
  44. picked up today , full tank of petrol and the usual warrentys , great smooth drive from hedge end to poole , average 39.7 on the meter , so smooth and effortless drive , thought i couldn't get better than my old is250 but this surpassed it , however no complaints will the old one , served me really well for 4 1/2 years with only tyres, pads and calipers to deal with . Tomorrow will be a day of trying to familiarise myself with the radio and sat nav which seems to be pointing the wrong way at the moment , i'm sure it will all be revealed in the morning with the manuals. Very nice combination of sonic titanium and ivory leather .
    1 point
  45. If the A/C needs re-gassing and the engine oil system needs a clean out, then there is something seriously wrong with your car and I’d be taking it up with Lexus U.K. Did they make any mention of a freebie KY jelly or Vaseline??
    1 point
  46. I cant speak directly for the IS, but my CT200h is just coming up to 140K and has been almost faultless. Although I know the drive train is different I'm sure the engineering is very similar to the IS so I would have no concerns about picking up a 100K plus model. My next car may be an IS and if I do go down that route then I will probably look for a higher mileage example.
    1 point
  47. I beat ParkingEye through POPLA over some malicious payment they wanted from my daughter. I used MSE site who guided me through the process You just need a bit of patience to go through the appeal process. The beauty is that it costs these parking companies £70 (probably more now) to take it to POPLA....when you win they lose out financially.
    1 point
  48. No companies can issue you with a fine. Only the courts and Police can issue you with a fine. What you get from a private parking company is an invoice for a breach of their rules and regulations. If you just ignore their invoice and following letters they will probably take you through the county courts which will almost certainly land you with more charges. If you still ignore whatever the court has deemed your penalty it will almost certainly be moved over to the High Court and their Bailiffs will be meeting you with a much bigger bill and believe you me they do not take no or tears as an answer.
    1 point
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