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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, Firstly, I want to say a big thanks to everyone who has commented and helped me with my audio issue over the last few weeks. After weeks of pulling my hair out I managed to located a new to me Mark Levinson amp that seems to have done the trick with regards to audio playing in my SC 430. I am really grateful to you all, special thanks to Neil for answering my questions too!! In addition I also got my wheels refurbed this week and the car is looking sharp 🙂 I made this short video of my car yesterday after I picked it up and ripped the boot out (once again). Soo happy to finally be able to listen to the radio whilst driving. Thanks, Thomas
    3 points
  2. Just had my first proper long distance trip in the 2012 GS250. Totally legal as 'support bubbles' became legitimate in Scotland a couple of weeks ago. Have to say what a fantastic car for the long haul. Turned out to be 11.5 hours in the end but the car was a joy to drive on the A roads North of Glasgow. Plenty of hills, tight bends, overtaking trucks etc. Glen Coe was truly spectacular. Have never considered this car fast in any way or form but it easily had enough power to cope with what was thrown at it even if you needed to work the engine a little harder than normal from time to time. I think the venerable 2.5 V6 thrives on being worked and will come back for more and more. Journey home included a break in Edinburgh and a trip down the classic A1 route. Again, plenty of opportunities for overtaking on the single carriageway sections of the A1 of which the impressive sounding 2.5 V6 was more than equal. Arrived home relatively ache free. I guess this car was built for journeys like this. One thing which is apparent though. The days of being able to get away with liberal adherence of the speed limit are surely coming to and end. Average speed cameras on large sections of the A9. Loads of cameras on the A1. Ditto on the Scottish winding roads. M1/M6 relatively camera free but only because none of the variable speed limit indicators were on. Its been a topic of conversation in the past (think it was regarding the engine options on the ES) but you do have to wonder whether the days of higher powered 'ordinary' cars are coming to an end.
    3 points
  3. retirement its that thing people who get paid a decent wage do. pension is what you could have paid into instead of buying a lexus .. LOL
    3 points
  4. Hi Piers, you already have plenty of advice. I think all of it good. My advice is to initially take time out, minimum of 6 months in order to clear your mind. Don’t burn your bridges on what you do now, but leave all options open. After you have experienced whatever you want to do , then make some plans. I am not sold on this ‘retirement ‘ thing, I am 70 this year, but it is each to his own. Having run my own Companies, of different types since 1993, and still having business interests I have found that to be my passion. I am now busy , in a good way, and on my terms, as I ever was , and have been offered Directorships, with contacts made over the years which I have accepted. It is very important to keep your brain active, keep physically active, and enjoy life. There are so many opportunities out there.....grab em and good luck, Cheers, Roger
    3 points
  5. I semi retired about a year ago at the age of 67 from my work as a self employed carpenter. I still do jobs ( but I pick and choose) and that allows us to run 3 cars and enjoy holidays etc. It's one of my better decisions and as me and my wife are still healthy we love to long as the walk involves coffee and cake somewhere! However, my ultimate aim is to fully retire in day. I've always been very active so sitting in an armchair all day is definitely out! As mentioned above, I've not discounted the idea of a boat as we live by the sea. There are just so many options in retirement you could spend the rest of your life pondering them and end up doing nothing, so don't ponder for too long Piers!
    3 points
  6. Buy a Boat - it will keep you occupied (and frustrated) for years!
    3 points
  7. Met a guy at a kit car show some years ago. He liked building and working on cars. When he retired he built a Kit car and when he finished it sold it and started another one. He told me it had stopped him 'from going nuts'. This is rather an unusual one and he had the facilities to do this. Another person I knew joined a choir or learnt to play a musical instrument. There really is a great variety of things one can do.
    3 points
  8. I allegedly retired at the Old age of 49 years and 10 months since when I have done all sorts of weird and wonderful jobs, a while in an opticians working for my daughter, mystery shopping (everything from banks to motorway services). Counting adverts on supermarket trolleys, photographing advertising hoardings to quality control placement. For the last 13 years I have worked part-time for a private company doing house conveyancing searches at councils. It is surprising what opportunities are out in the world for us oldies
    3 points
  9. Get a motorhome and hit Europe. We had three months in Scandinavia last year. Can't wait to do it again.
    3 points
  10. @PCM Not from my own direct experience, but I saw my Father retire in his mid-50s and end up back at work a couple of years later due to boredom (and then he kept going until he was almost seventy!). From a few other family members experience, I'd say fill your time with things you enjoy. Volunteering is great, and with an IT career I'm sure there are plenty of groups who'd welcome your help. I'm a few years away yet, but I've been volunteering as a mentor and lecturing about my career for Undergrads at my former University for a few years now, and it's very rewarding. Non-executive Directorships, for two or three days a month, are also a good way of 'gradually' retiring whilst keeping one foot in the door...
    3 points
  11. I just wanted to thank everyone for their help. On Tuesday I bought a 2010 RX in SE-L Premier spec but without air suspension. Paid a little more than I had originally planned, as you do, but it is in beautiful condition. Really happy with it 😀
    3 points
  12. This week I shall be retiring. When I say 'retiring', I mean leaving full time employment - in my late 50s, after working all my life. Worked in IT all my life - and for the last 15, teaching it. I'd like to do something part-time - my pensions are all ok... I just want to make sure I don't get into a rut of nothingness. ( I'm also ASD, which may or may not help. ) Does anyone have any top tips from their retirement experiences? Piers
    2 points
  13. 52 in October Richie, I need to give you far less respect than hitherto (lol). Retirement is the road which leads to Utopia via Brigadoon ! Do enjoy the journey as if one can arrive, then the journey will have been worthwhile
    2 points
  14. If you've only had the car for a few weeks I'd take it back to the dealer you bought it from and get them to sort it under warranty, especially if it could turn out to be something expensive. And to put your mind at ease, there is absolutely nothing wrong with jump starting a hybrid. As long as they got the polarity correct (which I'm assuming the man from the AA did) then that's fine, although you should never use a hybrid to jump start anything else.
    2 points
  15. Following this thread with interest but what is this "retirement" you speak. "Pension" is another word I'm unfamiliar with 52 in October and I'll be working until I cark it...
    2 points
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. For some reason I can't download links but if you look on eBay they're now £15 with a 4.3" screen.
    2 points
  19. Yes it is grey with almost new Michelin cross climates all round. Here are some photos:
    2 points
  20. Always thinking John. Always thinking...
    2 points
  21. Very easy job. Considering how easy the job is, doing it every 25-30k is just a safer option i guess. Car just has to be level. Always remove the refilling bolt before removing the drain bolt. This way just incase you are not to be able to open the re-fill bolt then at least you are not stuck with an empty diff. Fluid needs to be pumped in with something like a fluid transfer syringe. Remember to change washer on the drain plug. The drain plug is also a magnet that holds any metal particles from wear. Inspect this to make sure no excessive metal particles are on it.
    2 points
  22. Well said that man. So important to start formulating plans and ideas well before the date of retirement. Keep busy and active and don't stagnate...keep that brain working!! My wife and I have been planning for the past year and a half ... we both retire at the end of March 2021. We will both be 64 then, with plans to get a camper van and tour Europe and beyond. We are fortunate that we are only 8 miles from Poole ferry port, so the jump across the water is easy.
    2 points
  23. That's interesting. I actually paid RS £29.95 for my 6 year warranty in October 2016. I still think that that was good value (at about 14p per week!) but, I'm just about to buy a TV for the bedroom and so will investigate the cost this time round to see if I can get it as a freebie!
    2 points
  24. U3A have many diverse groups in my area ranging from walking to various sports, languages to philosophy, bridge to discussion groups, photographic to book discussion, among others. I am sure there are many such U3A groups throughout the UK. Some meet weekly or fortnightly and others once a month. Some members attend more than one group. This would not be a complete replacement for a normal working jobof course but could provide some added interest and occupy some of your time.
    2 points
  25. Hi Piers and welcome to the Club. I retired at 58 some 5 years ago and it was one of the two best things I have ever done. It was my decision and I had decided that it was time to "look at all of the other rooms in my life" I had occupied a senior position for the last 30 years and had sat in every chair,looked at every picture and fixed everything that needed fixing in that room. I then saw a door I had not noticed once during my time in that room.I peeped inside and thought, wow! I have often wondered during these past 15 years how on earth I had found the time to go to work. Do whatever interests you.Be with whoever you wish to be with and importantly, read. Read anything and everything.Read from as many different perspectives as are available. Be available to those that seek your advice and give it freely. I enjoy driving and drive to Spain twice yearly. I garden, play Golf, meet friends and watch Sports and filmsvia the Internet--it`s free, no need to pay silly and expensive subscriptions. My Grandson has just introduced me to Harry Potter and I am trying to get him interested in Mercury, Gemini and Apollo ! It is worth remembering something along the lines of what the 35th President of the U.S.A. said......."ask not what your life can do for you, but ask what you can do for your life! Once again, welcome to a whole new world of opportunity.
    2 points
  26. Hello Raymond and welcome to the club. We love to see photos so get some of your new beastie on when you can. Taking your last point first, if you don't want to mess about with trying to get it working in Win 10 (took me a couple of hours of trying but got there in the end) just download VirtualBox from here and install Win XP or Win 7 in that. I've got a spare copy of 7 with genuine licence key that you can have if you need it. The key for the locking wheel nuts is usually in the glove box but could be in the tool cubby hole under the boot floor. No idea about transponders I'm afraid.
    2 points
  27. Good idea Texas and common sense too. Eh up Colin. Have you noticed I'm back?
    2 points
  28. £10k all in and felt like I had stolen it when I drove it away. T'was right interior colour scheme for me but I finally wrong exterior colour (wanted black!). I'm suprised by how much silver is growing on me! Thank you for making the forum so much of a community, the commeradery here makes the purchase so much more worthwhile! 👏👏👏
    2 points
  29. Wow that is quite some taxi ! 😂😂 P.Plate going on once plates are made up and DVLA aware. Needs a good scrub inside first. Also I just noticed it's missing it's aux socket in the front centre console.🤯🤯?? Any ideas as to where it could be hiding?
    2 points
  30. A load of members from TOC are having a go at word Association and is good fun! Also helps boost those lost posts! perhaps we should have a go and see if we can create the worlds largest thread! So... Like TOC i will start with the same word first. Johnny Wilkinson
    1 point
  31. Hi Matt I would double check with them to be honest. So many part numbers, so many revisions! gives you an idea on cost anyway!
    1 point
  32. Sorry that link to my search results doesn't seam to work. Just go to and search for Winter tyres in your size, specifying Nokian as the manufacturer, the search pulled up two tyres available in your size. JohnN
    1 point
  33. The best winter tyres I have found are Nokian. They are not widely available in this country as the company is based in Finland, they were the original inventors of winter tyres, and the first people to develop studded tyres. Google - and read the reviews on You can easily buy them through this is the result from their site I've been using them on my LS430 every winter for the last 10 years and I've never been stuck in the snow, although I passed many 4 wheel drive SUVs that were. I fit them for the winter every year because I live at the bottom of a hill and my only way to leave home is up the hill which is never salted and defeats most other vehicles when it snows. You will probably find their tyres are made in Russia, this is because they are one of the biggest selling high quality winter tyres in Russia, which is a vast market. I think I read that they sell over 70% of their annual production in the first 3 weeks of it starting to snow in the Russian winter! I acquired a spare set of wheels for mine through Ebay, which cost me nothing because the tyres they were fitted with had so much life left in them they were worth more than I paid for the wheels! John N
    1 point
  34. Thanks for the welcome. Well, 3 days in to RCF ownership and I can confidently say that I absolutely adore the car!
    1 point
  35. Hey hey, that's my kinda fix! Fingers crossed that it stays working 🤞
    1 point
  36. A good idea Normski.I f you have not done so, then join a Motorhome Forum. I am in this one and it is a source of invaluable information.
    1 point
  37. Maybe said with tongue in cheek but I know a person who learnt the piano accordion and he provides free entertainment sessions at care homes
    1 point
  38. One of my best pals met his current partner through U3A. PROCEED WITH CAUTION !
    1 point
  39. prenton by sainsburys
    1 point
  40. You could try these,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
    1 point
  41. We bought our RX 10 months ago, already fitted with Dunlops. Having been in an RX with Michelin Cross Climates - - I will not be fitting Dunlops again
    1 point
  42. I use Wheel Power in Brockley (depends on where you are in London but anywhere with Hunter Laser alignment is what you want). I got mine done the week after I bought the car because the Lexus dealership didn’t check or correct alignment prior to putting the car up for sale. Given the design of the suspension and fixed castors, doesn’t appear you can completely avoid the wear but you can minimise it with at least annual alignments.
    1 point
  43. I tend to get between 25-30,000 miles out of a set of tyres. However I rotate them after about 15000 miles. If I don't rotate them I am down to 20-25,000 and I found the fronts wear faster than the rears Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. It can be corrected by adjusting the toe angle however you need to find somewhere that really knows what they are doing. e.g. wheels in motion in Buckinghamshire.
    1 point
  45. Super result! And, to be fair, at £65 from Toyota/Lexus that's darned good value, Normally its that price for the turned Bakelite insert that fits inside the second level of the Mickey Mouse rubber flapper valve actuator for the self-dimming cup holders
    1 point
  46. TOO many mushrooms Stu. Lee has put me back on the straight and narrow! You are both back in my World X1 to play Mars !
    1 point
  47. Cairngorms in between Grantown-on-Spey and Aviemore, heading back home after visiting my kids whom I hadn’t seen since lockdown...extremely pleasurable 614ml trip on Monday just gone
    1 point
  48. Many thanks it’s in today at Toyota Hastings for a major service which will include the diff👍
    1 point
  49. Got up early this morning with the camera while the light was good and the car clean.
    1 point
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