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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2019 in all areas

  1. You actually got all the way home in a TVR? 😊
    6 points
  2. Well change the title of the thread..... SHE’S ALL MINE 😍
    6 points
  3. Sat on New 20’’ alloys, looks meaner 👍🏻
    4 points
  4. Ahh. The "problem" with these types of reviews is that they are very situation specific. I don't think any driver, whether careful, experienced, long distance or even plain lunatic, goes out looking for situations where they can do a crash stop in the wet. And I will still maintain that a top notch premium tyre with only 1.6mm of tread on 3mm of water won't be as good at clearing water and stopping the vehicle as one fitted with "HooFlungDung" chinese ditch finders with 7mm of tread in the same situation. Should you ever find yourself in that situation. Because what stops you is rubber on the road, not the rubber sliding on the water. In the same way that very few of us ever test the tyre's limit of adhesion "on the limit" in the dry or the wet.. We are car drivers, driving a luxury barge, not Ayrton Senna in an F1 car. Driving in that manner would soon bring you to the attention of someone, even if it was only the ambulance crew. I am a big believer in putting 4 season rubber on though. But as I've only just got my RX, and as I don't know if I'm going to grow to love it, I went for a set of mid range/budget tyres for the now. The tyres it came with were three different makes and frankly dangerous.If these lower budget things don't last long, it will be long enough for me to decide if the car is the right move for me. The cost of the tyres whilst it might be a consideration, really isn't depending on your values. It depends on the state of your bank balance at the time of purchase. When I do decide, I'll be fitting Goodyear Vectors because I've run them for years on my Jaguar's and besides a little bit of tyre thrum, they have never left me thinking they are more than adequate for the car's performance. I even put a set on my wife's Fiesta because I need to make sure she can get home to make my tea. I can "light the Vector's up" with the V8 S type, but only if I really am in the right mood. Which isn't often these days.
    3 points
  5. I've been biting my tongue for so long that I've drawn blood but I can keep quiet no longer. I mean no offence to anyone but I just think it's sad when there's so much more in life to worry about. There are perhaps millions of people out there who will never be able to afford a brand new car, let alone a brand new Lexus, and yet when someone is fortunate enough to get one, they are put off by such a trivial problem that other people would love to be in a position to have. It's not like the cars are even faulty. It's just the way they work and even that's only under certain conditions that are only present for a fraction of journey times. Last weekend we purposely avoided motorways and had a lovely bimble purely on A-roads from Peterborough back to Preston. If I remember correctly it was about 175 miles and took about 4 hours. We noticed what may possibly be classed as 'excessive noise' from the eCVT on maybe half a dozen occasions during that time, as I went to do quick overtakes. Never once did I feel "embarrassed" about it and each time it was over and done with in mere seconds. I will admit that on one of those occasions I could see that the overtaking lane would soon be coming to an end and I wanted to get in front of an HGV before it did, so I put my foot down and completed the manoeuvre with room to spare. Unfortunately, the NIP I've just received in the post informs me that the speed limit on there is 60, which I must have been very close to because the acceleration to complete the overtake in time took me to 74 according the the speed camera van that happened to be watching 😭 But hey-ho, such is life. Getting a speeding ticket is something to be embarrassed about - having a brand new luxury car with no faults, that is maybe just a little noisy at certain times, is most definitely not.
    3 points
  6. Well I finally got round to sorting my scabby wheels out having decided to go bronze a while ago. Subtly different in a bespoke matte bronze and not the shiny end of the bronze spectrum some might favour but I like them. But anyone found any decent replacement black wheel nuts as I gave my old ones a quick flash over with a rattle can by way of experiment and its already coming off. Photography not being a skill I'm blessed with but you get the idea.
    2 points
  7. Yes, the nit picking is overwhelming on this topic. The NX is a great car, people should be grateful that such a great marque as Lexus exists. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  8. you know when a new music comes on the radio and you hate the guts of it but they keep on playing it over and over day in day out until you start knowing the words and start humming to it. same way with the 2.5 4 cylinder hybrid engine + eCVT combination... it will keep getting slated and slated by reviewers day in day out until you actually think there is something wrong with it and the way it drives... someone please tell me a 4 cylinder diesel engine is never noisy under WOT acceleration?
    2 points
  9. 159, cracking looking car, but I think the Giulia JUST has the edge. Also they are uber safe when it comes to passenger occupancy, so insurance is very, very reasonable. A Giulia owner was T-Boned on a junction (whilst stationary) by a driver doing approx 50mph through a red light. The car was ruined, the car had impacted right into the offside front door, the collision moved his car sideways by 10ft I believe.The driver walked away with a cut to his finger and promptly ordered another Giulia.
    2 points
  10. This is the F performance part of the Lexus forum, where we discuss the performance models. He's going from an ISF to something a lot faster. We can all appreciate the car he's getting, is a special one. 😜
    2 points
  11. They hide the gear shift knobs in the car so they dont get stolen . I think the crown may need a bit of a tidy up .as even though it was a good grade its got a mark on front lip and a possible scratch on rear quarter. Was reasonably cheap compared to others ive bid on. Looks very clean underneatg though. This was my 08 cube i just sold. Looks new underneath
    2 points
  12. Hi Tom I also live about 10 miles from this car. (I'm north) I have owned my 430 for four years. If you want to take a ride in mine to do a compare and contrast you are very welcome. Jon
    2 points
  13. Not true. Stopping distance varies significantly, as does wet grip. A good tyre can be the difference between crashing and not crashing, a good tyre might even save your life. There are many things you can get away with scrimping on when driving a car but imho tyres should not be one of them.
    2 points
  14. Hi Tom, I too have my eye on this but you're a lot closer than me and I'm not quite in the position to buy yet. Here's a checklist someone posted in a thread a little while ago and I copied it into a document to take with me when viewing cars. Here are a few pointers when viewing potential purchases: Make sure it has a full or at least a good service history which includes the cambelt change. On driving the ride should be quite smooth comfortable with no noises or creaks from the suspension. Gearbox changes should not be noticeable Upon starting the steering should tilt and retract - test and make sure the mechanism works as motors are very expensive Braking should be quite and smooth - if you get a groaning noise when coming to stop that’s a sign of cheap aftermarket brake pads - they will need replacing. Check colour of gearbox oil it should be red with no smell of burning. Radiator “fix” should be done Check colour of coolant - it should be red - ensure no oil in the bottle Check all electrics work Check the Sat Nav works - there have been reports of some failures Check the sound system properly to ensure no blown door speakers or woofer Check the air suspension works - when the switch is flicked the car should rise about at inch slowly - and the compressor does not make any noises Check the bonnet struts hold the bonnet Check the car has the correct Toyota red coolant Check for rust around the doors near the plastic trim and around the boot area Check rear quarter panel glass for cloudiness - this indicates the glazing has failed ( pre face lift) Ask if the cabin filter has ever been changed - these are often over looked. Check the bonnet pull works as it should - some of them fail Check toolkit is present Make sure there are no warning lights lit in the dash Ideally you want 3 remote keys Check the car has a matching set of tyres and wether they are branded or not - this should give an indication wether the car has been pampered or neglected Before driving off make sure you have the say nav code and locking wheel nut key. I made a couple of amendments to suit myself but also left in the duplication of the Toyota red coolant - I figured if it needs mentioning twice then it must be important. Good luck with whatever you buy.
    2 points
  15. Not the usual transit diesel rattley old tat under the bonnet. This goes quite well with a tuned crate LS3 V8.....and a manual gearbox. With Around 525hp, it gives the odd hairdresser a fright.
    2 points
  16. All cleaned ready for TunerFest South at Brands Hatch tomorrow. 👍😎
    2 points
  17. I hate rust on cars, so my Landrover defender is rebuilt on a galvanised chassis with galvanised bulkhead and had the axles all all brackets galvanised at the same time. I still cavity wax the chassis. The Lexus I bought last week had a bit surface rust underneath, suspect Scottish winters and salt on the roads: Nothing structural but not great, my last 12 year old Saab 9-5 was much better protected.
    1 point
  18. Just came across this on Gumtree. LS430 - Abbeydale If someone nicked my 400 tonight I would be having a look at this (as well as being totally miffed that my 400 had been nicked). Looks like he is a dealer of some sort, mainly cheap runabouts.
    1 point
  19. Congrats on the RCF. Saw it yesterday when my car was in for a service. I too noticed it was Paul's car when i saw it. It did look pretty amazing with the black wheels and orange calipers (the only combination in UK i think). I believe Paul did mention that he's taken the quicksilver exhausts off his car but is being sold used at the very same dealer. So you might want to ask them about the exhaust and possibly have them fitted for you before you take the car. 2 birds 1 stone if you will.
    1 point
  20. Yes, I’ve got faraday pouches for mine, they’re about £15 for two on eBay, was dubious to there function but they have proven to be excellent.
    1 point
  21. He still has the quick silver as far as I’m aware, he had this fitted with permission of the Lexus warranty as he didn’t want anything not claimable, the car has been loved n cherished by him and not tracked or abused in anyway shape or form. You have yourself a familiar and fantastic car, enjoy. Paul
    1 point
  22. Thanks 😃 There was no movement on the price at all, but with so few on the market, I can understand it. I always use Autotrader / Cargurus and it wasn’t listed on either, I happened across it on my one and only visit to the Lexus website. Just delighted I saw it. I was originally looking at the Carbon one at Chester, but I’m not overly keen on the orange and I really wanted cooled seats 😆
    1 point
  23. Its a fantastic looking car. Without doubt you have a good 'un, seems a decent price as well. I hope you enjoy it. I might have moved on it but was away in Barcelona and didn't see it pop up. I see the black one has gone from Coventry as well.
    1 point
  24. Looks fantastic. I’m sure you are going to love it. Just be careful of your speed. 80 is the new 60 in these!! Have fun J
    1 point
  25. @Herbie That is a nicely thought out post and somewhat restores my faith in what makes this forum such a great place. I suppose the moral of this thread is each to their own. One person's trivial is anothers necessity. You would be amazed at what some of my friends will obsess over during a purchase. For me, the level of equipment is actually quite important. It is the main reason why I made sure to get a Premier model, even though I could have had a much larger choice of car if I hadn't. Do I need 18 way adjustable seats and an electric rear blind? No, but I love my car even more for it having them. Funnily enough, infotainment is a important factor in my car purchases, it is just that I don't mind the Lexus system too much and I love the 12.3 inch screen. The general jist of what I am trying to get at is, if there is a perfect car out there I am yet to find it, so there are always going to be compromises. However, what people are willing to compromise on varies wildly, so sometimes you just have to accept that what they consider important doesn't make sense to you.
    1 point
  26. I agree, which is why I went for RX rather than NX. Seating is very definitely a deal breaker. I know because I've got a back injury and seating has to be just right or I'm in agony for days, so I'm 100% with the OP on that score. My incredulity stems from the fact that someone is rejecting not just a particular model of car but a range, and even a whole brand of car, based on such a 'first world problem' of not liking two such trivial aspects of it - two aspects that will fade into insignificance over time as you either get used to them, or find workarounds for them. I cannot abide the inbuilt satnav in my RX, so I use Waze on my phone instead - problem solved. If the perfectly-working transmission makes an occasional noise, I either lift up my right foot slightly or turn up the radio, or more realistically and likely, I just ignore it because it'll be gone in a few seconds - problem solved. It's just beyond my understanding how someone can have sleepless nights worrying about such minor stuff, and to be so worried about it that you're willing to lose a few thousand quid along the way in trade-in value. My problem is that I've made this personal and I shouldn't have done. His money, his life, and he can do whatever he wants with them. I never meant to offend anyone and if I have, I'm sorry. It's just beyond my sphere of comprehension and even if I sat here and pondered on it for the next year, I still don't think I could understand the rationale behind it, so with that I'm going to bow out of this thread, and again, sorry.
    1 point
  27. Aye. Just read the article. I think a "Drain/refill/flush" is basically what I have done Mark. The amount of ATF i put through it, well I almost ran out of empty 5 litre bottles... The "Flush using a machine" requires two filters. One to replace what's already in and one to put in once the system has been flushed, theory being anything removed by the flush through will be in the "new" filter so it's best to start afresh. As Jaguar quote astronomical prices for a new ZF trans for the XJ350 series, the cost of a couple of filters is money well wasted IMHO. I've ordered another one for mine for the same reason. I'll run it for a couple of tank fills and then do it again. I probably won't get the same benefit a 2nd time shift quality wise though. If you are even vaguely interested in the ZF box and how "proper" technicians do the gearbox oil flush, there's about two houyrs worth of articles and video's in here.. Always called them "Zed Eff" boxes. Not "Zee Eff" like this guy says it.
    1 point
  28. This was my original post about the pipe bracket, I got mine welded up by a specialist welder, I can only presume its there as part of the fluid transfer system so not fitting the pipe with bits security bracket back in could i guess affect the manual gearing or some-such, definately best to repair & refit IMHO
    1 point
  29. Seriously? This thread is starting to border on cult status. Perhaps I should save myself the grief, but like Herbie said, there is only so long I can bite my tongue. I kept reading hoping that sense would prevail, but the amount of passive aggressive talk on this thread is embarrassing. Contrary to what is being said here, the NX isn't the greatest car ever made! The points that Paul raised at the beginning about the infotainment system and CVT gearbox are well founded and very annoying considering how well Lexus do other things. When I put my foot down hard I am a little embarrassed by the drone that permeates the cabin (although the sound of the V6 makes up for it somewhat). The fact is that there is nothing wrong with not liking the NX, but you guys seem to take it personally that someone doesn't agree with you about how great it is. Oh, and having sampled the new BMW 3 series, the interior is superb and so far ahead of the Lexus offering that it is not funny. Having said that, I still love my GS, so perhaps I will stick around here rather than find a BMW forum like suggested above....
    1 point
  30. Excellent thread. Well done Tom. You don't fancy coming south for a few days and doing my 9-5 do you? Before buying my last RX 400h I looked at one local to me that had spent its life in and around Aberdeen and that was in an extremely poor state underneath.
    1 point
  31. Just read all of this old thread and to all of the above posters I would suspect that even though the battery is turning the car over, it needs to ‘spin’ it over and the first post with vid is cranking far too slow, so in all cases I would recommend starting with a good battery either by charging or boost starting from another good battery/car. The case above whereby after a short drive the car later started fine again indicates the battery as it had a small charge put into it during the previous journey. paul m
    1 point
  32. I don’t think it’s bizarre. It’s been discussed many times - broadly, if you drive smoothly and don’t rush, you won’t experience it. Drive with a heavy right foot - as reviewers do and others -and you will. As with most things it depends on the individual, style and preference. Car choice is the same - people like and value different things. Hopefully you’ll be happy with your choice this time. There’s a BMW forum somewhere waiting for you...
    1 point
  33. It's a radiator replacement or an external cooler to prevent water contaminating the transmission, easy to do.
    1 point
  34. The Lexus dealer couldn't get anywhere near that price, £426 vs. £309 for a pair! Gone onto the Blackcircles site today and the 10% offer on individual tyres has gone, replaced by £40 off a set of four, so it was good that I bought them when I did. Still might be worth seeing if the "mich10" code works though?.......
    1 point
  35. A BMW. I have to say, the interior and infotainment make the Lexus feel very last generation. It really is superb
    1 point
  36. I have been informed that the car will not be at the dealer until Wednesday. On another note, is @Big Rat able to check his register for me? I tried a PM but it would not send!
    1 point
  37. Good luck with your new car Ace - now we just need lots of photos of it This may help with equipment and trim levels: Lexus RX Series III.pdf
    1 point
  38. OH MY GOD!!! I would kill for a proper man cave like that Sadly, due to a back injury I can hardly do anything physical like this anymore but I mentioned in another topic a few days ago that since the age of about 7, when my dad used to work on his car and ask me to "hold this" or to "pass that spanner" or "pull this", I've spent many, many happy hours working on my own cars. I'm now 61 and would still be happily doing the work if I could, but over the years I could only dream of a garage like yours. Most of the work I've done has been on the driveway because my garages have never been big enough to take tools, workbench and car together. I wish you well my friend, keep spannering as long as you can! And don't be silly - a man's garage can NEVER be over-equipped
    1 point
  39. Id have bid on this if i hadnt bought the crown. Bit gutted really. 80k kms .
    1 point
  40. Kindred spirits...couldn’t help park next to it at Sainsbury’s
    1 point
  41. Latest so far, I have contacted my insurance and told them what happened, I have not raised a claim but pretty sure it will show on my history in a future. an hour later or so my neighbor insurance contacted me, confirming that they take all the blame and agreeing it was their fault, this is good. They provided me with garage details for a repair and the Hire car company which is 5 minutes walking from my house, this is good too! I phoned the garage and they will pick up the car tomorrow form Hire Company place and I will pick up a rental/courtesy car in the morning, this is good too. I do not know how long the repair will take or how much will be involved in it. Insurer assured me the garage is very respectful and approved repair shop for BMW, Audi, MB and Jaguar, based on their site they worked on some pretty good cars! Google has just 3.5 stars in reviews for them, so not good part! Glasgow owners, did anyone deal with Mitchell Inglis Glasgow? So far everything moves quickly (much much quicker than I expected) and painless, fingers cross this will be all the way!
    1 point
  42. Mrs Rompy is under 5’ and has had no problem driving our larger cars. She loves the Lexus. Electric seat adjustment is essential for us. Interesting that you’re in an Alfa. I have fond memories of a sud and a 146. Both of which fell apart. I would still have another one though. Clarkson was right about them. Briefly entertained the idea of a 4c but seats don’t adjust vertically without a spanner so that put the lid on that. Hope you get an RCF sorted. But whatever you get, just ensure it’s got 8 cylinders and remember turbos are for vacuum cleaners not cars. J
    1 point
  43. So the ISF finally gone. Fabulous car Alfa being PPFd this week, pick her up this time next week.
    1 point
  44. Had a C63 saloon in 2010 and a coupe in 2014. The later car had the better gearbox. The sound of these on full power is awesome (crackling lightening to a mustang rolling thunder). But, whilst the engine and gearbox are quick and fun, the whole package isn’t so refined as the Lexus. Build quality and after sales are excellent, but the Lexus has the edge on materials and lack of squeaks and rattles. Access to the rear is easier in the Lexus, which might be an issue? Southampton Merc are very good and we enjoyed the experience (buying a E cab and A45 from them as well. We tried to get a C63 507 model last year but they are all thrashed by now. Be careful taking a C63 for a test drive as the learning gearbox can seem poor if it’s been sat for any length of time. It takes a good run to wake up. Budget for rear tyres every 4 to 6k with a C63 and that’s driving normally. I’m hoping for better from the RCF. However, if running costs are a concern don’t buy! We had to sell the 2010 C63 after 12 months and 22k as we were spending more on that than we could afford
    1 point
  45. RCF all the way!!! Scrap the idea of the stang! I used to work for ford! And I shall say no more! On my 2nd ISF now, best car I’ve driven by far, just need exhaust to let the evil that lays beneath that V8. Potentially looking into getting a RCF Soon! anyone got a non standard ISF exhaust for sale please?
    1 point
  46. @V8ORBUST Congratulations on your intended choice, as others have mentioned the only real shortcoming is the subdued exhaust, I have a Quicksilver system that Lexus Cheltenham have just removed from mine that will be up for sale very soon. Many on here have the system fitted to their Rcf’s and It is simply epic value. Big Rat
    1 point
  47. New Carbon fibre Bonnet, spoiler and F grille badge
    1 point
  48. Hi, as I'm in the the same league looking for this shape RX, I found it ever so difficult to find a premier at a cost which I didn't want to part with. Today morning I managed to secure a deposit on a used approved one in NI, so looking forwards to pickup on Sat and guess what.. I was going through the video and pictures and it don't have air Suspension 😝
    1 point
  49. Thanks for the advise - 'you get what you pay for' is a good rule generally. I'll ask my electrical fitter. I have had a problem resolved in another lengthy thread with all sorts of error codes being thrown up. Damaged wiring was found and replaced, this error is the only one that comes back, my chap said if it does it will need replacing. Hopefully this should sort it.
    1 point
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